When Shi Jian saw Lin Jiu and rescued himself, he didn't feel grateful at all, but instead had a cold expression on his face.

After all, the scene at this time made Shi Jian very uncomfortable, as if his ability and plan were not good enough, causing all the disciples in Maoshan to fall into crisis, and Shi Jian was surrounded by zombies and ravaged.

But Lin Jiu, who arrived belatedly, seemed to be the backbone. Not to mention his grand appearance, it also made all the Maoshan disciples feel that the reinforcements had arrived, and even helped Shi Jian out of trouble easily.

This is very uncomfortable for Shi Jian, who has always claimed that he is the oldest. Originally, this Lin Jiu was very prestigious among the brothers, and his strength was second only to Shi Jian. It was enough to make Shi Jian very repulsive to Lin Jiu.

And now that Lin Jiu is in the limelight again, Shi Jian is even more unhappy, but he is not happy, but Shi Jian will not be arrogant, because he hates Lin Jiu, so he gives up Lin Jiu's chance to save himself.

I'm afraid that would not be stubbornness, but stupidity.

So Shi Jian kept a cold face, but his body was very honest, without any hesitation, he stepped on twice in a row, and rushed out along the path opened by Lin Jiu with the gossip mirror.

At this moment, Lin Kaiyun looked around at the dense crowd of zombies, came directly to Lin Jiu, and said,

"Master, the number of these zombies is really too many, so we can't kill them all. Let's use the Eight Purple Sun Formation!"

Shi Jian, who had just rushed out, almost spit out a mouthful of old blood after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words.

That's my word! ! !

Chapter 270

Lin Kaiyun didn't care about Shi Jian's thoughts at this time, of course, he didn't know, but facing the large number of zombies at this time, there is no doubt that the Eight Ziyang Formation in Maoshan is the most suitable.

"Okay, let's do it like this!" Lin Jiu glanced around and nodded. For zombies, flames are the most effective way, and the eight purple sun array is the best for burning zombies.

"Among the Maoshan disciples, come out!" Lin Kaiyun shouted to all the Maoshan disciples.

Yang fate is a person born in the sun year and the sun moon. This kind of person is born with more yang energy than other people, and basically will not be contaminated with evil things in his life. When Maoshan accepted his disciples, many people with yang fate, because of this People with this kind of fate, as long as they have a little training, they have great restraint against evil things. Of course, there are exceptions, that is, people with extremely high talent in Taoism.

As soon as Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, many people volunteered.

"Senior brother, I'm from Yang Nian!"

"Brother, me too!"

"And I!"

Because several Taoist priests have been lost, there are only a dozen Maoshan Taoist priests present, but among these dozen people, 90.00% of them are born with yang life. As the name suggests, Lin Kaiyun also Only eight people are needed. Before, Lin Kaiyun was worried that there might not be enough people, so he was ready to replace them himself. Now it seems that there are more than enough.

It seems that although we have entered the Dharma-ending era, Maoshan's standards for accepting disciples have not been relaxed, and it is still very stuck.

"You, you, and you, the eight of you, surround that Nintendo."

Lin Kaiyun chose a few at random. This time, Taoist Master Qianhe brought all the little Taoist priests from Maoshan, with similar abilities, so there is no need to choose carefully.

The eight people who were spotted by Lin Kaiyun walked out consciously and leaned towards Nintendo.

After the eight Taoist priests approached, Nintendo, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly jumped up.

"Come back quickly, that guy is fine!" Daoist Qianhe suddenly panicked and shouted in a hurry.

However, Daoist Qianzuru's words were a step too late after all. The two people standing in front of Nintendo were grabbed by Nintendo's claws, twisted on the spot, and fell to the ground dead.


Nintendo casually dropped the bodies of the two little Taoist priests, and roared at Lin Kaiyun, as if shouting.

"Sure enough, you're fine, so what are you pretending to be?"

Lin Kaiyun had a cold face. He saw that Nintendo didn't appear to be injured at all, and there weren't too many accidents. He didn't think that his own blow could kill this Nintendo. However, Lin Kaiyun didn't expect that this Nintendo would pretend to be the end Then unexpectedly killed his two little Taoist priests in Maoshan, which made Lin Kaiyun very angry.


