The female ghost, Xiaoli, did not show her own face from the beginning to the end, and kept a terrifying appearance with a blue face, fangs and pustules.

So the threatening words at this moment, coupled with the contending expression, are very convincing.

Shi Shaojian's soul didn't know what kind of intention this female ghost Xiaoli had, but the meaning in the words seemed to be to let him go, so he quickly knelt in front of the female ghost Xiaoli, and kept promising, "Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely abandon evil and do good in the future, and I will never do anything harmful to others again!"

The female ghost Xiaoli originally planned to teach her a lesson. This daring guy did not intend to kill anyone. Even if he knew that Shi Shaojian was the child of Shi Jian who killed innocent ghosts indiscriminately at that time, although the female ghost Xiaoli had murderous intentions, But it was also controlled in time.

After all, once the ghost kills, it will be burdened with karma and karma.

As time goes by, she will become the evil ghost of her brother, and Xiaoli, the female ghost, naturally doesn't want to do this, so she saves Shi Shaojian's life, but in order to let Shi Shaojian have a long memory, so Xiaoli, the female ghost, deliberately made up nonsense, To scare Shi Shaojian,

"I have already left behind you, as long as you dare to do this kind of thing again, you will definitely die!"

Sure enough, Shi Shaojian was obviously taken aback when he heard Xiaoli's words from the female ghost, and immediately kowtowed and replied, "I must, I swear I will never do such wicked things again in the future!"

Although he didn't know whether what the female ghost Xiao Li said was true or not, Shi Shaojian was not afraid. At worst, he asked his master and father Shi Jian to eliminate the ghost's backhands after he returned.

Chapter 307 The Most Beautiful Ghost

"Don't hurry up!"

Seeing that Shi Shaojian was still obediently kneeling in front of her, Xiao Li pinched her waist and shouted in a cold voice.

"Obey, I will definitely change my past in the future!"

Shi Shaojian's soul was so frightened that he almost collapsed, although he didn't know why, but this ugly ghost let him go, Shi Shaojian didn't have time to think, so he used his strength to pass the door, He ran away in a panic.

Seeing Shi Shaojian's embarrassed appearance, the female ghost Xiaoli didn't pretend, but restored her original appearance. However, Shi Shaojian didn't see this side. He still has the impression of the female ghost Xiaoli. With blue-faced fangs and pustules all over his face.

Even Shi Shaojian, who was on the run, was puzzled after escaping from the catastrophe. This female ghost, Xiao Li, was so ugly that she even pretended to be cute and pinched her waist. It was disgusting to think about it.

Now that the female ghost Xiaoli has decided to let Shi Shaojian go, she won't be thinking about where Shi Shaojian is going to escape. Anyway, from Xiaoli's point of view, Shi Shaojian's body is still under the noses of Qiusheng and Wencai!

So, the female ghost Xiaoli turned around and disappeared in a puff of smoke. The next moment, the female ghost Xiaoli appeared in the courtyard of Boss Qian's house. At this moment, Qiusheng was straddling the wall, pulling Wencai's arm.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The female ghost Xiaoli was amused by Qiusheng and Wencai's clumsy appearance.

Qiu Sheng jumped in first, and was dragging Wen Cai into Boss Qian's yard, when he suddenly heard a voice.

Qiu Sheng didn't have time to tell who the voice was, and subconsciously thought that Boss Qian's family had discovered it, so he turned over without kicking his feet.


Wen Cai, who was struggling to climb up below, suddenly felt Qiu Sheng let go of his hand, and then saw a black shadow, smashing down on his face.

boom! ! !boom! ! !

With two muffled sounds, Qiu Sheng crushed Wen Cai and fell to the ground in unison.

"Qiusheng, what are you doing? If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't let you jump first. If you didn't stop me, I wouldn't say anything. Why did you still hit me? Oh, my waist!"

