When Huang Liu saw Lin Kaiyun, he came running towards him, with a disdainful smile on his face, he opened his mouth, and spit out a cloud of mist, covering Lin Kaiyun who was rushing over.

The mist was so weird that Lin Kaiyun, who had extremely strong vision, couldn't see everything around him.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of all qi, extensively cultivated for thousands of kalpas, and proved my supernatural power!"

Lin Kaiyun shouted softly, a layer of flame suddenly jumped up on his body, and then Lin Kaiyun spread his ten fingers, and a net made of golden flames directly surrounded Lin Kaiyun and spun quickly.

This golden flame was accompanied by an incomparably domineering power, and all the dense fog that had come into contact with him were dissolved.

And at this moment, the old fairy Huang Liu suddenly appeared behind Lin Kaiyun. He blocked Lin Kaiyun's sight with thick fog. Will not pass up this opportunity.

The robe on Huang Liu Laoxian's body bulged in the wind, and a sharp claw stretched out from the middle of the robe, and grabbed Lin Kaiyun's vest.

As for the flames surrounding Lin Kaiyun, Old Immortal Huang Liu didn't pay attention at all, and was ready to destroy it with all his strength.

Huang Liu Laoxian's paws carried a demonic aura, and directly grabbed the yellow flame beside Lin Kaiyun.

However, it didn't look like Huang Liu Laoxian had expected to break it with force. Instead, it was cut several times when its claws touched the flame again.

Old Immortal Huang Liu's paws were bleeding blood, and the piercing pain made him howl uncontrollably.

The old fairy Huang Liu quickly retracted his claws under the robe, and looked at the flames surrounding Lin Kaiyun in shock.

Although Huang Liu Laoxian's physical body is not particularly powerful among monsters, it is definitely not something that an ordinary human can hurt.

At this time, Lin Kaiyun also used the Golden Light Curse to dissolve all the monsters. He had already felt that Huang Liu Laoxian was attacking behind him, but Lin Kaiyun was extremely confident in the defensive ability of the Golden Light Curse. Huang Liu Laoxian's ordinary claw attack can hurt him.

Lin Kaiyun melted away all the fog, then turned around calmly, looked at Old Immortal Huang Liu with a half-smile, and said with a smile,

"I want to sneak attack, what's wrong? Didn't work?"

Old Immortal Huang Liu was blown away by Lin Kaiyun's disdainful expression, and immediately screamed,

"Abominable human beings actually look down on the old man, this will let you see the real strength of the old man!"

Immortal Huang Liu can imitate human beings to hold birthdays and send invitations to monsters everywhere. Although there are no powerful monsters in the end, they are all shrimp soldiers and crab generals, but from this point, it can be seen that Huang Liu is a very face-saving person of monsters.

However, Lin Kaiyun provoked and insulted Huangliu one after another, especially Lin Kaiyun's playful eyes, which made Huangliu unable to stand it, and became really furious.

I saw that Huang Liu's body instantly swelled up, and the yellow robe on his body was stretched to pieces. The injured claw just now also recovered, and it also grew bigger with his body.

Generally speaking, the strongest fighting power of monsters is the form of the main body. According to reason, the old fairy Huang Liu is a fox, but at this time, the main body of the old fairy Huang Liu is even bigger than the tiger monster he met before.

Similarly, Huang Liu Laoxian not only became bigger, but also had an astonishing aura, which filled the air for a while.

However, Lin Kaiyun has no fear on his face. Lin Kaiyun has seen a lot of moves that can make his body bigger, including the zombie king Xuankui before, and the mysterious black dragon, but in terms of momentum, it is far stronger than this Huangliu old fairy Dozens of times.

Therefore, the form of Huangliu Laoxian did not have any impact on Lin Kaiyun, but made Lin Kaiyun feel that the attack range was wider and it was easier to hit.

"Heaven and Earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law!"


Lin Kaiyun took out more than a dozen talisman records from his bosom, and threw them at the head of Old Immortal Huang Liu.

Because Huangliu's body has become bigger, it is said that the talismans are very easy to hit, even if there are no talismans, they are all attached to the head, at least on the neck.


These dozens of fire talismans were ignited by Lin Kaiyun at the same time, and instantly burned on the neck of Old Immortal Huang Liu.

"Small tricks, this little flame doesn't even deserve to tickle me!"

