Staggering, she quickly ran up to Xiwang, opened her mouth wide in front of Xiwang, and picked up her mother.

Xiwang's mother didn't even have time to dodge, she felt the severe pain of biting her shoulder, and she cried out to Xiwang for help, "Ah, it hurts, Wang, you are my mother!"

However, this man didn't seem to want to eat Xiwang's mother, he bit his shoulder, picked it up, turned around and ran away.

Xiwang was stunned, and within a breath, the monster ran to his side and took his mother away. He wanted to hold his mother's hand, but found that his legs had been paralyzed from fright. Incomparable.

And Ba, with Xiwang's mother in his mouth, raised his speed to the highest, and directly bumped into Dai Qingfeng and Luo An where they climbed over the wall before.

With a bang, the wall was smashed into a big hole, and Xiwang's mother, who was held in her mouth, was squeezed by the wall and vomited blood. The whole person fell into a coma, as if she had died. The tone hangs.

Dai Qingfeng and Luo An climbed over the wall and didn't take two steps before they realized that the monster broke through the courtyard wall and chased after him, and it still had Xiwang's mother who had been cooking for them for the past two days still in its mouth.


Ba yelled at Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, because Xiwang's mother was in his mouth, so the voice seemed to come out through the gap, which was very ear-piercing.

"Boss Dai, what does this monster mean? Why is it chasing us with a man in its mouth?"

Luo An looked at Dai Qingfeng with a puzzled look on his face. He couldn't understand why, so he chased and killed their monsters. Why did he still have people in his mouth?Are you hungry?So keep your rations in your mouth at all times.

"I don't know, but this monster is not easy to get rid of. I'll use my zombie arm to cover it. Then you take the opportunity to attack the monster's neck. It may be the monster's weakness!"

Dai Qingfeng also didn't know why the monster chased them with Xiwang's mother in its mouth, but the monster didn't stop after breaking through the wall, and it was very fast, almost rushing in front of them.

Therefore, no matter what the monster's purpose is, I discussed the battle plan with Luo An. Before Luo An attacked the monster's head, it had no effect. Now Dai Qingfeng thinks that the monster's weakness may be the neck.

"Okay!" Luo An didn't hesitate after hearing Dai Qingfeng's words. He clenched his sword and rushed to the side. After running to the position, he shouted at Dai Qingfeng, "Bring the boss, do it!"

After hearing Luo An's shout, Dai Qingfeng raised his soldier's right arm, kicked his feet, turned around and rushed towards the chasing monster.

Because the zombie's right arm was able to restrain this monster before, Dai Qingfeng didn't have fear in his heart at this time, but was full of confidence.

After all, this monster still has a person in its mouth, and it looks even clumsier than before.

However, when seeing Dai Qingfeng's waving zombie arm rushing towards him, Ba did not choose to dodge this time, but violently tore at Xiwang's mother in his mouth with his teeth.

At the same time, Ba was shaking his head desperately, causing Xiwang's mother, whose internal organs had been crushed by the wall, to die completely at this time.

Although the person died, the blood in the body did not stop flowing immediately. Under Ba's hoarseness and shaking, blood flew across and splashed all over Ba's body. It was inevitable that Dai Qingfeng rushed over with his zombie arm Contaminated with the blood of Xiwang's mother.

At this time, Dai Qingfeng, who was full of confidence and was about to push back, suddenly felt unbearable pain in his zombie arm. It felt like tens of thousands of ants were gnawing at his tendons. It hurts even more when being attached to a zombie arm.

"Ah, it hurts so much. Why don't you get sick sooner or later, but why do you get sick at this time!"

Dai Qingfeng couldn't take the pain anymore, he clutched his right arm and shouted, at the same time he knelt down on the ground, holding the zombie's arm with his left hand, and kept patting the ground, hoping to relieve the pain in this way.

But this kind of meaningless action obviously has no effect. Dai Qingfeng's zombie's right arm hurts more intensely. The red hair on it seems to have life at this moment, and it floats up, greedily sucking the blood on it. blood.


