So now Shi Jian has to bite to death, even if it is shameless to confront a junior, Shi Jian must persist to the end.

But let alone a confrontation, even if he is facing Lin Kaiyunye, who thinks he is a very good thug, he said directly to Shi Jian, "Shi Jian, facts speak louder than words, everyone can see clearly, besides, what you said is not true at all. It’s just arguing, if I wasn’t vigilant just now, I’m afraid your palm would have smashed my forehead! And obviously your cultivation base is so high, whether you’re teaching me a lesson, or you have other thoughts , you can take me down easily, but you use evil magic to trap me in place, then absorb my mana and hurt my soul, in my opinion, you have fallen into evil ways!"

"Nonsense, it is clear that you have imprisoned me, unable to move, and absorbing my mana at the same time!"

Of course Shi Jian denied it.

However, his words made everyone in the formation a little hard to believe. After all, Shi Jian's excuse at this time was completely a copy of Lin Kaiyun. Is it possible to stop Shi Jian?Even devouring Shi Jian's mana?So everyone didn't believe Shi Jian's reason at all.

And Lin Kaiyun also grasped this point, hit hard, and shouted at Shi Jian, "Shi Jian, you are a junior you keep talking about, even if you are my master, Lin Jiu probably has no ability to imprison you in place, right? Besides, what about me? Do you believe this yourself?"


Shi Jian was also stunned by Lin Kaiyun, he couldn't speak for a while, and at the same time, he also knew that it would be useless to bite him to death now. He laughed, "My boy, Shi Jian admitted it today. I didn't expect Lin Jiu, who has always talked to himself to be honest and reliable, to accept such an apprentice as you, but even so, do you think you can eat me?" Let me tell you, regardless of my status in Maoshan or my reputation in the Jianghu, I don’t rely on getting started early. Even if many people believe what you say, so what? Do you think those people in Maoshan now Elder, can you do anything to me with just one word from you? Besides, you have found so many reasons to want to pour dirty water on me, isn't that just a sign of something? You can't do anything to me at all !"

After listening to Shi Jian's words, Lin Kaiyun grinned unconsciously, don't tell me, Shi Jian's shabby speech really hit the point.

Now whether it is Lin Kaiyun or Lin Jiu, they can only pour dirty water on Shi Jian's body and dare not do anything to him. After all, they are all disciples of the Maoshan lineage. Who is at fault, whoever is seriously injured is at fault?

But even if Lin Kaiyun is indeed injured now, at most it will only damage Shi Jian's reputation. It is estimated that those pedantic elders in Maoshan will not punish Shi Jian much.

But originally Lin Kaiyun didn't want to do anything to Shi Jian, so this situation is enough.

After the broken jar, Shi Jian seemed to have returned to his vigorous and aggressive posture. He stroked his beard, looked at Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun viciously, and said coldly, "You two, master and apprentice It's a good show, but don't worry, I've already remembered what happened today, I'm Shi Jian, and you all know it, don't let me find any opportunities in the future, or you will definitely regret it!"

After Shi Jian finished speaking, he scanned all the people in the formation, and remembered all the people who persuaded him and questioned him before.

When everyone saw Shi Jian, they seemed to be looking at an enemy, and felt very puzzling. Even if there was a grievance, it was the grievance between Shi Jian and Uncle Jiu, the master and apprentice.

They were only here to help, so what's the use of hating them?And there is no reason at all, is this Shi Jian already sealed?

For a while, everyone looked at Lin Jiu with wry smiles.

Looking at the speechless gazes of the crowd, Lin Jiu bowed his hands and apologized one by one. Lin Jiu also felt very embarrassed in his heart. After all, it was because of Shi Jian and Kai Yun that he angered them.

However, at this time, Lin Jiu was very contemptuous of Shi Jian's actions. Originally, Lin Jiu just thought that Shi Jian was too domineering, and at the same time, his mind was extremely small. In addition, it was shameless to take action against Lin Kaiyun today, but Lin Jiu never expected that Shi Jian really seemed to have fallen into evil ways as Lin Kaiyun said.

At this moment, he threatened to take revenge on everyone. If Shi Jian was not crazy, then only Shi Jian had fallen into evil ways.

Lin Jiu sighed, looked at Shi Jian and said earnestly,

"Eldest brother, I know you've always looked down on me, but even if it's a personal grievance, it's not going to be such a trouble, right? Besides, this matter is fundamentally because you were at fault first, why are you so indiscriminate now? Right or wrong? Blaming everyone, you can do this kind of thing?"

Shi Jian was very unimpressed by Lin Jiu's words, and cursed coldly,

"Lin Jiu, don't be hypocritical here, you are not worthy to tell me these things, and you are not qualified to preach to me!"

