Chapter 328 Lost

Ding sound.

'Congratulations to the host for destroying the yellow-eyed zombies and gaining 3 merit points! '

Hearing this familiar voice, Lin Kaiyun smiled with satisfaction. He is now very sure that the yellow-eyed zombie has been killed.

Although Lin Kaiyun naturally didn't have any doubts about Uncle Shen's strength in his heart, the way Uncle Shen made his move this time was too dreamy.

The yellow-eyed zombie was wiped out without even making any movement or sound, which made Lin Kaiyun feel a little doubtful, but now after hearing the sound of the system, Lin Kaiyun finally confirmed that the lying zombie had been completely wiped out.

That's enough, Huang Xiaofeng, you don't have to hold this pancake in your mouth anymore.

Lin Kaiyun dissipated immediately, the energy of Uncle Shen on his body, the scales on his neck also disappeared, and his pupils returned to normal, he directly stretched out his hand to grab Huang Xiaofeng up.

Then Lin Kaiyun held the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in both hands, he raised his head and looked around, shouted loudly, and smashed it down towards an open place.

Immediately, the seven-star Longyuan sword that was burned red was slammed on the ground, and at the same time, countless cracks appeared on the ground, as if all the water had been evaporated, and the soil became extremely crisp. , like a bubble, it dissipates as soon as the wind blows, and there is also a billowing heat from the ground, which echoes the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword.

With a bang, it was smashed to the ground, exploded, and countless magma rolled over.

At the same time, the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in Lin Kaiyun's hand also slowly returned to normal. Lin Kaiyun reacted quickly and jumped back suddenly, avoiding the magma area.

There is no way, since this mountain collapse has been used, there is no way to take it back, so even if this lie will be eliminated now, Lin Kaiyunye has to release the remaining energy of this collapse .

And Huang Xiaofeng, who was standing by the side, looked at the tumbling magma and the area that was burned to ashes. Before thinking that his mouth was almost scalded, he couldn't help but cover his eyes, not wanting to Watch anything that has to do with fire.

"I said you are not a guy, you are still a big fairy, can't you even withstand the heat of this ignition?"

Lin Kaiyun simply put away the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, patted the dust off his hands, saw Huang Xiaofeng's dead look, so he asked teasingly.

As soon as Huang Xiaofeng heard Lin Kaiyun's teasing words, he stood up like a human being, put his two little paws down from his eyes, and put them on his waist, and said calmly, "I'm not afraid of the boss, but your precious sword The heat on it is far higher than the fire. This means that I have good skills, otherwise it would be cooked by now."

Lin Kaiyun smiled, and didn't compete with this little Huang Pizi, he directly grabbed Huang Xiaofeng up, and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, I understand, I've worked hard for you this time, you are the one who bowed to great achievements, I I have already recorded Mason, and after these things have been dealt with, I will reward you well."

When Huang Xiaofeng was summoned this time, he didn't maintain that fighting state, he was just a slightly longer yellow leather child, so Lin Kaiyun picked him up like a pet, naturally it was effortless.

Sure enough, when Huang Xiaofeng heard Lin Kaiyun's words, he immediately showed a smile, and the corners of those two mouths wanted to grin to the back of his head.

As for what Lin Kaiyun's reward is, Huang Xiaofeng didn't have any idea in his mind, anyway, even if he rewarded him with some incense, he would feel very satisfied.

"Okay boss, next time you have this task, you still call me, then I will go back first."

Huang Xiaofeng stood on Lin Kaiyun's shoulder, said something to Ling Kaiyun, and then disappeared into a puff of yellow smoke.

And Lin Kaiyun stood up and looked around, it was a mess, on the horseback mountain, this area was already barren, and now even the soil has disappeared, those coffins have long been reduced to ashes, no I don't know where it was blown by the wind, and the silver coffin where the yellow-eyed zombie lived was also destroyed by the energy splash.

But even if he is not destroyed, Lin Kaiyun has no interest in this silver coffin. After all, this thing has no value, and it is not made of pure silver, so it is not worth much. As for why this lie zombie chooses this The silver coffin is in charge, in Lin Kaiyun's opinion, it probably looks better.

