And those ghosts in the formation were all fainted by Shi Jian's powerful sound, and even some ghosts with low strength were wiped out directly.

Seeing that Shi Jian insisted on this, and even moved his hands decisively, Lin Jiu's face was solemn, and he directly took out the gossip mirror, wanting to stop Shi Jian,

"Shi Jian, since you are determined to do this, then don't blame the younger brother for not thinking about the friendship between teachers and teachers, and ask you for advice!"

At this time, Lin Kaiyun stepped forward and patted Lin Jiu on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Master, don't worry, leave it to me, and take this opportunity to catch all those ghosts!"

Shi Jian hadn't fully launched the attack yet, but the tyrannical thunder and lightning had already shocked most of the ghosts, so now is a good opportunity to catch the ghosts.

And Lin Kaiyun didn't wait for Lin Jiu to react, and directly faced the people in the formation, and the others shouted, "Elders, these ghosts are now suppressed, and it's a good opportunity to catch them. Hurry up and save a lot of ghosts." What strength!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun smiled at Lin Jiu, and nodded in affirmation.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun, Lin Jiu was so calm, and he also knew Lin Kaiyun's character, so he would never do anything unsure, so Lin Jiu nodded and agreed with Lin Kaiyun's opinion, "Okay, but be careful, don't worry. Don't get hurt, if you don't persist well, just slip away, you don't have to worry about me, Shi Jian won't do anything to me!"

"Don't worry, master, don't you know me?"

Seeing Lin Jiu's concerned expression, Lin Kaiyun said with a warm smile in his heart.

Lin Jiu didn't say much when he saw this, he turned around and picked up the cloth bag, and started to grab the ghost.

Seeing the conflict between Shi Jian and Lin Jiu's apprentices, the other people tried to persuade them. Shi Jian had no time to catch these ghosts, but after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words and Lin Jiu's movements, they all started to move, each showing their own strength. Supernatural powers to capture ghosts who have lost their ability to move.

As for Shi Jian, who rushed over from Xianglin Kaiyun, his eyes were almost bursting with anger. He saw Lin Kaiyuan's movements clearly. Capture ghosts.

This made it even more obvious that Shi Jian was disregarding the overall situation.

"Little bastard, fight against me everywhere, I must kill you today!"

In Shi Jian's heart, he had scolded Lin Kaiyun countless times. As if he had stepped out of the thunder, he turned into a giant covered in thunder and lightning, and rushed directly in front of Lin Kaiyun, opening his palms like the god of thunder. The hammer generally hit Lin Kaiyun's eyebrows.

Facing Shi Jian's menacing attack, Lin Kaiyun was very calm, and the smile on his face seemed to be stimulating Shi Jian. Turning his head, he said something to Qiusheng and Wencai, "Stop staring at you two guys, hurry up and help master catch ghosts!"

puff! ! !

Lin Kaiyun's almost insulting behavior almost made Shi Jian spit out a mouthful of old blood. Shi Jian gritted his teeth and cursed, "Right, little beast, you must remember to say that I, Shi Jian, killed you when you go to the underworld!"

Shi Jian's palm was only two inches away from Lin Kaiyun's face, and the jumping violent lightning even bounced Lin Kaiyun's hair.

At this critical moment, Lin Kaiyun turned his head and smiled at Shi Jian, showing his white teeth, which even shone brightly under the light of thunder.

"Uncle, you are so intent on killing, yet you still haven't used your Lightning and Thunder Fist, do you think you can kill me with the most basic thunder method? Besides, thunder and lightning are my favorite moves ah!"

Lin Kaiyun laughed and mocked Shi Jian, and at the same time slowly raised his hands, a more crazy arc of lightning emerged in the center of his palm. At first glance, it seemed to be a disk on the horizon, and it was more powerful than the lightning jumping on Shi Jian. purely.

And these two lightning strikes seemed to be competing for brilliance, and the competition began with only the light, and the intertwined and superimposed radiance illuminated the entire formation, making people unable to open their eyes.

And Shi Jian was a little surprised to see that Lin Kaiyun had mastered such a pure thunder method, but he would not stop the attack in his hand, and the palm that was shining with thunder had already slapped Lin Kaiyun's forehead.

However, Lin Kaiyun didn't dodge, and let Shi Jian's attack hit him. Shi Jian's cautious character made him very puzzled by Lin Kaiyun's performance. A sense of unease.

For some cultivators, seeking good fortune and avoiding evil is almost a compulsory course, especially those who are more advanced in Taoism, the more obvious this feeling is.

Some ordinary people are born with this kind of feeling, which is commonly known as the sixth sense, but ordinary people don't pay much attention to it, they only think that they are delusional, but Shi Jian doesn't think so.

Therefore, Shi Jian believed that this must be Lin Kaiyun's counterattack, which could cause some damage to him, so there was some uneasy warning in his heart, and Shi Jian judged that the direction of the attack was his abdomen.

Immediately after Shi Jian didn't stop his attack, the other hand also drew a lightning bolt in front of his abdomen, but Shi Jian immediately discovered that his judgment might have been wrong, Lin Kaiyun's flickering Holding the hands of pure lightning, there was no movement.

But in the palms of Lin Kaiyun's hands, thunder and lightning turned into a ball, and the foot brakes kept spinning, and they were constantly absorbing the thunder light that jumped on Shi Jian's body.

"How could this be?"

