After thinking about it for a while, Lin Kaiyun still endured the mentality of trying to change his bicycle into a motorcycle, and decided to improve his strength in the praise value, and then Lin Kaiyun withdrew from the system.

At this time, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An ran over panting, and they looked disappointed when they saw the corpse of the fish monster on the ground.

Of course, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An knew that this fish monster must be doomed to death, but they regretted that they did not see the process of this unicorn beast killing a monster. You must know that this is a rare thing for ordinary people to see in a lifetime. But after this time, they probably won't have the chance to see such a shocking scene again in their lifetime. Thinking of this, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An feel even more regretful.

Chapter 234 Bloodletting

"Brother Lin, is this the end? This fish monster is dead?"

Dai Qingfeng supported his knees, looking at the fish monster's corpse panting.

Lin Kaiyun put away the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, turned around and looked at the somewhat disappointed Dai Qingfeng, spread his hands, and asked jokingly,

"Dead, but I heard your tone seems a little disappointed, what's wrong? Could it be that you don't want to go to the other side?"

Dai Qingfeng took a breath, wiped the sweat off his cheeks, shook his head and waved his hands and said,

"No, no, brother, you misunderstood. This fish monster died well. I'm mainly sorry that I didn't get to see the scene of killing the monster!"

Luo An also nodded in agreement, with his mouth parted, panting heavily, and muttering in his mouth,

"Indeed, Master Lin, I'll probably never see such a scene in this life. Why did you strike so fast? Why didn't you wait for the two of us?"


Hearing Lu'an's complaints, Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, squinted his eyes and gave a confused look.

With the old snort behind his back, Luo An was taken aback, quickly covered his mouth, and at the same time reached out to slap himself a few times, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Master Lin, I've made this stinky mistake again, you Do not mind!"

Of course Lin Kaiyun wouldn't argue with her, if he really wanted to, the grass on the Luo'an grave might be half a meter high.

Lin Kaiyun ignored Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, turned around and looked at the clouds floating above the underground lake, and said to the little unicorn above the clouds, "Thank you for your help, but it's a matter of fact. The monsters have been resolved, so I will continue to talk about my conditions!"

"What? Why are there still conditions?"

The little unicorn above the clouds was very surprised when he heard that Lin Kaiyun wanted to raise conditions.

When this little unicorn dealt with fish monsters before, the reason why he was so imposing and worked so hard was because he thought that Lin Kaiyun had no other conditions, so he reciprocated, and this little unicorn dealt with this monster seriously.

Unexpectedly, there was still a request.

"If I had known it would not be so buying power, how much would I have to eat to make up for it?"

The little Qilin was thinking secretly, and at the same time continued to spit out people's words, and said to Lin Kaiyun, "I also got rid of the monster for you, what else do you have to say quickly, I have to go back quickly, or my master will find out that it will be troublesome !"

The wisdom of this little unicorn is about the same as that of a human being at the age of thirteen or fourteen, plus he has been living in the sky, has not experienced so many things, and has never met anyone, so he is very innocent and straightforward, and at the same time he understands in his heart that Lin Kaiyun Now that he has something to do with it, the little unicorn didn't dare to step on the clouds and walk away.

Lin Kaiyun didn't care what the little unicorn thought, anyway, since the little unicorn didn't choose to run away, it was Lin Kaiyun's side dish, and he could eat whatever he wanted.

Of course, it can't be too much, if this little unicorn gets angry, it will be difficult to deal with.

But what exactly he wanted, Lin Kaiyun had already made a plan in his heart. He suddenly pretended to be injured, and used his spiritual power to force his face to turn pale. At the same time, he raised his hand to cover his chest, very weak mouth,

"You may not understand that this art of inviting gods is very complicated. I am the performer, and you are not a god, nor your master, so after blindly accepting the sacrificial rite, it has already caused damage to me, so I need Only one thing in you can help me repair these damages!"

The little unicorn standing on the cloud, after hearing Lin Kaiyun's conditions, was stunned for a moment, then looked at his body with some doubts, and really didn't want to understand what he had that could heal his wounds.

"I don't understand what you mean? I don't have anything on me, how can I heal with you?"

Little Qilin was very upright, he didn't doubt Lin Kaiyun's words at all, and he didn't realize that Lin Kaiyun's appearance of being injured was all fake.

Seeing the little unicorn's reaction, Lin Kaiyun chuckled inwardly. This kind of reaction showed that the little unicorn had already taken the bait.

Immediately, Lin Kaiyun went straight to the topic, and continued to pretend to be sluggish and said, "My injury belongs to it, and the loss of yin virtue is a kind of yin injury, so it needs something with a lot of yang energy to heal it, such as you blood!"

When he heard the word blood, the little Qilin became vigilant, manipulating the clouds.It rose a few points, the hair on the tail exploded, and shouted a little excitedly,

"My blood? How much do you want? You don't want to bleed me, do you?"

Lin Kaiyun almost couldn't help laughing when he saw the little unicorn's aggressive reaction, but finally held back and explained very patiently,

"How is it possible? Even if I have that thought, I can't beat you, right?"

"That's right!" The little unicorn thought for a while, and felt that it was indeed the case. The reason why it gave in repeatedly to Lin Kaiyun now was because he had a handle, otherwise he could leave at any time, and Lin Kaiyun couldn't stop him at all.

"That's right, you are so strong, what are you afraid of, I just need a small bottle, right?"

Lin Kaiyun spoke step by step, hoping to quote this little unicorn to agree.

"All right!"

After thinking for a while, the little unicorn agreed to Lin Kaiyun's condition, and immediately controlled the cloud and flew in front of Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun's face showed a hint of hidden joy, and then he couldn't wait to take out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword and gestured on the little unicorn's hoof, and asked, "Where are we from? Just the claws, what do you think?" Sample?"

"It's useless for you to take this, it can't break my scales!" Little Qilin was very humane, shaking his head at Lin Kaiyun.

"Really? My sword has a trace of dragon spirit, so it can't be cut through? Let me try it?"

Lin Kaiyun was very curious, and put the blade of the Seven Star Longyuan Sword against the little unicorn's paw, and after knocking on the scales, he swiped it violently.

However, as if nothing had happened, the blade of the Seven Star Longyuan Sword did not even leave a mark on the scales of the little unicorn.

Lin Kaiyun immediately became interested in the scales on the little unicorn,

"I didn't expect the scales on your body to be so strong?"

Little Qilin mistakenly thought that Lin Kaiyun was praising him, so he raised his head proudly,

"Of course, my scale armor is very powerful, it is impossible for you mortals to break through it!"

"Can't it be broken? Then how can you let the blood out?"

Lin Kaiyun moved his eyes away from the scales of the little unicorn, and shouted with a puzzled look on his face.

Chapter 235 Happy Cooperation

Seeing Lin Kaiyun surprised by the firmness of his scales, the little Qilin was even happier. He raised his right front paw, poked out his nails, and stroked lightly on his hoof.

The scale that was still indestructible just now had an opening in an instant, and blood flowed out accordingly.

The blood of this unicorn is also red, but there is some yellowing as if the magma is about to erupt. Lin Kaiyun who is nearby can even feel the hot temperature contained in it.

"This unicorn's blood is indeed a thing of Zhiyang, and you can feel the temperature without touching it!"

Lin Kaiyun felt the heat rushing towards his face, and couldn't help sighing.

Sighing, Lin Kaiyun kept moving, and took out a sealed white bottle from his arms with his backhand, handed it to the little Qilin's wound, and picked up the Qilin's blood without dropping a drop.

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