The system opens the properties panel.

Lin Kaiyun gave an order to the system in his mind.

Host: Lin Kaiyun. "

"Current state: Tier [-] (refining the body to become Qi)."

"Merit value: 152000 points."

"Possess skills: Yang Wulei (full level), Golden Light Curse (full level), Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts (killing order), Tongtianlu (full level), Ghost Shadow Mistracking (small success), Godhead Mask (1/ 100). Demon Bow: Blood Hades, Seven Star Sword Curse (6/100). Eight Diagrams Soft Fist."

"Possess treasures: Seven Star Longyuan Sword (growth shape). 24 Bright Moon Night Belt (storage)."

"Current status: true disciple of the Maoshan School, great disciple of Lin Fengjiao, disciple of the horse, master of the list of immortals, Sikong, the ghost of the underworld."

"The lottery requires merit points: 60000."

"Upgrading requires merit points: 100000."

Looking at the merit value of 15 on the panel, Lin Kaiyun suddenly felt like a nouveau riche.

In fact, for a long period of time recently, Lin Kaiyun has been accumulating the merit points obtained by slaying demons and eliminating demons without spending any money.

And now Lin Kaiyun is not as obsessed with lottery draws as before.

After all, Lin Kaiyun has drawn many times since the system was awakened, and he knew that the prize pool was either a skill or a magical equipment, and now these are not urgent for Lin Kaiyun.

Because he has already mastered a lot of skills, which is enough for Lin Kaiyun, and he also has the method of being a horse fairy, at least he can summon Uncle Shen at a critical time.

Although this Uncle Shen said at the time that he didn't come out every time, there were two reasons, one was that he didn't think it was necessary, and the other was that he might be in a deep sleep.

But even if this is the case, Lin Kaiyun feels that the problem is not big, anyway, with Lin Kaiyun's cautious character, he will not fall into this crisis.

But I have to say that Uncle Shen has been quite generous in recent times, at least Lin Kaiyun has lent him energy when he needs help.

But what Lin Kaiyun has to do now is to upgrade his realm.

Anyway, he has enough of these exercises, even if the system has upgraded some of his exercises to the full level for the first time, he still needs to use and practice frequently in order to master them more proficiently.

For example, with Yang Wulei's move, Lin Kaiyun has been able to attach lightning to any part of his body after continuous practice.

And whether Fenghou Qimen and Baguazhang can work together, this is what Lin Kaiyun has been groping for.

So many skills do not overwhelm one's body, but the merit value is not so easy to come by. Good steel must be used on the blade. For Lin Kaiyun, the most important thing now is to raise his realm.

Especially this time, when dealing with this yellow-eyed zombie, Lin Kaiyun felt more and more that although some of his skills were at the full level, he couldn't use them all because his realm couldn't keep up with the power.

At least when attacking this yellow-eyed zombie, there is no way to cause fatal damage. Although this red-eyed zombie has a natural body protection ability, Lin Kaiyun is very dissatisfied with the result.

I want to choose to upgrade the system.

'Ding, this upgrade needs to consume [-] points of merit, may the host continue? '


Lin Kaiyun had already made a plan in his heart, so naturally he affirmed without any hesitation.

However, as soon as he uttered a word, he heard a very urgent reminder from the system in his mind.

'Ding, the alarm has detected that the system has been invaded by a zombie virus. May I ask the host whether to spend merit points to erase the virus now! ! ! '

'Ding, the alarm has detected that the system has been invaded by a zombie virus. May I ask the host whether to spend merit points to erase the virus now! ! ! '

'Ding, the alarm has detected that the system has been invaded by a zombie virus. May I ask the host whether to spend merit points to erase the virus now! ! ! '

Continuous voices sounded in Lin Kaiyun's mind. It felt like the space movie Lin Kaiyun watched in his previous life. When the spaceship was about to be destroyed, the alarm was rushed.

For a moment, Lin Kaiyun was shocked, but Lin Kaiyun still endured the pain and asked very puzzled, "What zombie virus? Could it be that I was infected by that yellow-eyed zombie? Why don't I know when?" ?”

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