Nintendo could understand Lin Kaiyun's words, and pointed at Lin Kaiyun humanely, then pinched his waist and looked up to the sky and laughed.

Of course, the zombie's laughter is worse than the roar, and it's so terrifying that it makes people's scalp go numb after hearing it.

"Damn it, you dare to harm my disciple of Maoshan, and I will kill you today!" Lin Kaiyun clenched the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword tightly, with determination in his eyes.

Then Lin Kaiyun looked at Shi Jian, and said in an unquestionable tone, "Master, look at your appearance, your physical fitness has recovered a lot, please trouble Master, protect me for me!!!"

"Huh!" Shi Jian snorted coldly, and Lin Kaiyun yelled angrily, "Boy, your master Lin Jiu dare not talk to me like that. Who do you think you are? How dare you order me?"

Lin Kaiyun clasped his fists in both hands, arched his hands, and carried him on a sedan chair, even though Lin Kaiyun was wary of Shi Jian in his heart, he couldn't make an inch of his words, so he held Shi Jian and said, "Master, how dare I order you! The main thing is that you are the most powerful person here, you can only do all this, otherwise no one else can stop Nintendo!"

Lin Kaiyun arched his hands, showing great respect, as if he was a junior paying his respects, at least on the surface, he was very skilled, which made Shi Jian passable in face.

"Okay, I'm Shi Jian, as a senior brother of the Maoshan lineage, who can do such a difficult thing!"

Shi Jian was very dissatisfied with Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun's master and apprentice stealing his limelight, but this is not the time to care about it, and Lin Kaiyun also respects him as a master on the surface, so is there any reason to lose his temper regardless of right and wrong?

Shi Jian touched it, and rushed towards the zombie with his beard under his chin. He punched out, and countless thunderbolts shot out, like a bolt from the blue, exploding in the tide of zombies.

"Lightning Lightning Fist!"

The thunder burst was just an appetizer, Shi Jian opened his fists, and countless electric currents rushed around, attacking the zombies indiscriminately.

Immediately, all the zombies were once again attracted by Shi Jian, and Shi Jian was not polite, and punched Nintendo. Lin Jiu also took advantage of the situation to rescue the little Maoshan Taoist priests around Nintendo.


Seeing that Lin Jiu snatched away the blood from his mouth, Nintendo turned angrily and rushed towards Lin Jiu.

"Rolling Thunder!"

How could Shi Jian let Nintendo easily succeed? He jumped up, rolled several times in the air, like a generator, and threw out multiple thunderbolts as thick as tree stumps, smashing towards Nintendo.

Nintendo had observed the power of the Rolling Thunder very clearly before. He knew that if he was hit, he would definitely be injured, so he didn't care about Lin Jiu, and jumped with both feet, turned over and jumped away.

"Uncle Qianhe, Uncle Ma Madi, stop Nintendo now!" Seeing that Nintendo wanted to run, Lin Kaiyun hurriedly shouted.

"Don't worry! Kaiyun, leave it to me!"

Daoist Qianhe responded, raised the copper coin sword, and stabbed at Nintendo. The indomitable momentum seemed to be like a dragon singing and a tiger roaring.

Although the momentum was strong, it was not a threat to Nintendo. Nintendo raised its claws, as if playing baseball, and directly slapped Daoist Chizuru away, but it also delayed the time to escape.

At this time, Lin Jiu fell directly in front of Nintendo, as if blocking Nintendo with his body.


Nintendo roared, looked at the Taoist priest in front of him, and recognized Lin Jiu. Nintendo was very angry about the deceit at the beginning, and prepared to settle the old and new accounts together. He jumped three or five feet. This time he did not run away, but wanted to kill Lin Jiu. Lin Jiu.

"Get ready, pull!" Lin Jiu didn't react at all, didn't dodge or parry, just raised two fingers, twisted on the ground, and grabbed a red rope.

Lin Jiu pulled violently, and other Maoshan little Taoist priests also pulled up the red rope one after another. A large net condensed by the rope was wrapped around Nintendo's feet, and they all exerted their strength instantly, and fixed Nintendo in place.

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