Shi Jian felt that the energy between Lin Kaiyun's hands was devouring his thunder and lightning, and he was very surprised. Now that he has used the attack to the extreme, he can't stop rashly. If he stops forcibly, he will will be backlashed.

This caused Shi Jian to feel like he was riding a tiger. If he continued to attack, then the thunder and lightning would be swallowed and absorbed by Lin Jiu, a damned apprentice.

Chapter 288 Playing You

Shi Jian's thunder palm was just above Lin Kaiyun's eyebrows, but the lightning power on this palm was resisted by the thunder and lightning that appeared between Lin Kaiyun's eyebrows.

At the same time, the lightning between Lin Kaiyun's hands was still engulfing Shi Jian. The lightning around his body made Shi Jian fall into a situation where he could not get up or down. If you attack, you will be backlashed.

At this moment, Lin Kaiyun stood there with a flat face, motionless, and at the same time, his cracked mouth smiled even brighter, and his white teeth looked even brighter under the light of lightning on both sides.

In Shi Jian's view, this light was mocking him, but Shi Jian was also feeling very bitter at this time. If it was only because of Lin Kaiyun's strange devouring power that Shi Jian could not stop complaining, then there is one more thing, that is, Shi Jian's heart was overwhelmed.

Because relying on this contact with Shi Jian, he unexpectedly discovered that Lin Jiu's animal apprentice had a very strong cultivation base, which made Shi Jian feel that he was not weaker than him for a while.

Of course, Shi Jian had an arrogant personality, he didn't think that Lin Kaiyun's cultivation would be similar to his. In Shi Jian's heart, he felt that Lin Kaiyun must have used some special method to raise his combat power to this level.

In fact, Shi Jian was really right in his analysis. Lin Kaiyun really used a special method at this time to increase his mana and cultivation by a large margin.

After all, Lin Kaiyun knew that his great master, Shi Jian, was a jerk, but his strength was still very good. Lin Kaiyun knew in his heart that if he really started a fight with Shi Jian, then he might not be his opponent.

So when Lin Kaiyun showed his killing intent in Shi Jian, he had already awakened his great fairy, Uncle Shen, and gave him a part of his strength, just like the last time he fought against the mysterious black dragon.

It can be said without humility that now Lin Kaiyun's realm and cultivation base are indeed higher than Shi Jian's. It is precisely because of this that Shi Jian's attack has not been effective, and at the same time he has fallen into a situation where he can't ride a tiger. They are all based on the realm of cultivation, if the realm is not enough, then it is all a showy show.

But now Shi Jian and Lin Kaiyun are just frozen in place. Shi Jian's palm has already been removed from Lingtaiyun's eyebrows. It will make him appear even more stupid, and make outsiders feel that he has nothing to do with Lin Jiu's junior apprentice.

Although the fact is the case, Shi Jian really has nothing to do with Lin Kaiyun, but face doesn't matter, Shi Jian still wants face.

However, as Shi Jian progressed and Lin Kaiyun devoured him, the power of thunder and lightning also decreased. After all, Lin Kaiyun's current state is that what was brought to him by Chu Maxian is not his own, and he can't use it skillfully. Not long after it came out, in short, Lin Kaiyun could only reduce Shi Jian's power, but he couldn't turn this power into his own use.

However, this can be considered unintentional. After all, although Shi Jian has murderous intentions towards him, Li Yinkai's voice has not yet been prepared. After all, there is no sufficient evidence to prove that Shi Jian has entered the country. evil way.

In case Lin Kaiyun really used all kinds of trump cards to kill Shi Jian at this time, and later found no evidence that Shi Jian had fallen into evil ways, he himself didn't care, he could just pat his ass and run away, but Lin Jiu, Qiu Sheng and Wencai will be miserable, not only will he be investigated and held accountable by Maoshan, but he will also bear the infamy of killing the senior brother of Shimen.

Lin Kaiyun doesn't want to see that. After all, Lin Kaiyun is quite satisfied with his current life, which is quite stable and full of uncertain adventures.

Gradually, the thunder and lightning on Lin Kaiyun and Shi Jian who were in the stalemate were decreasing, and at the same time, the flickering light also dimmed.

And the surroundings are no longer shrouded in thunder, and the gossip halo that belongs to the gossip formation has also regained control of the formation.

And Lin Kaiyun, who was getting acquainted with Shi Jian, fell into thinking at this time. Although Lin Kaiyun didn't want to kill Shi Jian now, he didn't want to end it like this. In fact, Shi Jian had nothing to do. Lin Kaiyun had lost face, but Lin Kaiyun thought Ask for more, and it would be best for Shi Jian to lose his reputation while losing face.

Although Shi Jian now has a reputation for killing innocent ghosts indiscriminately and competing with a junior for bullying the younger, but these are at most making Shi Jian feel uncomfortable. In fact, they have no effect and are harmless.

"Is there any way to pour dirty water on Shi Jian's body again?"

Lin Kaiyun's brain turned crazily, thinking of various ways.

In fact, Lin Kaiyun couldn't move at this time, and it was not without price that it could make Shi Jian's attack ineffective and unable to withdraw.

Just like Shi Jian's current situation, Lin Kaiyun has no way to stop his lightning immediately. It's like two masters competing for internal strength. No one dares to relax easily. After all, if he does that, he will face backlash. And the opponent's head-on blow.

However, Lin Kaiyun thought of a good solution at this time. With a loud shout, he exploded his magic power to the extreme with all his strength, and at the same time desperately urged his devouring power.

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