Lin Jiu walked up to the black-robed zombie, and said, "This fellow corpse chaser, it's already dawn, it's really inconvenient for this zombie to show up, and the sun will also cause damage to this zombie, so please tell me Please cooperate with me and let this black-robed zombie enter the morgue!"

Lian black-robed zombie nodded, apparently under control, Taoist exorcist agreed with Lin Jiu's approach, so he controlled the zombie and jumped directly into the morgue.

And Lin Jiu followed the black-robed zombie into the morgue, then took out a corpse-suppressing talisman from his arms, and said to the zombie, "Fellow Taoist, this is Maoshan's real server. Yes, I suggest posting a sticker on this zombie, this way it will be more secure, and secondly, it will save you from bothering to control this zombie!"

Lin Jiu didn't directly choose to paste the spell, but first communicated with the corpse exorcist hiding behind his back.

In the end, unexpectedly, the expert corpse hunter who was hiding in the dark was very cooperative. The black-robed zombie nodded directly, agreeing to let Lin Jiu put the corpse-suppressing charm on it.

Seeing that the black-robed zombie nodded, Lin Jiu also breathed a sigh of relief. He had made a decision in his heart just now. If the master exorcist behind this disagreed, then Lin Jiu would insist on posting the name "Zhou Zombie" Talisman, after all, except for those who drive the corpse, the rest of the people will not be completely at ease, this controlled zombie.

While Lin Jiu was in the morgue, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai in the courtyard were also called by Lin Kaiyun.

Although Wen Cai also regretted that he was blinded by ghosts, but with his character, he was not distraught. Instead, he moved to Lin Kaiyun's side and asked in a low voice, "Senior brother, the beauty named Xiao Li yesterday Is it also a ghost? Have you seen her? It seems that when the ghost messenger fell down last night, he disappeared!"

Lin Jiu saw that Wencai was still full of lust and was still thinking about the female ghost Xiaoli, so he had an idea and planned to play tricks on Wencai. He nodded his chin towards the morgue and said,

"Oh, I see, that Xiaoli came back with us last night, and it's in that morgue!"

After Wencai heard Lin Kaiyun's words, he looked at the morgue expectantly, as if he wanted to go in and have a look.

However, Qiu Sheng didn't react at this time, Lin Kaiyun wanted to tease the talent, and reminded, "Qiu Sheng, I just woke up and saw the master leading a man in a black robe into the morgue. I don't think it was last night. Get on that female ghost!"

Wen Cai nodded after hearing Qiu Sheng's words, and said,

"The person in the black robe? That shouldn't be Xiaoli, it's obviously not visible."

However, even though Wen Cai was so young, he still couldn't control the curious thoughts in his heart. After Lin Jiu came out of the morgue, he slipped in with Qiu Sheng cautiously.

Wen Cai was very courageous, as soon as he entered the room, he walked directly in front of the black-robed zombie, lifted the robe, and saw the zombie's face with a yellow talisman on it.

Qiu Sheng behind him also saw the face of the zombie, so he said,

"Hey, let me just say, how can a normal person wear a black robe, it turns out to be a zombie!"

But Wen Cai stood in front of the black-robed zombie and looked it up, then said in surprise, "Why does this zombie look familiar? Oh, I remembered, this is exactly the tall man I saw before!"

Under Wen Cai's reminder, Qiu Sheng also remembered, leaned over and said,

"Well, what you said really sounds like it. It turns out that the one who killed that murderous zombie that day was also a zombie. I didn't see it in the distance before. I thought it was some kind of expert!"

Next, Wencai and Qiusheng circled around the black-robed zombie twice, muttering non-stop,

"Why did this zombie stick a talisman? Could it be that he was caught by the master?"

"Really, I didn't expect this zombie to be so powerful, and it was also captured by the master. It seems that our master is still very powerful!"

"It's true that our master is still very good. Oh, when will I be able to be as capable as the master?"

"Come on, you're just as beautiful as the master thinks, and it's enough for me to say that we can also have the strength of a senior brother!"

Just when the two of them were dreaming about the future and dreaming, a sudden voice came from behind the two of them, "You two are going to run as soon as you train. Do you still want to catch up with Kai Yun?"

The voice was none other than Lin Jiu, and Qiusheng and Wen Cai were taken aback when they heard the sound of drinking.

