However, at this moment, the voice of the system sounded in Lin Kaiyun's mind.

'Ding, congratulations to the host zombie virus for successfully evolving the Pangu blood essence gene. '

'Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary stage of the Pangu Zombie Divine Body. '

Pangu divine body; the ultimate version can obtain the state of immortality and immortality.

'Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary ability, critical strike. '

Crit Strike: Both fists have the power of crit strike, and every time they attack the enemy, they may cause double damage.

'Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining the power, Bloodthirsty Corpse Heart. '

Bloodthirsty corpse heart; in an instant, the blood and mana of the whole body are gathered at the heart, and then ejected to the whole body through the heart, so as to achieve a burst of super strength in an instant.

The sound of the system was like an alarm bell, which kept ringing in Lin Kaiyun's mind.

However, this time, Lin Kaiyun didn't feel annoyed at all, on the contrary, he felt very excited, and there was a burst of joy in his heart.

Although, he has been looking forward to feeling the changes in his body just now, but it can be said that there is no change. Just when Lin Kaiyun was about to question the system, the continuous broadcast sounded, and Lin Kaiyun also gained several abilities because of it. .

Especially when he saw the ultimate state of the Pangu Zombie's divine body, Lin Kaiyun felt that his choice was right. Countless cultivators dreamed of the longevity that their ancestors pursued for generations, and now Lin Kaiyun felt that it was within reach. If the body is cultivated to the ultimate state, then he can achieve this goal.

Of course, it is definitely not easy to reach the final state of the Pangu Zombie Divine Body, Lin Kaiyun knows this very well, but since he has a goal, it is much better than the illusory state of not knowing how to live forever.

And besides this Pangu Zombie God Body, he also obtained two supernatural powers, the crit and bloodthirsty corpse heart can greatly make up for Lin Kaiyun's current melee ability, especially the outbreak of their supernatural power description, which makes Lin Kaiyun feel very satisfied.

According to the skill description, when he activates the Bloodthirsty Corpse Heart, he can gain extremely powerful explosive power for a certain period of time, and when he attacks the opponent, if he can still trigger the crit state, then he It is conceivable that his attack power is powerful.

Lin Kaiyun can't wait to use this ability to feel it.

Because this is a supernatural ability, Lin Kaiyun doesn't use any formulas to activate it. It is very simple to operate and use, but it is not like the movies and TV dramas, which can be used with a single thought.

To be precise, when Lin Kaiyun used the ability of Bloodthirsty Corpse Heart, he still needed to self-mutilate.

It's just a mule or a horse, and Lin Kaiyun, who was finally going to be pulled out for a walk, hesitated, and directly clenched his fists, exerting all his strength, and slammed into his chest and heart.

In an instant, Lin Kaiyuan felt a tightness in his chest, as if his heart had stopped beating, and a sense of suffocation came over him.

This uncomfortable feeling didn't stay for long, and then he felt his heart beating fast.

'Boom boom boom boom boom! '

Lin Kaiyun felt that his heart was beating very fast as if equipped with a motor, and the amplitude was very large. This feeling also made his adrenaline soar, and his body was abnormally hot, and even gave Lin Kaiyun an illusion, as if his The body is about to take off.

"Why does this feeling make me feel so excited and refreshed?"

Because of the violent beating of the heart, Lin Kaiyun felt abnormally excited, the blood in his whole body jumped in and out following the heart, he opened his hands, feeling this wonderful feeling.

Even now, Lin Kaiyun has an illusion that there is nothing better than this to satisfy human desires.

At the same time, Lin Kaiyun felt that his mind was very clear, as if he could capture everything around him. At the same time, he felt that his body was extremely agile, and his frequency had increased several times. That yellow-eyed zombie might not be able to hold it back until he punched hard.

Of course, at the moment when the potential of the whole body burst out, Lin Kaiyun felt himself, this is a kind of overdrawn power, although it will not hurt, but there must be fatigue and weakness afterwards.

So now Lin Kaiyun felt the energy of this supernatural ability and then quickly terminated it. After all, there are no enemies now, Lin Kaiyun doesn't want to be weak to the point of being supported for no reason.

However, even so, when Lin Kaiyun stopped the bloodthirsty and lost his mind, he felt absent-minded for a while, as if something had taken away the strength in his body, and even Lin Kaiyun couldn't stand still for a moment.

