After hearing Qiusheng and Wencai's explanation, Lin Kaiyun nodded. He believed that Qiusheng Wencai didn't have the guts to deceive him, but what went wrong?

"That shouldn't be the case. I tested it with a silver needle, and Shi Shaojian's internal organs festered?"

Lin Kaiyun was muttering in his heart in doubt, when suddenly he seemed to remember something, Lin Kaiyun clapped his hands suddenly, and said to himself, "By the way, I forgot, that silver needle was given to me by Uncle Qianhe It is said that the gift seems to be used by some executioner, and it has a very restraining effect on all evil things."

Lin Kaiyun said to Lin Jiu with some embarrassment, "Master is very sorry, I was negligent before."

Lin Jiu shook his head, and said lightly, "It's okay, Kaiyun, in fact, judging from the results, you may have done the right thing. If you don't do that, you won't be able to see Shi Jian's true face."

From Lin Jiu's point of view, there is no causal relationship between this matter. It was not because Shi Shaojian died that Shi Jian turned bad and entered the devil's way.

"Hmph, you master and apprentices continue to act, dare to be cowards, today I will avenge the young prison!"

Shi Jian snorted coldly, waved his arms and directed the black shadow to rush towards Lin Kaiyun and the others, and at the same time roared angrily, "Go to hell, Lin Jiu, bring you trash apprentices with you!" Go to hell and repent."

Although this is made with Shi Shaojian's body, it has nothing to do with Shi Shaojian now, without any sanity, it can be said that it has completely dissipated in practice. It is precisely because of this that Shi Jian is incomparable. In his anger, he massacred the people in the entire inn, trying to use the energy and blood of these dozens of lives to forcibly create a powerful corpse monster!

What Shi Jian planned to use Shi Shaojian's body to build was to kill Lin Jiu, Lin Kaiyun and others with his own hands.

This is to rush over with full killing intent after getting Shi Jian's order, and at the same time exude a dead air all over his body, and at the same time, accompanied by some evil spirit like a monster.

However, in Lin Kaiyun's view, this guy is just a defective product with no appearance. To be honest, this kind of thing that has no consciousness of its own and is controlled by others, no matter how powerful its body is, in Lin Kaiyun's eyes, it is at best a That's all super soldiers, they don't pose any threat to Lin Kaiyun.

"Master, Qiusheng Wencai, let me deal with such small roles as you step back!"

Lin Kaiyun said something to his master, Lin Jiu, and his two younger brothers, and then he took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword from his storage belt, and slashed at the stupid big man who rushed over.

Immediately, the sword edge of the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword shone brightly, and even faintly revealed a stream of dragon energy, and when it was swung out, it turned into an incomparably sharp sword glow, slashing at the corpse monster go down.

And this corpse demon didn't have its own intelligence, it didn't defend or evade the attack, it still waved its claws and rushed towards Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun was naturally not polite to this kind of target who was neither dodging nor avoiding the target, and the sword glow instantly slashed on the shoulder of this demon.


The sharp sword glow was not hindered by anything, and directly split the corpse monster in half.

This ignorant corpse demon let out an angry and extremely painful roar before it died. It was divided into two parts and fell on the ground like garbage. Immediately, the unconsumed blood in the body flowed The ground flowed past.

"Shao Jian!!!"

Seeing this scene, Shi Jian roared heart-piercingly. Normally speaking, with the defensive power of this corpse monster, it is impossible for Shi Jian to be killed by a single sword. He never thought of Lin Kaiyun's casual sword Mang, actually split the corpse demon into two and killed it completely.

Not only Shi Jian, but Lin Jiu was also shocked at this time. He could see that this corpse demon was not a big threat, but it would take some effort for him to deal with it. As a result, his big apprentice turned out to be an easy task The ghoul will be wiped out.

Lin Jiu looked at Lin Kaiyun's eyes, thoughtfully, "Kaiyun is really a genius who has never met in a hundred years. After reaching this level, his strength is growing every day. He really reached such a high level without paying attention!"

However, Qiusheng and Wencai didn't realize that much. Anyway, Lin Kaiyun was very comfortable and unrestrained, and the two of them were only responsible for applauding hard.

"Eldest brother is awesome, you are really my idol!"

"This stupid corpse demon is very stupid at first glance. It's really kind of you to kill him, senior brother."

Lin Kaiyun was also a little surprised by the shocking reaction of everyone, because only he himself knew what was going on. In fact, Lin Kaiyun's attack can be crushed. This is necessary, but it is definitely not enough to completely kill this corpse monster. However, it was a coincidence that his attack just triggered the crit skill, and he clearly saw in his mind that his attack had caused more than eight times the damage, so he easily killed the corpse monster. Beheaded.

And after this time, Lin Kaiyun also knew it in his heart. It seems that the power of crit does not need to be triggered actively, but a passive effect, which means that every attack he will have in the future may trigger the power of crit. hit.

As soon as he came to this conclusion, Lin Kaiyun felt that this skill was simply a divine skill!Even if it wasn't triggered, he didn't lose anything, and once it was triggered, even if it was only twice the crit, he would still make a profit without losing money. If the crit was higher, it would be a bloody profit, just like now.

