The incense that was drenched by the wine was not affected in any way, but instead ignited a vigorous flame.

At the same time, Lin Kaiyun directly copied the sacrificial text written on the stone table, pulled up a corner, and directly carried it on top of the incense, allowing the sacrificial text to be ignited by the flames on the incense.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyun closed his eyes, and recited the contents of the sacrificial oration loudly,

"On an auspicious day, set up an altar to burn incense, open a table and stand up, invite the gods to come down, go around the eight gates, go up and down three times, the still water flows deep, and every bad luck turns into good luck. Now there is no sky, and the wind and clouds never go down. Lin Kaiyun, a junior from Maoshan, Today I invite all the gods!"

The voice was unusually deep and high-pitched, like a copper bell in a deep mountain, and it was not like the sound that a human mouth could make.

At the same time, the sound kept echoing in the passage of the cave, as if gradually spreading with the circulation of air.

After reading it once, Lin Kaiyun did not stop, but read it again.

This is not any different from the previous content, but the strange thing is that the sacrificial oration that was burned by flames before, now there are signs of regression, and the burned place is slowly recovering It's like turning back time.

Dai Qingfeng was dumbfounded seeing this scene, and quickly stretched out his hands to move, to make sure that time is not going backwards, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Although Dai Qingfeng was surprised, he didn't dare to intervene to ask questions, so as not to disturb Lin Kaiyun who was reciting the sacrificial oration.

And Lin Kaiyun closed his eyes, but he seemed to be able to feel that the sacrificial oration paper he was carrying was not burned by the flames, so he repeated the content of the sacrificial oration over and over again, and the paper with the sacrificial oration was also burned by the flames repeatedly, turning into fly ash , Those fly ashes are recombined again, as if time goes backwards.

Repeatedly like this, until Lin Kaiyun finished reading the sacrificial oration for the ninth time, the sacrificial oration paper hanging above the township completely burned up, not without traces of repetition.

When the paper on which the sacrificial oration was written was finally burned, Lin Kaiyun withdrew his hand, slowly opened his eyes, and then stared at the commander who was blown away by the air, his face was a little unhappy, and he muttered, "On the ninth time, it was completely burned. It seems that the god who received the sacrificial oration this time is a bit cold!"

The number of times the sacrificial text is read is directly related to the gods invited. If the paper burns clean after reading the sacrificial texts once, it means that the gods invited this time are willing to help. The gods of the sacrificial oracle were not very willing to respond, and after reading it nine times, if the paper on which the sacrificial oracle was written had not been burned clean, it could be said that the invitation to the gods had failed.

But it happened that when it was read for the ninth time, Lin Kaiyun had never encountered such a situation before. Although it was a success, the god who received the sacrificial oration agreed to help only the ninth time, which must be very uncomfortable. If you wish, you will definitely not cooperate when the time comes.

However, it is not up to the god to decide whether to cooperate or not, because Lin Kaiyun can handle it freely.

Dai Qingfeng at the side saw that Lin Kaiyun did not move after the sacrificial paper was burned, so he asked tentatively, "Brother Lin, is this the end?"

"That's right, it's over, what else do you want? Do you want to burn incense and pray, take a bath and change clothes?"

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Dai Qingfeng and nodded with a smile, making a joke.

In fact, in theory, the art of inviting gods requires a lot of preparations in advance, and it is also very cumbersome.

First of all, there are all kinds of sacrifices. Basically, pigs, cattle and sheep are necessary, and it is best to have boys and girls.

But now in this dark cave, where can I find boys and girls, so Lin Kaiyun keeps everything simple, presumably this is also the reason why the gods who received the sacrificial oration were reluctant to help.

After Dai Qingfeng heard Lin Kaiyun's joking words, he didn't ask any further questions. Although he was curious, he was not as open-mouthed as Luo An, and he didn't have a clue.

In this way, the time passed by every minute and every second. The cave is still the cave passage, the passage is still the same passage, the underground lake is still the underground lake, nothing has changed, as if nothing happened.

Dai Qingfeng couldn't bear it anymore. After all, this method is related to his life, and Lin Kaiyun also said yesterday that if it doesn't work, he can only return in vain.

So Dai Qingfeng preconceived that Lin Kaiyun's technique of invoking God had failed.asked anxiously,

"Brother Lin, this failed, so do we have any other options?"

