As a result, it happened to meet Shi Jian who was following him.

Lin Jiu naturally believed Lin Kaiyun's words, frowned, and said directly,

"Since Shi Jian has the time to follow us, it means that he has no conspiracy or plan to arrange in Renjia Town. If this is the case, we simply ignore him and continue to Mabei Mountain!"

Qiu Sheng also heard what Lin Kaiyun said, and then asked Lin Jiu in doubt,

"Master, that old fellow Shi Jian deliberately asked us to go to Maweishan, and now he is following us, will he set up a trap there for us to drill?"

Lin Jiu shook his head,

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up, I still know a little bit about Shi Jian's temperament, he is aloof, although he has never dealt with our master and apprentice, and has always been uneasy and kind, but I think this Shi Jian will not be able to murder his fellow disciples. things come!"

After Lin Kaiyun heard Lin Jiu's words, he just wanted to persuade his master. He wanted to remind Lin Jiu that Shi Jian was indeed like that before, but since the last time he captured the ghost, he tore his face, and now Shi Shaojian is so miserable, in Lin Kaiyun's view, Shi Jian has already been possessed by demons.

However, before Lin Kaiyun could open his mouth, Lin Jiu continued, "And do you think being a teacher eats such a mindless person? In fact, the Mabei Mountain mentioned by Shi Jian is indeed not close to Renjia Town, but being a teacher is very important to this place. I also know a thing or two. For ordinary people, this horseback mountain is a very ordinary mountain. It is called Horseback Mountain because it is covered with horseshoe grass. Of course, this is just the understanding of ordinary people. In fact, this horseback mountain Beishan is a transfer station for Niutau Mamian. It is used for some ghost messengers who came out to seduce their souls. It should be the group of zombies that condensed the coffin fungus!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded after listening to Lin Jiu's words, but he had already thought about it in his heart. According to what his master Lin Jiu said, there seems to be nothing special on this horseback mountain. What kind of place is worshiping immortals.

For Lin Jiu's words, Lin Kaiyun chose to believe unconditionally. Because of this, Lin Kaiyun is a little confused now about Shi Jian, why did he mention the matter of worshiping the Immortal Sect?

Is it really just a coincidence?As Shi Jian said in his words, he learned that there are coffin fungus in Mabei Mountain, and a friend of the Immortal Worship Sect told him.

After thinking about it for a few times, Lin Kaiyun might not be able to determine the reason, so he quickly threw these messy thoughts out of his mind. Anyway, as long as he arrives at Mabei Mountain, if there are no weird worshipers of the Immortal Cult, it means that he will be very happy. It may be just a coincidence!

But now in Lin Kaiyun's view, although his master couldn't bear it anymore, he still knew it very well, so Lin Kaiyun asked,

"Master, since you know Shi Jian and want us to go to the zombie group to get the coffin fungus at the risk of our lives, why do you agree? You can absolutely refuse!"

Lin Jiu didn't stop on his feet, and was still hurrying on his way. Turning his head to look, Lin Kaiyun said,

"Those zombies that can condense coffin fungus in their throats must be a group, and there is a leader among them, but although this has unpredictable dangers, it is not a good place for experience, and even if there is the worst situation, As a teacher, I can protect you from retreating safely, and Kai Yun, with your current strength, there is no need for ordinary zombies to be afraid if we join hands as a teacher and student, right?"

Lin Kaiyun smiled speechlessly, nodded and said,

"Okay! Master, you have the final say, then we don't need to spend much effort to play the game of returning to the carbine halfway. Since we want to practice, then we all go on horseback! Let's meet the group of zombies for a while .”

However, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, who were chasing after Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, looked very ugly at this time.

The two of them were listless like eggplant buns beaten by Qiushuang.

Qiu Sheng asked with a mournful face,

"Master, senior brother, why can't I understand what you two are talking about? Why is it so different from what was planned yesterday?"

Wencai also agreed,

"That's right, master, even if we didn't want to attract Shi Jian, that old guy made a mistake, it should be to get the coffin fungus, why did it become an experience again?"


Lin Jiu snorted coldly, leaving his two unfulfilling apprentices aside, and scolded, "You two are usually too comfortable, and you have never experienced real danger, so you will never grow up. I know, playing and playing pranks, forcing you to practice, and trying to escape in every possible way. If, as a teacher, I don’t want to find a way to get rid of your problems, I guess the two of you will never have a relationship with my sweater... "

Qiusheng and Wencai were a little confused when they heard Lin Jiu's words.