And now Lin Kaiyun was beheaded as soon as he saw it. The posture of the corpse monster really shocked everyone, including Shi Jian. His thoughts were thrown to the back of his mind. After all, Lin Jiulin, Kaiyun and his apprentice killed his only illegitimate son, Shi Shaojian.

Shi Jian stood up, looked at Lin Jiu very calmly and said word by word, "Lin Jiu, you are so lucky that you have accepted such a talented apprentice, and you can have such strength at a young age. , but today you are all going to die.”

After finishing speaking, Shi Jian's face became grim, and a huge mana emerged from his body, and this mana was also accompanied by an extremely clear evil spirit. Anyway, as long as Lin Jiu, Lin Kaiyun and others are killed today, no one will know about his practice of magic, and he will be able to cover it up by finding any reason at that time.


The power that Shi Jian exploded with all his strength was indeed terrifying. All the tiles and walls of the nearby inn were destroyed, and the surroundings were in a mess.

Chapter 337 Do It Yourself

This Shi Jian seemed to have gone crazy, bursting out with great energy in an instant, not only blowing everything around him, even Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were almost overturned by this energy wave on the ground.

This is the standard momentum before the fight!If a person can't even handle this situation, then it is estimated that there is no need to fight the rest, and he will definitely lose. Therefore, he cannot bow his head above this situation, especially when Lin Kaiyun saw Qiusheng and Wencai being almost killed. After blowing it down, he raised his hand directly, and powerful magic power surged out of his body, protecting Qiusheng and Wencai.

And just when Lin Kaiyun was about to continue to fight, Lin Jiu directly raised his hand and placed it in front of Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun quickly put away his energy, looked at Lin Jiu suspiciously, and asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

Lin Jiu looked at Lin Kaiyun, and said with a serious face, "Kaiyun, this matter is a matter between Wei Shi and Shi Jian, so this time, Kaiyun, don't do anything, let Wei do it!"

Qiu Sheng also heard the conversation between his master Lin Jiu and his elder brother Lin Kaiyun, so he interrupted and said, "Master, do you want to do it yourself? I think we have a lot of people now, so we should go together and kill that old guy Shi Jian." Already!"

Wen Cai also nodded, and said, "That's right! Master, don't talk about principles with bad guys like Shi Jian. Let's just beat him up!"

"Don't say it anymore!"

Lin Jiu shook his head, and stopped Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai.

In fact, Lin Jiu didn't want to talk about high spirits, and he didn't feel that it would be embarrassing to beat more people than others. After all, when killing demons and killing zombies, Lin Jiu would never do it by himself.

However, when facing Shi Jian, Lin Jiu chose to solve it by himself.

Lin Jiu spoke slowly, "This Shi Jian has always regarded me as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh. Although I am a junior, I also have a temper. Over the years, I have not been angry or spoken out, because I guess my fellow disciples The friendship between teachers and brothers, and now, this Shi Jian has already entered the way of magic, so just take advantage of this opportunity, as a teacher, I want to do justice for the heavens, and I have a thorough understanding of Shi Jian!"

For Lin Jiu, who has always been aloof, this is the first time he has expressed his thoughts to his apprentices.

Lin Kaiyun understood this very well and expressed support for Master Lin Jiu's decision.

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "Master, don't worry, we will listen to you and will never interfere!"

Qiusheng and Wencai also nodded repeatedly, "Master, don't worry, senior brother, if you don't interfere, we won't either!"

In fact, Qiusheng and Wencai also had their own ideas in their hearts. If the big brother Lin Kaiyun didn't go up, it would be useless for the two of them to go up!It is estimated that it will not even count as running ashes by then.

"Disciples, you are right behind today, let's watch the master's performance! Although Shi Jian's strength is very powerful now, he is far inferior to being a master, but the whole journey of cultivation is to fight with people and heaven, even if, The realm is not as good as Shi Jian, and I will try my best to kill him!!!"

Lin Jiu said something to Lin Kaiyun and Qiu Sheng Wencai, and then walked towards Shi Jian who was running amok with great confidence. Although Lin Jiu is not as good as Shi Jian in terms of pure realm, but now Lin Jiu has With full confidence, Shi Jian can be taken down.

At this time, Shi Jian used his best Benleiquan to the extreme, so that his whole body was surrounded by thunder and lightning. At this moment, it seemed that the Lord of Thunder had descended. Shi Jian laughed loudly, "Hahaha, Lin Jiu , don't worry, none of you will survive today, but since you give way and want to die first, then I'm not polite!"

"Shi Jian, today, you will be punished!" Lin Jiu didn't talk nonsense.

Lin Jiu has not seen Shi Jian's Lightning and Thunder Fist used for a long time. The last time was when Nintendo was eliminated. It was more than several times stronger than before.

Moreover, this Lightning and Thunder Fist can be said to be Maoshan. Among the exercises other than subduing monsters and killing ghosts, the main killing technique is extremely powerful and destructive. Lin Jiu has been practicing all the time to subdue demons. With the skill of subduing demons, when facing Shi Jian, it is inevitable that he will be at a disadvantage. Even if he has a hundred times of self-confidence, he cannot make up for it in the first place.

At the moment of contact, Lin Jiuluo was at a disadvantage, holding a mahogany sword, high up to block it, barely parrying.

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