Seeing that Shi Jian's attitude was so hostile, Lin Jiu gave up his persuasive words and said directly to Shi Jian, "I will definitely go back to Maoshan to explain everything to the elders about what happened tonight. I have been caught, and I thank you for your help, please leave now!"

Shi Jian was also very angry with Lin Jiu's attitude. He stared at Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun fiercely, especially Lin Kaiyun wished to crush Lin Kaiyun to ashes. If eyes can kill, then Lin Kaiyun probably died under Shi Jian's eyes , hundreds of times.

And the harder Shi Jian climbed, the brighter the smile on the corner of Lin Kaiyun's mouth, as if telling Shi Jian, come on, come and hit me!

Of course, Shi Jian has already suffered a loss once, and this time he will not be easily fooled.

But at this moment, Shi Shaojian saw that the two sides were no longer fighting, and leaned over with a face of pain, clutching his neck, and asked in pain, "Master, how are you? Are you okay?"

In fact, Lin Kaiyun didn't hold back the slap that Shi Shaojian slapped Shi Shaojian before. If Lin Kaiyun didn't want to be with Shi Jian at the beginning, he would have slapped Shi Shaojian to death with one slap.

But even so, Shi Shaojian was injured, his neck and bones were twisted and cracked, if it wasn't for Shi Shaojian's good foundation, he might have passed out by now.

Although Shi Jian was very upset and angry at this time, he still cared very much about Shi Shaojian, his illegitimate son and apprentice.

Shi Jian quickly stretched out his hand, grabbed Shi Shaojian's neck, and asked with some concern, "How is it? Can the neck still move? Is it not broken?"

After Shi Shaojian's neck was touched by Shi Jian, he felt a sharp pain, he grinned and said,

"Master, it's not broken, but it hurts. I can't move my neck!"

Seeing Shi Shaojian in such pain, Shi Jian hated Lin Kaiyun even more, first he beat his illegitimate son, and then framed himself.

"Shaojian, let's go!"

But a man can bend and stretch, Shi Jian knew that at this moment, staying here would be nothing but embarrassment, so he helped Shi Shaojian and left.

Seeing that Shi Jian had left, Lin Jiu turned to look at Lin Kaiyun, helped Lin Kaiyun up, and said with a smile, "You kid made me worry for nothing!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "Master, don't worry about my work!"

After Shi Jian left, everyone looked relieved, and Lin Jiu also apologized to those who came to help one by one.

In the end, in a harmonious atmosphere, none of the ghosts in the gossip array could escape.

"Okay, all the ghosts have been caught, I'm going to remove the formation!"

Lin Jiu saw that there were no ghosts in the gossip array, so he took out the compass, bit his index finger, squeezed out a drop of blood and dripped on the compass, and the compass immediately spun out, and several lines flashed from the gap. Subtle glow.

At the same time, the eight dots in the eight trigrams array also responded to it, shining with light. Finally, the spiritual energy gathered above the eight trigrams array slowly dissipated, and the surrounding area also dimmed. The cinnabar and rooster on the eyes of the array The blood is gone too.

After the formation disappeared, the others also handed over the captured ghosts to Lin Jiu. Looking at the hundreds of ghosts, Lin Jiu said slowly,

"Okay, the next step is to return these ghosts to the ghost messenger!"

At this moment, Qiusheng leaned over and interjected, asking,

"Master, will Wencai not be punished after sending these ghosts to the underworld?"

Lin Jiu glanced at Qiu Sheng and said,

"You have a beautiful idea! In the end, we can't be let go by the underworld, and we have to communicate with the ghosts over there to find out!"

Wen Cai originally thought that he had been saved, but when he heard Lin Jiu's words, he immediately became dejected, and muttered with a mournful face,

"Ah? Why do you still need to communicate?"

Lin Kaiyun kicked Wencai fiercely, and said with hatred,

"Nonsense, if you don't give the ghosts conditions, how could the ghosts let you go easily? If it weren't for the face of the master, you would have been arrested and sent to the eighteenth level of hell by the time the ghosts were released!"

After Wen Cai was kicked by Lin Kaiyun, he grinned and covered his buttocks,

"Oh, I got it, I will definitely have a long memory in the future, and I will never mess with those ghosts again!"

Chapter 291 Negotiating with the ghost messenger

Lin Jiu led Lin Kaiyun and the aliens with the ghosts they had captured, and headed towards Yizhuang in Renjia Town.

While walking on the road, Wen Cai was surprisingly quiet, but Qiu Sheng blinked his eyes and walked quickly, ran to Lin Jiu's side, and asked, "Master, are you going to summon ghost messengers and hand over these ghosts to him?" ah?"

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