"Ah? Is Master so serious?"

"That's right, master, Wencai and I are also practicing. It's just that our talents are limited and our progress is relatively slow."

Lin Kaiyun also glared at Qiusheng and Wencai angrily. The two of them glanced at each other and shouted, "I don't know whether you two are really stupid or not. You didn't realize that among the master's brothers and sisters, they are all apprentices. Among these apprentices, you two are the most stubborn, and you have not really entered Maoshan's door until now. You are not proficient in driving corpses, and you don't know the Taoism that wants to eliminate demons. Even the physical arts, Qiu Sheng learned You are all so old, even if the master and the old man have the cheek to ask you to be a Taoist boy, but you are also not up to date, and help every time, just because You two are now receiving a lot of criticism in Maoshan, Master!"

"Kaiyun..." Lin Jiu shook his head, signaling Lin Kaiyun not to continue talking.

In fact, not only Shi Jian, but many people in the Maoshan School used Lin Jiu to recruit Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai. These two apprentices used these two apprentices as an excuse to attack Lin Jiu.

After all, in the Maoshan School, in addition to personal morality and martial arts, it is the responsibility of every Maoshan School disciple to inherit Maoshan Taoism and make the incense of Maoshan Taoism more vigorous.

However, Lin Jiu took in two apprentices who were not very talented in Taoism. brand.

Moreover, in the eyes of other people in Maoshan, Qiu Sheng and Wencai are not only not talented, they are not good enough in human nature, they are very naughty, they like to play tricks and play tricks on people, basically they are either getting into trouble every day, or they are on the way to get into trouble.

So many people once persuaded Li Jiu to kick Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai out of the school, but how could Lin Jiu bear it.

Although Qiusheng and Wencai had not joined his teacher for a few years, Lin Jiu knew that they were not bad, and he respected him as a teacher in his heart.

In addition, if Lin Jiu really expelled Qiusheng and Wencai from the school, where can these two children go?He didn't have any skills or skills himself, Qiu Sheng was fine, and he could follow his aunt to fight in the store, but Wen Cai would have to follow those crooked ways.

This was something Lin Jiu was very unwilling to see, so no matter how others persuaded Lin Jiu, he did not choose to expel Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai from the school.

However, he has never talked about these things with Qiusheng and Wencai for a long time. After all, he doesn't want Qiusheng Wencai to feel too much pressure in his heart, and Lin Jiu also knows in his heart that if Qiusheng and Wencai know about these things, they will probably not Make trouble for yourself, but choose to leave secretly.

Although Lin Jiu prevented Lin Kaiyun from continuing, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were not mentally retarded, and they also heard the main information.

So he looked at Lin Jiu in horror,

"Master, is this really the case?"

"That's right, master, will those uncles and uncles really start to exclude you because of the two of us?"

Lin Jiu cast a glance at Qiusheng and Wencai, with a straight face, said with a smile,

"What are you thinking? You big brothers are just teasing you, besides, other people have no right to judge the quality of my apprenticeship. After all, Kai Yun alone can overwhelm all of them. Come on, they don't dare to compare me to my apprentice, and you two are really nothing, so it's like receiving one and giving two away, and accepting you two as gifts from your senior brother!!!"

After Qiusheng and Wencai heard Lin Jiu's words, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were said to be gifts, it was a bit embarrassing, but in the hearts of Qiusheng and Wencai, it didn't matter if they were ashamed. It's good to be implicated.

So he returned to his former appearance, smiled and said,

"Let me just say, how powerful our senior brother is, how dare they accuse the master, you have a problem with recruiting disciples!"

"That's right, our senior brother alone is worth ten, no, it's a hundred."

Lin Kaiyun looked at Qiusheng and Wencai's heartless appearance, wishing he could go up now and kick them one by one.

But after thinking about it, this is exactly the character of the two of them. It would be strange if Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai thought so much about it!

Lin Kaiyun rolled his eyes at Qiusheng and Wencai, and cursed,

"Okay, but no matter what the reason is, the two of you should work harder in the future, at least you can make the master look up in front of other uncles and uncles!"

"Understood, the two of us must work hard, and we will give you a good performance, Master He!"

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean too!"

Qiusheng and Wencai, the two of them patted their chests and promised, and then they stopped worrying about going to Mabei Mountain to find a group of zombies to practice.

And now that they decided not to return to the carbine halfway, Lin Jiu, Lin Kaiyun and his party speeded up again.

Several hours later, the four masters and apprentices finally arrived at Horseback Mountain.

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