Because, this corner with a gap is actually opposite them, which obviously violates the normal physical results. Of course, even if it is a Taoist technique, it didn't say that it was opened by prying one side and the other! ! !

Is it possible to put the cattle across the mountain? ? ?

Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun looked at each other, and said slowly, "No matter what the reason is, we have to open the coffin anyway, and now that he opens it himself, it's easy."

Lin Kaiyun nodded. What Lin Jiu said was indeed reasonable. It doesn't matter what monsters and ghosts are inside him, as long as there are coffin fungus, it is not in vain.

Lin Kaiyun stood up, thrust the Seven Star Longyuan Sword into the ground, and then said to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai who were standing on the edge of the gap,

"Qiusheng, Wencai, you two just open it and see what's inside."


Qiusheng and Wencai nodded, without hesitation or fear, they just stuffed their fingers into the gap of the silver coffin and moved them vigorously.

Lin Kaiyun nodded, very satisfied in his heart, he didn't expect that Qiusheng and Wencai would be promising, without any ink marks, they lifted it up directly.

In fact, it wasn't that Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were not afraid, but that they forgot to be afraid, to be precise, they ignored it.

After all, the two of them have been on this horse, beside the coffin, for almost an hour, and they are used to it.


Qiusheng and Wencai carried the coffin vigorously, and their teeth followed suit. Anyway, now that the zombies have woken up and are going crazy, they are not afraid to make noises anymore.

But this time, unlike before, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai lost some strength, but still slowly lifted the silver coffin lid.

Seeing this, Lin Jiu and Qiusheng also helped each other, and together they opened the silver coffin.

In the coffin, there was one person, wearing a round hat with an agate inlaid, wearing blue satin clothes, looking graceful and rich, with a pink face, he seemed to be the young master of a rich family.

However, it is also in line with this silver coffin. After all, it is difficult for people without money to eat, let alone a silver coffin! ! !

Qiusheng asked strangely,

"Master, is this a human? Shouldn't it be a zombie?"

"Do not!"

Lin Jiu shook his head, frowned, and said, "This should be a zombie, but it may be a half-corpse. Look, there are suspected zombie teeth in the corner of his mouth!"

Following Lin Jiu's gaze, sure enough, a small piece of tooth could be seen on both sides of the man's mouth, which was undoubtedly the tooth of a zombie.

"This is………"

When Lin Kaiyun saw the half-human, half-zombie guy inside, his psychology was very different, his breathing became short of breath, and the arms holding the coffin were trembling slightly.

"What's the matter? Kaiyun?" Lin Jiu looked at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously, and asked with concern. In his impression, Lin Kaiyun had never been in such an embarrassing state, even when facing more ferocious zombies.

Lin Laiyun didn't respond to Lin Jiu's words. He bent over and leaned forward. He stretched out his hand and directly pressed the corner of the half-human half-corpse's eye in the coffin. He frowned and said, "Master, look at its eyes, are they yellow?"

Lin Jiu stared suspiciously for a few seconds, then also leaned out, stared carefully at the half-human, half-corpse eyes in the coffin, nodded, and said lightly, "Indeed, the eyes are yellow, and there is a little pan. Green, but it may be of mixed race with foreigners, right? I heard from other fellow Taoists before that foreigners have blue and green eyes, which is very weird!"

Since Lin Jiu also said so, Lin Kaiyun is now convinced that he is not mistaken, and then he slowly stood up straight, with a solemn expression, and said slowly,

"Master! I'm afraid this is not half-human, half-corpse, but a zombie!"

"What? Zombies?"

Lin Jiu shook his head, obviously he didn't believe what Lin Kaiyun said, but after thinking about it, he, his apprentice, would not talk nonsense at this time, and confirmed that most people stared at the person in the coffin, carefully looked at it, and pinched the coffin. The man's hands and feet were inspected, and he said affirmatively,

"Impossible, this person has almost no symptoms of zombies now, and the teeth have just exposed the corners of his mouth, just like the last time Wencai was poisoned by the corpse poison!"

As soon as Wen Cai heard that he was mentioned, he directly echoed and said,

"That's right, big brother, do you remember the last time I was scratched by Mrs. Ren, and that time I also got two zombie teeth, which are about the same length as him, right here, have you forgotten?"

After finishing speaking, Wen Cai walked up to Lin Kaiyun and opened his lips.

"Get out!" Lin Kaiyun rolled his eyes, looked at Wen Cai's appearance, and felt a nausea in his stomach, then pushed Wen Cai aside, adjusted his mood, and continued, "Master, I don't know how to explain it to you. , but there is indeed a kind of zombie with different colors of eyes, except for teeth, there is no big difference from normal people at other times!"

In fact, after Lin Kaiyun saw the appearance of the man in the coffin, he immediately thought of the zombie in the covenant.

The reason why Lin Kaiyun was able to make such a judgment was because on this horseback mountain, the places where they stayed were all zombies.

And the largest coffin should normally contain the leader of this group of zombies, the so-called zombie king who can condense coffin bacteria.

In addition, when the spiritual eyes were opened before, there was indeed a silver light in the coffin, which was different from the other zombies. All these signs showed that it was impossible for an ordinary half-human and half-corpse inside.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun didn't dare to be 100% sure that this zombie was the zombie variety in Zombie, but he still wanted to tell Lin Jiu this information.

Lin Jiu frowned and looked at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously, his eyes were full of puzzlement, but he knew in his heart that his apprentice would never lie to him, so he asked, "Kaiyun, where did you know that?"


Lin Kaiyun hesitated for a moment, and quickly made up an excuse in his mind,

"The last time I went out to practice, I met a person from Tiesha Mountain. He told me about it!"


Lin Jiu nodded, then fixed his eyes on the special zombie in the silver coffin, and said, "In addition to taking the coffin fungus away this time, we also need to find a way to bring this zombie back. Go to Maoshan to study!"

Lin Jiu believed what Lin Kaiyun said, since according to Lin Kaiyun's words, this zombie is a brand new type, of course it may be similar to the variation of Nintendo, but no matter what kind, Lin Jiu is obliged to send Go to Maoshan, let all the elders of Maoshan study it, so that enough information can be collected, so that the disciples of Maoshan will not be able to deal with this kind of zombie in the future.

When Qiusheng and Wencai heard this, they immediately said reluctantly,

"Huh? Do you want to carry this guy back?"

"Master, can't we just take the zombie fungus?"

Lin Kaiyun naturally knew Lin Jiu's intention to bring this zombie back. After hearing Qiusheng and Wencai's complaints, he yelled angrily,

"Stop talking nonsense, you two, this zombie is much better than the zombie with rotten maggots all over its body, so hurry up and take out the zombie fungus!"

Lin Kaiyun was very anxious in his heart, he wished he could do it himself, but he couldn't, because whether it was him or his master, Lin Jiu's yang energy was too heavy, so it would be very dangerous to get close to the zombies in this silver coffin, if Only then did he start to get the coffin fungus, it would be strange if the zombie didn't wake up.

Qiusheng and Wencai gritted their teeth and jumped into the silver coffin regardless of their concerns.

Lin Jiu looked at the clumsy appearance of his two apprentices, and said speechlessly,

"What are you two doing? Be gentle, why did you get a coffin and the fungus jumped into it?"

Wen Cai gritted his teeth and said,

"Master, the two of us really can't use it. It's just right here. Qiu Sheng opened the zombie's mouth, and then I sucked it out mouth to mouth!"

"That's right, master!" Qiu Sheng nodded, rolled up his sleeves, put both hands on the mouth of this special zombie, and opened it forcefully.

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