
Weng Ming's voice sounded, and the Seven-Star Dragon Yuan Sword seemed to be a phantom. For a moment, there were three identical Seven-Star Dragon Yuan Swords floating in the air.

"Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan is the best!"

The three seven-star Longyuan swords were divided into two again, and they were set respectively.

"Yuheng, Kaiyang, shake the handle to make it!"

Lin Kaiyun shouted loudly,

"Tiangang Beidou Formation! Success!"


The seven-star points on the ground quickly formed a straight line, trapping the white-haired monster.

Chapter 207 I Know What You Monster Is

with a bang,

The seven-star points quickly formed a line, trapping the white-haired monster like a big net.


The white-haired monster stopped in its tracks, looked at Lin Kaiyun's sword array with fear, and roared angrily at Lin Kaiyun.

"Run, why don't you run away, just kidding, if I let you slip away like this, I will lose face, how will I mess around in Maoshan in the future?"

A delicate smile appeared on Lin Kaiyun's mouth, and he walked towards the white-haired monster trapped in the sword formation with pulsating and relaxed steps.

This white-haired monster, like before, had spiky white hairs blowing up, continuously extending and testing the power of the sword array.

However, the moment the white hair came into contact with the phantom of the blade, the blade spun crazily, and the white hair like a steel needle was cut off instantly.

The white-haired monster in this scene was even more afraid to approach the edge of the sword array, and kept moving towards the center while roaring non-stop.

It's just that this time it's not a threatening roar, but full of vigilance and fear.

"Okay, although I really want to catch you and study it, but your thing is quite troublesome, and I don't bother to bother, so you should die!"

Lin Kaiyun was really too lazy to catch this thorny thing, anyway, he just wanted to study what this thing was, even if he was dead, he could still study it.

Lin Kaiyun waved his fingers with the palm of his hand, gently lifting them up like a sword manual.

call out!

A sword glow shot out from the throne of heaven, and the speed was extremely fast, and the blade stabbed the jaw of the white-haired monster.

call out!

Another sword glow shot out from the Tianshu position. This time the white-haired monster was very vigilant, and rolled to avoid it while the sword glow was shooting out. However, the sword glow was extremely fast, and at the same time it was able to turn while flying, and the white-haired monster was shot again. Got stabbed.

But this was just the beginning, Lin Kaiyun flipped his hands quickly, and shouted violently, "Chi!"

Continuous sword glows shot out from the seven-star points on the ground. Immediately, it was as if thousands of swords returned to their ancestors in the entire sword formation.

call out!call out!call out!

Jianmang's voice is very smooth and pleasant, but for the white-haired monster, this voice is his death bell.

Even though the white-haired monster surrounded itself with needle-like hair all over its body, the dense sword light was like a sword net without any gaps, tightly covering the white-haired monster and cutting it apart constantly.


The white-haired monster covered its whole body with long hair, and its appearance and expression could not be seen clearly, but Lin Kaiyun could clearly hear the miserable howl.

However, this is also normal. If the defense of this white-haired monster is average, it may be strangled by the sword array in an instant, and there will be no pain in that case.

The problem is that this white-haired monster is covered with copper skin and iron bones. The white hair on its body can grow or shorten, and at the same time it is as hard as steel needles. This abnormal defense is probably only a little lower than the zombie king Xuankui I met before.

And precisely because of this terrifying defensive power, the sword lights in the Seven Star Sword Formation were unable to cause direct damage to the white-haired monster.

So it became a blunt knife cutting flesh, the pain can be imagined, it is almost the same as Ling Chi's execution.

"I said you, a monster, should be able to understand human language! Hurry up and give up your defenses, so that you can die more simply!"

Lin Kaiyun was standing beside the sword array, manipulating the sword light with his fingers. In his opinion, the white-haired monster is already a turtle in a urn. Even if the defense is extremely strong, it will only delay the time of death and increase the pain.


Sure enough, the white-haired monster could understand Lin Kaiyun's words. After Lin Kaiyun finished persuading him, he roared as if responding to Lin Kaiyun, but this roar did not mean that he would be caught without a fight.

I saw that in the sword array, the white-haired monster that had been cut apart and covered in wounds stood upright at this time, and the white-haired monster that surrounded it for defense also shrank rapidly.

"That's right! That's right! If you give up your defense, you can suffer less, and you can die more happily!"

Lin Kaiyun thought that the monster had had enough torture and was ready to die.

However, Lin Kaiyun was not mistaken, this white-haired monster was indeed ready to fight, but it was hard to say whether it was a sudden death or not.

The white-haired monster in the sword array bowed its body and let out a loud howl, which made Lin Kaiyun's ears buzz.

At this moment, the white-haired monster completely gave up its defense, its veins popped up all over its body, and it continued to exert force at the same time.


Suddenly there was a loud explosion, and the veins on the white-haired monster's body became thicker and thicker, turning outward continuously, as if devouring all the dry flesh and blood, and finally exploded, covering it under a fog of blood.

"What's the situation? Is this unbearable self-exposure?"

Lin Kaiyun looked at the blood mist in the sword formation suspiciously, a little puzzled.

"No, this monster is not dead yet!"

After a few seconds, Lin Kaiyun could clearly feel that the sword light was still killing something, which meant that the white-haired monster didn't disappear by itself.


As soon as the clearer roar came, there was no more miserable emotion, as if it was the return of the king.

In the sword formation, sword glows were still densely moving, and the blood mist gradually dissipated, and a horrifying figure appeared.

This figure has no resemblance to the previous white-haired monster, and it is very terrifying and weird.

The white hair all over the body disappeared, and at the same time, the dry flesh and blood also disappeared, leaving only the skeleton exuding green light, and the black and red veins circling and sticking to the skeleton.

Because of this, the figure of this monster is more than a circle smaller than before, and it looks very slender.

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