In the narrow cave below Lin Kaiyun and the others, there is heaven and earth inside, and there is a very large space. This space is full of Yin Qi, glowing with fluorescence, very clean and tidy, and even the surrounding stone walls seem to have been polished. And there is a very huge tree in the middle, and there are no other objects other than that.

If there were no accidents, this gigantic tree might be the sacred tree that Lin Kaiyun and the others had been looking for all this time.

However, after seeing the appearance of this tree, Lin Kaiyun not only muttered in his heart, this is a **** tree, and it is clearly a demon tree.

I saw layers of faint fluorescent lights emanating from this huge tree. With the help of the brightness of this fluorescent light, Lin Kaiyun and the others could clearly see that the tree was very lush, like a hundreds of years old tree. Generally, the canopy of the tree is like a huge umbrella supporting the entire space. This is what Lin Kaiyun saw from a few hundred meters away. If it is close up, it will be even bigger visually.

Of course, if this is the case, Lin Kaiyun would not assert that this huge tree is a demon tree, but because there are many red tongues hanging down under the huge canopy.

That's right, it's the tongue. Lin Kaiyun has never seen this kind of thing before, so I don't know how to describe it. These red slime-like objects hanging down from the treetops seem to be alive and constantly wriggling. The enlarged version of the roundworm in the stomach makes people feel scalp numb and uncomfortable. After a few careful glances, Lin Kaiyun felt that using tongue to describe it was already beautifying.

"Boss Dai, Master Lin, is this the sacred tree we are looking for?"

Luo An rubbed his eyes, and couldn't believe that a big tree suddenly appeared in front of him. He was shocked by the inexplicable appearance of a big tree in this narrow cave. As a result, the sacred tree that he had been looking for all along, It turned out to be such a ghost.

In Luo An's heart, he thought that the sacred tree should shine with divine light, and the leaves should be like gold, giving people a warm yearning.

As a result, this number appeared in front of him, and the soft objects hanging down one by one made people shudder.

Not only chaotic, but even dreaming that Dai Qingfeng, who was able to find the sacred tree, was also a little hesitant at this time.

Dai Qingfeng looked at Lin Kaiyun, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Lin, is this the sacred tree? It looks weird!"

It is normal for Dai Qingfeng to have such doubts. The appearance of this big tree makes anyone feel scared. Besides, Dai Qingfeng was so urgent to find the sacred tree, it was used to save lives, but the big tree he found now The tree, no matter how it looks, doesn't look like a good thing. I'm afraid it's hard to say whether it can save lives once it gets close.

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said slowly,

"It shouldn't be wrong. Whether it's the map, or the old fairy Huang Liu who deliberately lured us and tried to cover it up, all these things show that the big tree in front of us is not that simple!"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's affirmation, Luo An glanced at the big tree in the distance, swallowed, and said, "Master Lin, shall we go down now?"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, squinted his eyes slightly to stare at the weird big tree, and spoke slowly,

"Don't be in a hurry, let's wait a little longer and try to observe the characteristics of this tree clearly before we go down!"

As the saying goes, know yourself and know your enemy. This big tree looks so strange and full of evil feelings. If you rush in now and don't even know what its characteristics and attack methods are, I'm afraid it will fall into a very dangerous situation.

After Dai Qingfeng and Luo An heard Lin Kaiyun's words, they squatted quietly in their positions without making a sound, and waited very patiently.

The three of them just squatted a few hundred meters away from the big tree, watching quietly, not sure if the big tree found the three of them.

One thing is strange, Lin Kaiyun can feel the red tongues hanging from the tree crown, as if they have the breath of life, but this huge tree is like a dead thing.

In this way, the three of them waited for more than an hour, and Dai Qingfeng and Luo An's hearts had already started to frizz, but without Lin Kaiyun, they did not dare to act rashly, and could only continue to wait tediously.

cough cough!

At this moment, the crown of the big tree shook for a while, making sparse sounds.

Pair after pair of green light spots appeared in the crown of the tree. After careful inspection, it was discovered that many strange monsters emerged from the crown of the tree.

The appearance of these monsters surprised Lin Kaiyun and the others even more.

I saw some monkeys squatting on the branches of the huge tree at this time, with slender hands and feet, and obvious joints, iron-blue hair growing all over their bodies, a monkey face, and two pointed eyes protruding from the corners of their mouths. The teeth are like zombies, and the forehead is black, like cast iron that has been ground.

If it weren't for the fact that the facial features were similar to monkeys, Lin Kaiyun would definitely think that these things that appeared were some savage tribe that hadn't fully evolved.

However, even so, it gave Dai Qingfeng and Luo An a heavy blow in their hearts. After all, except for the face and the hair on the body, this strange monster is just like a human being. Very weird.

"Wait a while, I might know what this wildling-like monster is!"