It took Lin Kaiyun a while to get used to this sense of difference, and then Lin Kaiyun asked about the system in his mind.

"System, is the zombie virus that was infected in my body completely gone?"

'Yes! '

The system once again returned to the state of reticence, but this also made Lin Kaiyin feel at ease, at least this shows that the zombie virus in his body has been completely purified.

And even though his body didn't respond at all during the purification, but just now he had cast bloodlust and lost his mind, which meant that at least there were no bugs in the system this time.

Host: Lin Kaiyun. "

"Current state: Tier [-] (refining the body to become Qi)."

"Merit value: 22000 points."

"Pangu Zombie Body (Elementary Level), Mastery of Powers, Critical Strike, Bloodthirsty Corpse Heart."

"Possess skills: Yang Wulei (full level), Golden Light Curse (full level), Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts (killing order), Tongtianlu (full level), Ghost Shadow Mistracking (small success), Godhead Mask (14/ 100). Demon Bow: Blood Hades, Seven Star Sword Curse (20/100). Eight Diagrams Soft Fist."

"Possess treasures: Seven Star Longyuan Sword (growth shape). 24 Bright Moon Night Belt (storage)."

"Current status: true disciple of the Maoshan School, great disciple of Lin Fengjiao, disciple of the horse, master of the list of immortals, Sikong, the ghost of the underworld."

"The lottery requires merit points: 60000."

"Upgrading requires merit points: 100000."

Seeing that the merit value displayed on the attribute panel was only more than 2, Lin Kaiyun felt a pain in his heart. You must know that just half an hour ago, his merit value was still 15 million!As a result, it has now become more than 2. It is really worth spending money like running water!

But it doesn't matter, at least now, he has obtained the gene of the Pangu zombie god body, his body has also been transformed to be stronger, and he has also obtained two supernatural powers. Even if it is a lottery, he may not be able to draw such a good Things, so in Lin Kaiyun, it seems that the merit is at least worth it.

Chapter 331 Sending Back the Coffin Fungus

When Lin Kaiyun felt the power of the Pangu zombie's divine body gene, Lin Jiu and others at the foot of the mountain were in a mess and were very restless.

After all, in the eyes of the three of them, the sound of the horse fighting on the mountain had disappeared for a long time, and Lin Kaiyun hadn't come down yet.

Wencai looked up and saw that all energy sound and light on the mountain disappeared, leaving only the bright moon hanging in the sky.

So Wen Cai looked at Lin Jiu very anxiously and asked,

"Master, why don't I go up and look for the elder brother, the sound of the battle has stopped long ago, but the elder brother hasn't come down yet, so nothing will happen?"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo' Qiusheng with coffin fungus in his mouth also had the same meaning, he was also very worried about Lin Kaiyun's safety in his heart.

In fact, Lin Jiu was also very worried about his great apprentice at this time. After all, with Lin Jiu's strength, it was easier to feel that the battle on the mountain had indeed disappeared, but Lin Jiu believed in Lin Kaiyun in his heart.

However, Qiu Shengwen didn't know what was going on in his master Lin Jiu's mind. After seeing Lin Jiu's silence, Wen Cai asked even more anxiously, "Master, is it okay? I just wait for you to say something." Go up, don't worry, I'm smart, and I will definitely be able to save the elder brother!"

Wen Cai patted his chest to assure him, but obviously his guarantee didn't have any effect. If Qiu Sheng said he was smart, he still had some credibility, but with Wen Cai's bastard appearance, even if he was asked to go up the mountain to find Lin Kaiyun, he would not be able to. It would be nice to be a disservice.

Lin Jiu on the side saw these two apprentices again, and he insisted again and again, and the worries in his heart also defeated his belief.

Lin Jiu frowned and glanced at Qiusheng and Wencai, then looked towards the top of Mabei Mountain, sighed, and said slowly, "Listening to the disappearance of the voice above, the battle should indeed be over, although, it started Yun didn't come down, but he shouldn't be in any danger, otherwise he will definitely find a way to escape or ask for help, so don't worry too much, you two!"

After saying this, Lin Jiu paused for a few seconds, then shook his head, and said slowly, "Forget it, the situation above is indeed a bit strange, but there is no point for the two of you to go up, I should go there in person Well, you two are here to keep the coffin fungus well, and there must be no accidents!"

In fact, what Lin Jiu said was not only for Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, but also for himself, but obviously Lin Jiu couldn't convince himself either.

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