Seeing this scene, Ba roared excitedly, and came to Dai Qingfeng with Xiwang's mother in her mouth, letting the blood flow freely onto the zombie's arm.

This strange and frightening action made Dai Qingfeng shudder, and he wanted to struggle to escape regardless of the severe pain in the zombie's arm.

But the pain in the zombie's arm was obviously beyond Dai Qingfeng's imagination. It was not only a severe sensory pain, but also affected Dai Qingfeng's body. At this moment, he was so weak that he couldn't stand up.

"What's going on? How is this possible?"

Dai Qingfeng looked at his zombie right arm in disbelief, his eyes full of horror.

Now the zombie's right arm is not just as simple as pain, it seems to be sucking blood from Dai Qingfeng's body, making him very weak, and his eyes are pitch black.

"Boss Dai, what's the matter with you? Why don't you run away?"

Luo An also noticed Dai Qingfeng's strangeness. After being approached by the monster, he didn't resist or run away, but lay down, as if accepting his fate.

"Luan, you go! I can't run anymore, this arm is killing me!"

Dai Qingfeng's face was very pale at this time, and he forced a smile towards Luo An.

Now Dai Qingfeng can already feel that the zombie arm seems to be alive, not only sucking his blood, but also devouring his body, his palm has grown zombie-like sharp claws at this moment, I'm afraid it won't be long before Dai Qingfeng will turn into a zombie through and through.

Luo An didn't notice the change in Dai Qingfeng. After all, at this moment, he, who was already very nervous, naturally wouldn't notice the mutation in Dai Qingfeng's palm.

Luo An didn't act rashly, he looked at Dai Qingfeng and asked, "Damn it, Boss Dai, is there anything else I can do to help you?"

At this time, Dai Qingfeng felt that his consciousness was also a little fuzzy, and with his chapped lips, he said to Luo An with the remaining strength,

"No more, there's nothing I can do. From the moment I was attached to this zombie's arm, I've been afraid that today will happen, but it's useless to be afraid, and I can't escape even if I want to!"

After saying good night, Dai Qingfeng fell into a coma, and at a glance before he passed out, Dai Qingfeng seemed to see Lin Kaiyun's figure.

"It must be a dream. It seems that without Brother Lin, we really are nothing."

The last thought flashed through Dai Qingfeng's mind, and he passed out completely.


Ba also excitedly waited beside Dai Qingfeng, expecting the zombie arm to complete its final transformation.

Seeing this scene, Luo An sighed, now he has nothing to do, unless that master Lin can come back.

"I said, what did you two do? You were made into what you are now by such an armless Ba?"

At this moment, a familiar voice reached Luo An's ears. If Luo An heard correctly, this voice was Lin Kaiyun who was still chanting just now.

Sure enough, Lin Kaiyun walked over with relaxed steps, hands behind his back.

"Master Lin, you're back. You said this disgusting monster is Ba? What is Ba?"

After Luo An saw Lin Kaiyun's figure, he looked excited, then glanced at the monster beside Dai Qingfeng, and muttered, "Bao, is this monster called Ba?"

After muttering something, Luo An realized that the current situation was not the time to gossip, and shouted to Lin Kaiyun, "Master Lin, this Boss Dai seems to be dying, you hurry up and save him!"

"Don't worry! Little problem, that guy Dai Qingfeng won't die yet!"

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand at Luo An. He had already noticed the changes in Dai Qingfeng when he came back.

Ba's purpose is to use Dai Qingfeng's zombie arm, and now Ba is going to use blood to awaken the zombie's arm, and Lin Kaiyun doesn't know whether to fuse or devour it afterwards.

However, the spreading speed of the zombie arms is not fast now, and Dai Qingfeng's palm has just changed.

"You monster, you were happy to fight just now, how can you just run away? And you even bullied my two brothers, do you think it was a coincidence?"

Lin Kaiyun walked over to Yan, shook his wrist, and showed a playful smile on his mouth.


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