Wen Cai pushed Qiu Sheng who was pressing on him away, and rubbed his waist in pain, with a face full of effort.

After all, when Qiusheng fell, he was on Wencai's body, so he didn't suffer any injuries, and he didn't even feel any pain.

After being pushed away by Wen Cai, Qiu Sheng bowed his waist and stood up, quickly pulled Wen Cai up, and whispered,

"I don't have time to explain to you. Run, it seems that someone has discovered it."

"Oh, run quickly, it will be a bad thing if we are found out, and the big brother will definitely beat us to death when the time comes."

Wen Cai originally wanted to complain about Qiu Sheng, but after hearing this, he ignored the pain in his waist and ran away with Qiu Sheng.

"Hey, what are you two doing? Why are you running away when you see me!!!"

The female ghost Xiaoli was very surprised that Qiusheng fell down, so she dodged through the wall and came outside. As a result, she saw Qiusheng and Wencai, looking like they were running for their lives.

"Hey, this voice is so familiar!!!"

"Stupid, this is Xiaoli, how can you not be familiar with it!"

This time, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai finally discovered that the person who came was not Boss Qian, but the female ghost Xiaoli.

The female ghost Xiaoli snorted coldly, pinched her waist, and looked angry, "Hmph, I'm so scary!!! You two will run away when you see me!"

"No, Xiao Li, you are the most beautiful!"

"That's right, Xiaoli, you are the most beautiful ghost, among the ghosts I have seen, there is no ghost more beautiful than you!!"

After reacting, Qiusheng and Wencai rushed to the side of the female ghost Xiaoli, pushing and squeezing, and flattering at the same time.

"Sweet words!" Although Xiaoli, the female ghost, covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, it was obvious that the flattery words of Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were very useful.

Seeing Xiaoli smile, Qiusheng slapped Wencai behind, and explained with a smile,

"Xiaoli, we thought we were discovered by Boss Qian's family! That's why we ran away!"

Wencai didn't dare to lag behind, and walked around from the other side of Wencai, and said with a smile, "Yes, we thought we had been discovered, otherwise, we would see the beautiful Xiaoli, and it would be too late to get close! How could we be willing to run away!!! !"

"Okay! I forgive you!"

Xiaoli, the female ghost, knows that Qiusheng and Wencai have such virtues, and they don't have any malicious intentions. Of course, even if they have evil intentions, they probably don't have the guts.

However, the female ghost Xiaoli was a little surprised that Qiusheng and Wencai suddenly came to Boss Qian's house, she turned her head and looked around, and asked,

"Why are you two here? Where's your senior brother!"

Wencai replied truthfully,

"Our big brother, where can we watch the wild dogs eat the buffet! We think it's too bloody, so we're here!"

Qiu Sheng nudged Wen Cai with his elbow and added,

"Mainly, we are worried about you, Xiaoli, so we volunteered to come and help!"

"Really?" The female ghost Xiaoli looked at Qiusheng suspiciously.

"Of course, I never lie!" Qiu Sheng assured himself by patting his chest, then immediately changed the subject to Boss Qian's house, and asked, "Xiao Li, how is it? Where is the ghost of that bastard Shi Shaojian?" ? Didn't succeed!"

"Shi Shaojian's soul was caught by me, and I taught him a lesson. His soul is about to collapse. It is very miserable. I don't think he will dare to harm girls casually in the future!" The female ghost Xiaoli raised her head. , smiling coquettishly, as if he had done something very remarkable.

Qiu Sheng gave a thumbs up to the female ghost Xiao Li, and said with a smile, "Ok, Xiao Li, you can clean up that bastard Shi Shaojian so quickly!!! Good job!"

Wen Cai also asked curiously, "Xiao Li, how did you teach Shi Shaojian a lesson! Is he really miserable?"

"Do you really want to know? Let me tell you, the scene is very cruel!!"

The female ghost, Xiaoli, had a sly smile on her lips, and she purposely made a fool of herself.

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