Drinking alcohol directly stopped Qiusheng and Wencai who were about to run away, tightly grasped their ears with both hands, and shouted in a serious voice, "You two come out with me!"

As soon as Qiusheng and Wencai saw Lin Jiu's tone, they knew that they must be punished again, so they hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Master, we just thought this black-robed zombie was weird, we just checked to see if he didn't take off the talisman on his forehead!"

"That's right! Master, we didn't cause any trouble!"

The two begged Lin Jiu for mercy, but obviously it didn't work.

Lin Jiu looked at Qiusheng and Wencai with a cold face, then fixed his eyes on Wencai, and stared fiercely, "Wencai, are you ashamed to say that you didn't make a mistake? I asked Kaiyun to call you, but you didn't do it at all. Cooperate, and defeat the ghost messenger, and let thousands of ghosts escape!"

As soon as Wencai heard Lin Jiu's words, he felt guilty and lost his confidence. He glanced at Lin Jiu and murmured softly, "Master can't blame me, it's all the fault of that female ghost. She bewitched me." Already!"

Lin Jiu obviously didn't believe what Wencai said, raised his eyebrows and sneered,

"Really? Why did I hear Kaiyun tell me that you are very willing to help that female ghost?"

Wen Cai immediately panicked when he heard what his master Lin Jiu said, and waved his hands quickly,

"No, master, don't listen to the nonsense of senior brother, I was really bewitched by the female ghost!"

At this time, Qiu Sheng looked at Wen Cai gloatingly, anyway, it wasn't him who let the ghosts go.

But Qiu Sheng still interrupted and asked, "Master, have you caught all those ghosts?!"

Lin Jiu snorted coldly,

"Caught it? How is it possible? There are thousands of ghosts. Even if your senior brother and I are exhausted, there is no way to catch all of these ghosts overnight!"

"Then what should we do?" Qiu Sheng asked.

"I have already notified your uncles and uncles. They should be here soon. At that time, we Maoshan people will work together, and we should be able to capture almost all of these ghosts!"

Lin Jiu glanced at Qiusheng and Wencai and continued, "In addition, when your uncles and uncles arrive, you must be honest and don't talk nonsense, and don't do stupid things. If you really embarrass me, don't blame me. You are welcome as a teacher!"

Chapter 280 Golden Armored Corpse

After reprimanding Qiusheng and Wencai, Lin Jiu also glanced at the black-robed zombie behind him, and didn't speak until he walked in the hall and asked Wencai and Qiusheng to kneel down.

Lin Jiucai asked, "Wen Cai, is that so-called expert you saw last time this zombie?"

Wen Cai knelt on the futon, scratched his head, and said with some uncertainty, "It should be, I was standing quite far at the time, and the night was too dark to see clearly, but I looked around The shape is very similar, and he was also wearing a black robe at the time!"

Qiu Sheng, who was kneeling next to Wen Cai, also interjected, "Master, I didn't see Wen Cai clearly when I saw Wen Cai, otherwise, how could even zombies and people be mistaken!"

Lin Jiu paused for a while, pondered in his mind for a few minutes, and then said to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai,

"Regardless of whether it is or not, don't stop time and run around in the future. There should be an extremely powerful exorcist behind that zombie. If he is angered, he will not be as merciful as the master!"

At this time, Lin Kaiyun also came back and saw Qiu Sheng and Literary Lin Kaiyun kneeling on the futon, and couldn't help but smile.

When Wen Cai saw Lin Kaiyun coming in, his eyes rolled twice, then he winked at Lin Kaiyun, and said in a low voice,

"Eldest brother, hurry up and beg for me. You tell the master that I was indeed bewitched by that female ghost at that time, and it was really not intentional!"

Lin Kaiyun naturally heard Wen Cai's voice, and nodded to Wen Cai, just when Wen Cai thought that Lin Kaiyun was going to say something nice for him, he suddenly heard Lin Kaiyun say, "Master, Wen Cai was indeed fooled by the female ghost at that time. Xinzhi, kept telling me that the female ghost was very beautiful, and also told me that the female ghost was interested in him."

When Wencai heard Lin Kaiyun's spherical words, he broke out in a cold sweat. This is no pleading, it's clearly getting darker and darker.

Wen Cai hurriedly said to Lin Jiu,

"Hey, master, don't listen to the nonsense of the elder brother, he is joking with you!"

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