Lin Kaiyun hugged his shoulders and leaned against the wall beside him, and said nonchalantly,

"Who told you that you failed, why worry, let the gods fly for a while!"

Chapter 228 Asking for Incense Merit

"Master Lin, it's on, the talisman is on!"

Sure enough, not long after Dai Qingfeng finished asking, Luo An yelled.

"Come on, let's go out and greet him!"

Lin Kaiyun's ears moved, and besides Luo'an's shout, he also heard the turbulent voice, presumably the Lord has come.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun leisurely walking towards the cave above, Dai Qingfeng paused for a moment, then immediately ran to follow.

In ten minutes, the two of them walked outside the entrance of the cave.

When Luo An saw Lin Kaiyun's figure, he waved his hand awkwardly, and the other hand was not idle. He pointed to the Tai Chi painting and copied it. His fingers kept shaking as if he had Parkinson's syndrome, and his mouth was shocked. He shouted, "Master Lin, look at not only the talisman paper is burned, but even the soil beside it is burning!"

I saw that the Taiji seal that Lin Kaiyun asked Luo An to draw casually was burning with blue flames.

At the same time, there seemed to be a layer of green smoke floating around the edge of the flame. This green smoke seemed to be mixed with the soil, like a tornado, and turned into straight smoke, flying directly towards the sky.

At the same time, above the sky, a group of clouds gathered, as if echoing the smoke, slowly drifting towards here.

This cloud layer seemed to appear suddenly, and it did not match the cloudless clear sky very much, giving people a weird feeling of being out of place.


The cloud floated directly above Lin Kaiyun and the others, and there was a rumbling thunder from inside. The sound was so ear-piercing that everyone felt very uncomfortable when they heard it. They couldn't help but want to cover their ears, including Lin Kaiyun. The same is true.

"Is Lei Sheng the God of Thunder or General Thunder? But this harsh sound is definitely made on purpose. Is this a show of authority?"

Lin Kaiyun covered his ears, frowned, with a slightly unhappy expression.

But Dai Qingfeng and Luo An on the side didn't feel this way, they just felt that this was the coercion of the gods.

Luo An was so scared that he quickly covered his ears and knelt down. At the same time, he stretched out his hand to drag Dai Qingfeng beside him, and shouted quickly,

"Boss Dai, why are you still standing there? Why don't you kneel down quickly, the master Lin has been invited by the gods, what if we don't respect enough and make the gods run away in anger?"

Dai Qingfeng was a little stunned by the clouds and thunder in the sky, but when he heard Luo An's reminder, he hurriedly knelt down like Luo An, for fear of really offending the gods who came.

Of course, they saw Lin Kaiyun without kneeling down, but even if they had the guts, they wouldn't dare to control Lin Kaiyun!

And at this moment, in the clouds above them, there was a majestic and magnificent sound,

"This god is the fifth general of Lei Gong. I have received the sacrifice to kill demons today, and I am here to help you!"

The sound was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, reaching the ears of Lin Kaiyun and the others like thunderclaps.

If the previous vision made Luo An and Dai Qingfeng dare not have any disrespectful thoughts, then after the majestic voice reached their ears, for Luo An and Dai Qingfeng, it was already It's not that he is regarded as a god, but [-]% is that the god has descended in person.

Even Luo An began to pray, muttering non-stop, "The gods are clear, the gods are clear, please bless me to go back alive this time, and bless me to get rich and open a servant Bing Gang!"

People's herd mentality is a very interesting feature. Originally, Qingfeng was still rational when he heard Lu An's non-stop muttering of petitions, but at the same time, he thought of his current situation and didn't care about other things. He also petitioned. "Master God, I hope that I can find the sacred tree this time and heal my arm. If my dream comes true, I will enshrine your altar when I go back, burn incense and worship every day!"

Lin Kaiyun rolled his eyes, his brows were still furrowed, he didn't find Dai Qingfeng and Luo An's murmurs behind him annoying, but the Lei Jiang who came was a little strange.

General Lei is the little god under Lei Gong, and there are usually many such generals under Lei Gong's command. After all, Lei Gong is responsible for fighting thunder, and if there is only one Lei Gong, he will be too busy!

What's more, it would be a shame for Lei Gong to do this kind of physical work of striking the thunder hammer himself. How can he mess around in the God Realm in the future?

So in fact, the thunder that is heard every day in various places is all responsible for the generals under Lei Gong's command.

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