As soon as Dai Qingfeng saw Luo An's attitude, he knew that he agreed, and then he clasped his hands and said very boldly,

"Luan, good brother, don't worry, the two of us must be ready to shoot at any time outside, and we won't put you in danger!"

"Ha ha!"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help laughing when he heard Dai Qingfeng and Luo An's plan.

Before, Dai Qingfeng was very knowledgeable, thanked Lin Kaiyun, and took the initiative to take up the task, making Lin Kaiyun mistakenly think that Dai Qingfeng was at the critical point of life and death, and he was going to fight.

In the end, I didn't expect to throw this task to Luo'an again, and at the same time, the reason was full of confidence, which made sense at first glance.

Lin Kaiyun's laughter was very obvious in this claustrophobic cave, and it instantly attracted the attention of Dai Qingfeng and Luo An.

Dai Qingfeng naturally knew why Lin Kaiyun was laughing?So he had to interrupt Luo An before he could react.

So Dai Qingfeng hugged Luo An's shoulders very naturally, hammered Luo An's chest like an iron buddy, and said, "Luo An, look, Brother Lin is also infected by your fearless spirit !"

After Luo An was interrupted by Dai Qingfeng, he also ignored Lin Kaiyun's laughter, gritted his teeth and nodded, as if swearing an oath,

"Well, don't worry! I happen to know how to swim, and I will definitely be able to complete this glorious and arduous task!"

Luo An has admired the spirit of adventure and chivalry since he was a child. Although he has become a mercenary, he has always been very loyal and willing to take the initiative to undertake some dangerous tasks.

Of course, this has something to do with his unexcited eccentricity, but the flaws are not concealed, Luo An is definitely not a good person, and he has done some injustices, but Luo An is definitely suitable for doing things together people.

However, Lin Kaiyun will not, because of this, choose which person to favor.

Anyway, in Lin Kaiyun's mind, it is indeed the best way to lure out the owner of the water ghost. As for Dai Qingfeng or Luo An, he doesn't care.

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun didn't respond, Dai Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, then pulled up his zombie arm with the highest fighting power, raised it up to show off, and said to Luo An with a smile, "Brother Luo An, go! We Right here, ready at any time!"

"No problem, I put the knife here, and I won't use it in the water. You should be more vigilant and be ready to shoot at any time!"

Luo An nodded, put his big knife on the ground, and took out some hidden weapons in his arms.

After all, these are not applicable in the water, and heavy things in the water will affect its speed and flexibility.

After picking off the extra things, Luo An jumped into the underground river without the slightest hesitation.

Chapter 218 I'm Not Here

Luo An was so brave that he plunged into the underground lake with a fierce attack. Lin Kaiyun could see the water ghosts of men and women. After Luo An plunged into the underground lake, they didn't show the slightest fierce look, but ran away in fear. .

Luo An, after diving into the water, swam easily for a while and then jumped out of the water, stretched out his hand to wipe the water on his face, nodded to Lin Kaiyun, looked around, and shouted, "Come on! Is it a water ghost or some kind of monster? Hurry up and come out to me. Grandpa, I have come to look for you in the water. Why are you so shy?"

Luo An's voice was very loud, and in this closed space, there was a constant echo, as if there were many Luo An shouting at the same time.

This voice is very magical, at least it is very uncomfortable to listen to, Lin Kaiyun also blocked his ears in disgust.

It wasn't just Lin Kaiyun and Dai Qingfeng who found the voice very disturbing, and even the water ghosts in the water ran away in fear.

Of course, these water ghosts didn't necessarily feel the noise was the reason, but they were shocked by Luo An's aura.

Lin Jiu told Lin Kaiyun before that people are [-]% afraid of ghosts, while ghosts are [-]% afraid of people, especially ordinary water ghosts like these who have no resentment, and it is inevitable for a man like Bei Luoan who is full of yang to be afraid after swearing .

After the sound echoed continuously, it gradually weakened until it disappeared, but the lake was still very calm, and there was no reaction except for the splash of water splashed by Luoan.

Luo An originally thought that after he yelled, that powerful water ghost would definitely appear. His nerves were tense and he was ready to run to the shore at any time, but he didn't respond.

Luo An shook his head and looked around, then fixed his eyes on the two people on the shore, and asked,

"Master Lin, Boss Dai, is it because you are too obvious on the shore, do you want to hide?"

"Zang, look at where we can hide in this environment?"

