"Lin Kaiyun, you look extremely weak right now! Do you think I will let go of this good opportunity?"

Hearing this, Lin Kaiyun knew that Yue Qiluo didn't intend to let it go, so he simply gave up his attitude of talking and negotiating. He looked up at Yue Qiluo, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said,

"That's right, I look very weak now, but I see you getting weaker every time. Your soul is not half of what it was then, is it?"

Now Yue Qiluo's condition looks very bad, Lin Kaiyun can directly feel that Yue Qiluo's primordial spirit seems to be incomplete.

Chapter 263 Your paper man is useless to me

With Lin Kaiyun's current state, if he faced the peak Yue Qiluo, he would definitely be defeated. However, Yue Qiluo's state is also very bad now. Although Lin Kaiyun didn't know what happened, he guessed who this Yue Qiluo fought with and suffered a lot. The injury has not recovered yet, so the two of them are in the same boat.

"Oh? Really? Do you think so?"

Yue Qiluo didn't respond to Lin Kaiyun's instability when she saw her current soul, nor did she have any emotional fluctuations. She just looked straight at Lin Kaiyun, with an evil smile across her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Qiluo turned her hands upside down, placed them on her forehead, and sipped lightly, "Yuan Shen Hui!"

In an instant, there seemed to be three months of Qiluo shouting in unison in this space, and at the same time, three figures of Yue Qiluo actually appeared and merged with each other.

Originally, Yue Qiluo, who seemed a little weak, burst out an extremely powerful aura in an instant. This aura was like an abyss, unfathomably deep, and gusts of wind blew up in this space.

Dai Qingfeng, who was in great pain from the zombie arm, did not forget to remind Lin Kaiyun while rolling on the ground,

"Brother Lin, what's going on? Why does this witch seem to be so powerful now?"

The gust of wind in this space blew countless gravels, Lin Kaiyun blocked his face with his hands, and roared unhappily,

"I don't know why he is so strong. I guess he was pretending to be weak before. This Yue Qiluo is now pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"

Yue Qiluo's primordial spirit has completely recovered now, just like when it was at its peak, he stood floating in the air, looked at Lin Kaiyun, and said with a faint smile, "How, do you still think I'm weak now? So now you Do you still want to run? Can you run?"

Yue Qiluo stretched out her fingers and wiped her lips, and her breath became very strange.

"You demon girl is really not yelling or dying, but I originally wanted to be kind and make money, since you demon woman is aggressive, don't blame me for being rude!"

Lin Kaiyun kept mumbling, but he didn't look at Yue Qiluo floating in the sky, but lowered his head and took out a small bottle from his storage belt, quickly poured out a pill and swallowed it in his mouth.

This time Lin Kaiyun had a long memory, he didn't take too much, just one pill was enough to recover all his fatigue, energy and blood.

Lin Kaiyun shook his neck and made the sound of bones crunching. He could feel the pill melted in his abdomen and flowed through his whole body along with the blood. At this moment, all his lost energy, blood and physical strength were recovered.

He didn't burst out with astonishing aura like Yue Qiluo, but now Lin Kaiyun's whole body revealed confidence and an aura that could rival everything.

"Come on! Since it doesn't make sense, let's fight!"

Without hesitation, Lin Kaiyu rushed towards Yue Qiluo.

Lin Kaiyun still attaches great importance to Yue Qiluo, the witch's strength. With his current strength, he is probably not Yue Qiluo's opponent, but it is precisely because of this that Lin Kaiyun feels a faint sense of excitement in his heart.

The stronger the stronger, the baptism of a powerful opponent is what a strong must have.

Moreover, an opponent like Yue Qiluo was exactly what Lin Kaiyun was looking forward to, very hot and excellent. Lin Kaiyun believed that as long as he did not win after a real life-and-death fight with Yue Qiluo, as long as Lin Kaiyun did not die, he would definitely benefit a lot.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun still has a small thought that is inconvenient to explain clearly, that is, looking at the black-bellied loli Yue Qiluo who is dressed as Yujie above, Lin Kaiyun just wants to beat him up hard at this time, so that this demon girl Yue Qiluo has been The look of condescension in front of oneself.

"Please divine art, Patriarch, help me!"

Lin Kaiyun let out a loud shout, and his whole body burst into flames, as if the god of fire from the sky descended.

Lin Kaiyun opened his hands and looked at the burning flames. He didn't feel any pain at all. Instead, he could feel a powerful force rising in his body. At this moment, Lin Kaiyun felt like a divine beast from ancient times. Has a steady stream of power.

Lin Kaiyun smiled with satisfaction, and muttered, "Damn, what's going on? Why is it still in this form? Could it be that one of my patriarchs in Maoshan is serving under the Vulcan in the sky?"