Huang Liu Laoxian didn't seem to care about Lin Kaiyun's talisman, and arrogantly mocked Lin Kaiyun Yifan, and then a powerful demonic energy erupted from his body, blowing away the burning fire talisman.

Immediately afterwards, the old fairy Huang Liu raised his huge sharp claws, and slammed them down on Lin Kaiyun's head.

Lin Kaiyun reacted quickly and swiped the Seven Star Longyuan Sword horizontally, and a sword light was slashed out.

But the body of Huangliu Old Immortal erupted with a strong demonic energy, which directly shattered the sword light that Lin Kaiyun had slashed. Not only that, but also spread towards Lin Kaiyun's body with a corrosive attribute.

"Old fox, you can! You are quite evil!"

With a big wave of Lin Kaiyun's hand, he mobilized the Golden Light Curse to block in front of him. The golden flame collided with the corrosive monster energy, making a hissing sound.

Lin Kaiyun also took the opportunity to turn sideways, and took advantage of the opportunity to chop the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword on the neck of Old Immortal Huang Liu.

Chapter 249 The Tail Is Bald

Facing Lin Kaiyun's slash, Huang Liu Laoxian twisted his body softly like a snake, at such a high speed that he even left a grayish-yellow afterimage.

Elder Huang Liu, who escaped Lin Kaiyun's attack, bowed his body, drew out his sharp claws, and went straight to Lin Kaiyun's chest.

Huang Liu Laoxian's speed of dodging and counterattack was so high this time that Lin Kaiyun hardly had time to react.

Lin Kaiyun subconsciously used the Seven Star Longyuan Sword to block, but he only felt a strong force coming from him, and his whole body was shot flying, and he rolled awkwardly on the ground twice before barely stopping.

"It's interesting that an old fox actually used the black tiger to dig out his heart!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled at Huang Liu Laoxian, stood up and wiped the dust on his face.

Although Lin Kaiyun was sent flying by Huang Liu Laoxian's power, and even rolled twice on the ground, a little embarrassed, but in fact Lin Kaiyun did not suffer too much damage, and rolling on the ground was also to relieve the force.

And Huang Liu Laoxian obviously felt that Lin Kaiyun was not seriously injured, and the next attacks came one after another.

Old Immortal Huang Liu rose straight into the air, leaning his body sideways in the air, his tail, which had lost much hair due to years of devastation, smashed down towards Lin Kaiyun like a steel whip.

This time Lin Kaiyun was very vigilant, he reacted quickly, and dodged by jumping sideways.

However, Huangliu Old Immortal's attack did not end. After the steel whip-like tail hit the ground, it trembled, and the red hairs on it shot out one by one, like steel needles. Lin Kaiyun.

The range of this densely packed attack is very wide, it is too late for Lin Kaiyun to roll and dodge, he can only raise his arm to activate the Golden Light Curse, hoping to block these needle-like yellow hairs.

The golden flames erected a barrier like a city wall in front of Lin Kaiyun, and all these needle-like yellow hairs pierced the barrier, making a sound like steel hitting.

The flame of the golden light kept flickering, as if devouring the thick fog before, it was also dissolving the piercing steel needles, the effect was obvious, the continuous steel needles were blocked by the golden light curse, but this power golden light curse could not completely They were all removed, and Lin Kaiyun, who was maintaining the golden light behind him, retreated again and again.

"Old guy, your tail is almost bald, did you just use this trick?"

Lin Kaiyun gritted his teeth and exerted great strength to maintain the stability of the Golden Light Curse. He kept fighting with this Huang Liu old fairy, desperately stimulating Huang Liu's mentality.

"Damn ants, you, an ordinary human, dare to be so presumptuous in front of the old man, I must kill you, eat your flesh raw, and drink your blood raw!"

Huangliu Old Immortal was indeed extremely angry, screamed loudly, retracted his tail, his whole body leaped forward, turned into a yellow light, and rushed towards Lin Kaiyun.

From the few rounds of the fight, Lin Kaiyun had already discovered that this Huangliu old fairy had always been a skinny old fox, regardless of his previous appearance.

But this Old Immortal Huang Liu is very good at fighting at close range, his strength is not weak, and his speed is even more powerful, which makes Lin Kaiyun feel very difficult. After all, if his agility is strong, Lin Taiyun's moves are not easy to hit. After all, the opponent He is not a fool, it is impossible to stand up and let him beat him.

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