Looking at these human-like monsters, Lin Kaiyun suddenly thought of some information. He remembered that his master Lin Jiu told him that there was a kind of mountain ghost, which was evolved from the fusion of monkeys and mountain spirits. savage.

Thinking of this, Lin Kaiyun quickly took off the storage belt from his trousers, laid it flat on the ground, his spiritual consciousness went directly into the belt, and searched among a pile of sundries.

"found it!"

Lin Kaiyun opened his eyes, and took out a book with yellowed paper from his storage belt.

This was what Lin Kaiyun exchanged with Lin Jiu for a few rare coins. Although it was only a popular science book, it recorded many strange things that were not available on the market.

Lin Kaiyun licked his tongue with his fingers, turned it up hastily, flipped through more than a dozen pages in a row, slapped his thigh excitedly and said, "I found it!"

When Dai Qingfeng and Luo An heard Lin Kaiyun's words, they came over curiously. Of course, it wasn't because of Lin Kaiyun's magical belt. In fact, they were used to Lin Kaiyun's ability to conjure things at will, and they knew the reason. That's what a chic belt looks like.

Although very curious, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An knew it in their hearts, and they didn't need to ask more questions, even Luo An, who had a broken mouth, held back.

And now they moved to Lin Kaiyun curiously, just because they also wanted to know what this savage-like monster was.

Lin Kaiyun turned to the page he was looking for and recorded all types of mountain ghosts. Lin Kaiyun pointed his fingers and slid down the book until it stopped at one point.

It is recorded that monkey-faced mountain ghosts have human-like limbs, faces like horse monkeys, and foreheads like iron. They like to eat highly poisonous things, and their bodies are poisonous. to avoid as much as possible.

After Luo An heard Lin Kaiyun's introduction, he was a little confused, looked at the mountain bridge behind the tree trunk, and said a little nervously,

"Huh? You're covered in poison, and you're smart and cunning. Even the book tells us to avoid it as much as possible?"

Dai Qingfeng thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said,

"Brother Lin, can you deal with it? If these things are really difficult to deal with, then let's leave! Otherwise, it's not worth going down blindly to die!"

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Dai Qingfeng, sincerity could be seen from his eyes.

Lin Kaiyun didn't say that he was very accurate in judging people, but at this moment he knew that what Dai Qingfeng said was sincere and not a hypocritical aggressive method.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun staring at him, Dai Qingfeng reluctantly smiled and nodded a few times. He believed that Lin Kaiyun could understand what he meant. It wasn't because he didn't believe in Lin Kaiyun's strength, but because when he dealt with Huang Liu Laoxian, Several people were injured,

Needless to say, he and Luo An didn't have any combat power at this time, they were basically a burden, and Dai Qingfeng could also see that Lin Kaiyun's condition was not very good at this time, and his face was pale, obviously due to injuries , has not recovered.

In addition, even if Dai Qingfeng is a fool, he can tell that if they really charge down, they will not only have to deal with these dozen or so monkey-faced mountain ghosts, but also that very evil tree, its difficulty and danger Sex can be imagined.

Rather than saying that going on is to die, then it is better to return here, at least he can live on for a while.

In fact, he has already made this kind of mental preparation. After all, the so-called sacred tree marked on the map is very likely to be extremely dangerous, and even if he finds the sacred tree, he does not know how to operate it to cure his zombies. Arm, the reason why he started this journey alone with a few mercenaries holding a map was just to have a try and not to regret.

Just like now, after going through hardships and obstacles, they found the sacred tree, but this so-called sacred tree is very dangerous and basically difficult to approach.

After knowing this, Dai Qingfeng also gave up, at least he tried, but because of objective reasons he couldn't heal his arm, so that even if he was really killed by a zombie arm in the future, he would have no regrets in his heart.

Finding the Divine Tree, but not being able to heal it and not finding the Divine Tree, these mentality are two completely different ways.

At least at this moment, Dai Qingfeng suddenly felt extremely relaxed, as if all the obsessions and expectations in his heart had been let go, and he had accepted his fate.

Lin Kaiyun didn't know Dai Qingfeng's mental activities at this time, but Lin Kaiyun smiled and said slowly, "This book does record that monkey-faced mountain ghosts are more difficult to deal with, but it also records their weaknesses!"

Then Lin Kaiyun pointed to a place in the book and continued, "This monkey-faced mountain ghost, because it feeds on highly poisonous, contains a lot of toxins in its body, and this toxin is also their weakness even in their weapons. Because there are too many toxins in the body, the monkey-faced mountain ghost can only fall into a deep sleep most of the time, to digest these toxins, and at the same time relieve the pain caused by the toxin erosion, and only wake up when eating, but After eating, these monkey-faced mountain ghosts will immediately fall asleep again!"

After saying this, Lin Kaiyun closed the ancient book, stared at the mountain bridges behind and said, "We will wait for these monsters to finish eating and fall asleep, and then start!"

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