Yue Qiluo, who was floating in the sky, saw Lin Kaiyun's body, and a raging fire was burning, her eyes were shining brightly, as if she was interested, she showed a wicked smile at Lin Kaiyun,

"Hahaha, I really underestimated you, Lin Kaiyun, but you are worthy of being my opponent in this way!"

Lin Kaiyun seemed to be stepping on an invisible ladder, and he continued to climb up, approaching Yue Qiluo, and at the same time shouted,

"Then come on? Yue Qiluo, do you dare to confront me head-on? Stop messing with your little paper figurines, they are of no use to me!"

"Although I know you are provoking me, I accept it!"

Yue Qiluo licked her lips, her eyes instantly shone brightly, as if she could penetrate Lin Kaiyun's soul.

Both Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo's fighting spirit soared, and they collided instantly in the air.

Yue Qiluo raised her legs and kicked Lin Kaiyun away, flipping her hands quickly, a red light flickered throughout Zhou Shen, hundreds of small paper figurines flew out behind her, and let out a sinister laugh.

"Let you see if my paper doll is useful!"

Yue Qiluo snorted softly, and casually tossed the hundreds of thousands of small papers, and quickly flew towards Lin Kaiyun, sticking to Lin Kaiyun's body like an insect repellent that couldn't be shaken off, corroding Lin Kaiyun's soul.

"Hahaha, how about it, is your soul like copper being swallowed by ten thousand ants?"

Seeing the little paper figurine stuck to Lin Kaiyun's body, Yue Qiluo smiled strangely.

At the same time, all the little paper figurines also laughed along with Yue Qiluo. This sound was superimposed by hundreds of thousands, which was extremely terrifying and made people feel creepy.

The number of these little paper figurines is too large. Lin Kaiyun managed to hide dozens of them, but he couldn't hide from hundreds of them. Just when the little paper figurines were attached to his body and he wanted to use the Golden Light Curse to drive them away, suddenly He found that the flames on his body could completely resist the evil power of this little paper man that devoured his soul.

"I've already said that these little paper figures of yours are of no use to me, and it's the same now!"

Lin Kaiyun let out an angry roar, instantly igniting the flames all over his body, and the rolling flames burned even more, burning all the little paper figurines attached to him into ashes.

How about Chapter 264?handsome!

At this moment, Lin Kaiyun is like a god of fire descending from the earth, his whole body is surrounded by flames, and all the small papers that are shining with red evil energy are not allowed to get close to them, as long as they touch the flames, they will all be turned into ashes.

At this time, Lin Kaiyun also started his own counterattack, playing against Yue Qiluo, thinking that his attack worked, and when he was complacent, Lin Kaiyun turned into an invisible afterimage and flashed in front of Yue Qiluo in an instant.

The Seven Star Dragon Sword was like a weapon pulled out of a sea of ​​flames, and it slashed down in an instant, but Yue Qiluo waved it casually, and hundreds of little paper figures flew out from behind, like moths flying into a flame, and smashed the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Jian was completely submerged in the pile of paper figurines. Even though the flames on the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword could turn the paper figurines into ashes, they couldn't stand the sheer number of the paper figurines, so the attack of the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword was still blocked. .

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun was very decisive, immediately threw the Seven Star Longyuan Sword aside, and waved it at Yue Qiluo with his bare hands.

This time, Lin Kaiyun asked for a magic spell, and for some reason, his whole body was filled with the power of flames. When he was burning the little paper figurines, Lin Kaiyun also knew that the flames in his body could burn Yue Qiluo's evil spirit. red rays.

So now his fist wrapped in flames may be more lethal to Yue Qiluo than the Seven Star Dragon Blade Sword.

Lin Kaiyun's fists kept falling on Yue Qiluo's body like raindrops. Even though Yue Qiluo resisted from left and right, the force of the vibration and the flame above still caused Yue Qiluo's primordial spirit to collapse.

However, Yue Qiluo's primordial spirit has already reached the ultimate state, and it has long been immortal. Not to mention, it was only because of the power of the flame that it was scattered, even if it directly hit Yue Qiluo's primordial spirit, there was no way to destroy it. It can't even cause damage to Yue Qiluo's soul, because it can almost restore the soul in an instant.

No damage means no damage, but being continuously bombarded by Lin Kaiyun made Yue Qiluo, a high-ranking witch, feel very angry in her heart, and put away her thoughts of belittling Lin Kaiyun, and started to move seriously.

Yue Qiluo didn't know how, because the little paper figurine had no effect on the flames on Lin Kaiyun's body, so she gave up this method. After all, the little paper figurine is what Yue Qiluo is best at.

Yue Qiluo stretched out both hands, like paper figurines and red light mixed with flowers, like a finger dance, but every time she swung it, she was able to block Lin Kaiyun's fist.

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