After Lin Kaiyun heard Luo An's suggestion, he shrugged his shoulders and pointed to the same passage for several kilometers behind him, there was no place to hide at all.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyun continued, "Since we can't hide, we won't hide. Generally, powerful ghosts are very proud. Besides, you two are ordinary people, and my breath is not very obvious, so the masters of those water ghosts are not at all. You won't be afraid, and you won't be vigilant, even if you realize there is an ambush, you won't take it to heart!"

In other words, what Lin Kaiyun said was that he was hiding his aura, and Dai Qingfeng and Luo An were completely useless, so naturally they would not be taken seriously by some powerful ghosts.

Although it hurts people, the truth is obvious, so Luo An also agrees with this statement.

Luo An, who was in the underground lake, took a long breath, lay down on his back, and swam back very presumptuously, spitting water in his mouth, and shouted louder at the same time,

"What's the matter? Grandson, I saw that grandpa didn't come to the water, so I came out to say hello. Are you really scared? I have never seen such a cowardly ghost like you. I met you last night. The Ba Xuexue who arrived here has lost his arms and is still running amok, it’s not like you dare not appear in the water of your own territory!"

Luo An seemed to regard the underground lake as a small bathtub in his own house, swimming in the waves to his heart's content, but the underground lake still did not respond.

"Damn it, you don't dare to come out, you coward, then don't blame grandpa, I'm not welcome!"

Luo An cursed, then turned his back to Lin Kaiyun and the two, put his hands in the water, unbuttoned his pants, and began to urinate in the underground lake.

Because of his back, although he couldn't see Luo An's movements clearly, when Lin Kaiyun and Dai Qingfeng saw the bubbles and a yellowish water flow in the underground lake, they knew that this guy Luo An not only urinated, but even urinated casually. fart.

Seeing this scene, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but praise Luo An in his heart. He had to say that Luo An was the most suitable job for seducing and angering the owner of the water ghost in the water. If Dai Qingfeng went down, he would definitely not be able to do this step.

And just when Lin Kaiyun sighed, in the center of the underground lake, under the slowly flowing lake water, a very huge shadow suddenly appeared.

This huge figure is like a huge fish, with an extremely black tail that jumps out of the water. This tail is the size of a jeep, and the moment it appears, it seems that the entire underground lake is separated.


The fish's tail landed on the water surface, and in an instant, a huge wave was raised, slapping towards Luo An.

"Help me!" Luo An hurriedly called for help. At this critical moment, the adrenaline in his body exploded to the extreme, and he felt very excited. This was an unprecedented feeling for him, and it was also the feeling he had been pursuing, but it was not It doesn't mean that he has lost his mind. At this moment, Luo An is still very clear that his life is the most important thing.

Luo An didn't even have time to see what appeared, so he swam desperately towards the shore, but the huge wave hit him, causing him to temporarily lose his direction. However, Luo An still gritted his teeth and held back in the water, and continued towards Swim to the shore.

And the huge black shadow in the underground lake raised its tail again, not just a huge wave, but a wave. At the same time, the water vapor on the underground lake also flowed rapidly, and a stench spread from the water.

Under the interference of the waves, Luo An swam desperately, but he couldn't move half a point. At the same time, his physical strength was also declining rapidly, and he could feel that there seemed to be aquatic plants under the water, and ordinary things were entangled with his feet.

In fact, it was the work of those water ghosts. Although these water ghosts had no malicious intentions towards Lin Kaiyun and the others before, including Luo An when they entered the water, they did not respond at all. Order.

Luo An felt that his body was sinking gradually, and his body temperature was also dropping. He raised his head desperately, exposed his mouth above the water, and shouted, "Master Lin, help me, I can't swim!"

Seeing that Luo An might die in the water at any time, Dai Qingfeng was also a little impatient. Although he tricked Luo An to go down and lead out the owner of the water ghost, Dai Qingfeng didn't want Luo An to die, so he looked at Lin Kaiyun asked,

"Brother Lin, Luo An seems to be dying, you should hurry up and save him!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded and took out the black tendon of Ba, and threw it directly into the underground lake. The black tendon seemed to be a long snake, and it was thrown right in front of Luo An's eyes without any mistakes.

Relying on instinct, Luo An grabbed the black tendon thrown by Lin Kaiyun with both hands.

Lin Kaiyun entangled the other end, wrapped it around his hand, and pulled Luo An out of the water with great force.

Chapter 219

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