"Thank you, no need, I don't want to involve you!"

Xiaoli pretended to be very considerate, but her eyes turned away from the other person in a black robe and a tall hat.

And Wencai didn't look stupid in other places, but his mind was completely on Xiaoli, so he naturally found Xiaoli's eyes, so he looked over and shouted, "Okay, look at the things these people are wearing. What a nice guy!"

"Don't ask Wencai, these people are very powerful, you better leave it alone!"

Xiao Li raised her hand, grabbed Wen Cai's arm, and said softly.

The talent originally planned to come to a hero to save the beauty, but now seeing Xiaoli grabbing him and feeling sorry for him, the heroic spirit of a man in his heart was activated immediately, and he said with certainty, "Xiaoli, don't worry, I really don't pay attention to these four guys!"

In Wencai's heart now, since Lin Kaiyun acquiesced in his every move, it meant that he wanted to help him chase this beauty.

Therefore, since Lin Kaiyun has agreed to help him, Wen Cai is naturally not afraid of anything.

Wen Cai gave Xiaoli a firm look, and then walked towards the four people in black robes.

"Give way!"

"Thank you!"

When passing by several other ghosts, Wen Cai spoke directly.

And the four ghosts didn't react for a while, and they really took a step left and right to make room for Wen Cai.

Afterwards, after Wencai walked by, the four ghosts suddenly realized that this Wencai was a human being with yang energy, and wanted to absorb this yang energy, but when they saw the four ghosts guarding them Ghost difference, gave up this bold idea.

The female ghost Xiaoli watched Wencai go straight to the ghost station, and she also removed the pitiful and resentful expression on her face, showing a sly smile instead.

Of course, this female ghost, Xiao Li, was not considered a bad ghost at all, and he didn't intend to harm Wencai, but because he had stayed in the underworld for too long, he wanted to take a look up and take a good look around.

But there is a ghost who looks at the female ghost, Xiaoli has no chance, so she puts her mind on Wencai.

Because in Xiaoli's impression, this Wencai is just a pervert, even if he is kind enough to help him, it is for selfish desires, and this kind of person needs to be punished.

Wencai walked up to the four people in black robes. Even though he was alone, he didn't show any fear at all. He snorted coldly and cursed, "You four guys should hurry up and leave, and go back and tell your master , twisted melons are not sweet!"

The four ghost guards originally ignored Wen Cai when he came over, but now Wen Cai dared to say a bunch of inexplicable words in front of them, which made the four ghost guards very puzzled.

But after all, there are official duties in the body, these four ghost messengers, just pretend that they have not heard anything, and ignore Wencai.

However, Wen Cai came prepared, seeing the four guys in black robes, he ignored him, thinking that the persuasion was fruitless, so he took out four talismans from his pocket, and quickly pasted them on the four ghost messengers .

Ghosts are ghosts in essence, and Maoshan's service has a restraining effect on any evil things, including ghosts, so even if ghosts are not afraid of this talisman, they will be affected after being posted, at least for a short time Inside, the ontology of ghosts will become unstable.


The four ghost messengers were all pasted with paper talismans by Wen Cai, and fell uncontrollably to the wall behind them.

Wencai didn't expect to take care of these four guys easily, so he quickly turned to Xiaoli, raised his hands and began to claim credit, "Xiaoli, you can rest assured now, I have taken care of the person who arrested you Now, and seeing that I am so powerful, they will definitely not dare to send people to catch you again!"

The female ghost Xiaoli originally just wanted Wencai to harass the ghost and attract the attention of the ghost, but she didn't expect that Wencai, a pervert, would directly put the ghost down. It was an unexpected harvest.

After all, if it was just to attract attention, Xiaoli would inevitably be noticed by ghosts when she ran away, but if she was knocked down, then no one would stop her escape.

And at this moment, those ghosts who watched the theater, especially those next to the ghost messenger, realized that something was wrong.

And some ghosts who were ready to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble deliberately yelled, "The ghost messenger is dead, run away!"

"Run, run, don't miss this opportunity!"

"If you have no way to reincarnate, run away, or you will have to go back to that dark and dark hell!"

In an instant, all kinds of voices rang out, and the ghosts watching the play in the theater were like frightened birds at this time, running around non-stop, and many of them escaped. Driven by the chaotic situation, , The ghosts who lined up in the theater before also took advantage of the chaos to escape.

This chaotic sound also brought Lin Kaiyun back to his senses. Seeing all kinds of escaped ghosts in the theater, Lin Kaiyun was upset in his heart, and cursed secretly, "Damn it, I didn't expect this female ghost Xiaoli to have such a trick. If you don't pay attention, I also fell into his way!"

And Lin Jiu, who had been observing the situation from the side, had an extremely ugly expression at this time. He preconceived that if Lin Kaiyun would handle it, nothing would go wrong, but he didn't expect that a man who didn't pay attention to Wencai would cause such a catastrophe.

Qiu Sheng, who was beside Lin Jiu, didn't realize what these ghosts would bring when they escaped, and shouted like watching the excitement,

"Master, those ghosts seem to have escaped, what should we do?"

"What should I do? Hurry up and catch the ghosts! If Wencai lets all these theater ghosts go, there is no way to deal with the underworld!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu quickly took out two folded cloth bags from his arms, and ran directly into the theater.

At the same time, Lin Kaiyun also used the road to the sky, densely packed with talismans shining with faint blue light in the sky, trying to shock the escaped ghosts as much as possible.

But there were too many ghosts, they fled from all directions, and by the time Kaiyun and Lin Jiu made their move, some ghosts had already escaped from the theater.

Where do these ghosts go after they escape?Don't even think about it, it must be the principle of proximity, just wandering in this Renjia Town.

After all, except for a few ghosts who planned to escape from Shengtian, the rest of the ghosts ran around and had no intention of escaping.

And because of this, basically all the residents in Renjia Town have provoked some unclean things at this time.

Especially those who run restaurants basically attract a lot of starving ghosts. Those who are ready to cook for the guests the next day are eaten by these starving ghosts in a few mouthfuls.

And some ghosts who like to play around don't have any bad intentions, they just follow their instincts in life and look for some familiar places.

For example, a hanged ghost remembered that he fell on a pine beam before he died, so he saw a house made of pine wood, so he jumped in curiously.

Although ordinary people can't detect ghosts, the dogs in the house, especially the black dogs, can sense abnormalities and keep barking.

The dog kept barking, waking up the sleeping owner's family. The male owner half sat up, and yelled at the black dog at the door,

"What do you call it in the middle of the night, you are calling me to drink your stew sooner or later!"

Wang Wang Wang! ! !

However, the always obedient black dog didn't hold back after the owner finished scolding, and kept barking.

At this time, the hostess pushed the host and said with eyes wide open,

"Oh, master, go out and have a look! Erhei doesn't usually call him that, don't be a thief!"

"Really, the family is so poor that there are no thieves coming to our house!"

The male host didn't think it was easy, so he put on his clothes and got up, planning to go to the door to have a look.

Although he didn't believe that it was really a thief, the male owner was going to beat up the big black dog at the door so as not to disturb their sleep.

However, when the male owner walked to the door, he found that the big black dog was barking at the inside of the house.

And there was a rustling sound from the roof.

"In the middle of the night, it's fine for the dog to bark, but are there still rats?"

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