"Don't worry, I promise you, after returning to the underworld, I will send someone to bring it to you!" Zhao Li then cupped his hands at Yue Qiluo and continued,

"Thank you, Ms. Yue for your great help, we regret it!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Li turned into a wisp of smoke again and disappeared.

"Let's go!"

There was a smile on the corner of Yue Qiluo's mouth, as if she was very happy to get Zhang Xianzong's soul back.

"and many more!"

Lin Kaiyun stopped Yue Qiluo, pointed to the ravine on the other side, which was smashed by the fireball, and said, "There are some graves over there, which were destroyed. I'm going to burn a few sticks of incense and observe the situation. Someone fix it!"

"Okay, then I won't go there, I'll wait for you here!"

Yue Qiluo nodded, and with a wave of her hand, several small paper figurines flew out from her wrists, placed them under her body, and sat down gracefully.

"Okay, you rest! I'll be back soon!"

Although Yue Qiluo did not show it, there is no doubt that Yue Qiluo was still a little tired after using the trick of the beast shadow.

Lin Kaiyun jumped continuously and came to the edge of the deep pit, took out three sticks of incense from his arms, wiped them with his fingers, and lit them up.

"Ghosts, it was purely an accidental injury, don't blame it, offer a few sticks of incense, and then build a new grave for you!"

Lin Kaiyun stuck the incense on the ground, muttered in his mouth, and looked down to see if there were any remaining bones.

"This is?"

Looking at it, Lin Kaiyun quickly froze in place. In this deep pit, it was not a ruin, on the contrary, there was a tree.

That's right, a tree made of condensed soil, the most important thing is that the tree has not been damaged at all, which looks very wrong.

"Isn't this a tomb?"

Lin Kaiyun muttered, and was about to go down to check.

Suddenly, a sense of powerlessness came, as if something had taken away all the strength and energy from Lin Kaiyun's body.

Lin Kaiyun was extremely weak, and collapsed uncontrollably on the ground. Fortunately, he used his knees and arms to support the ground in time, otherwise he would be ashamed.

Seeing this, Yue Qiluo didn't even think about it, her feet slipped, like a wheel, she quickly came to Lin Kaiyun's side, supported Lin Kaiyun's arm, and asked,

"Are you okay? You were seriously injured just now?"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, sat cross-legged on the ground, adjusted his breath, slowed down a lot, and said to himself,

"I'll go, is this stamina so strong?"

"What stamina?" Yue Qiluo was a little puzzled.

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand and said, "It's the sequelae of the exercises. It's nothing serious, just need to rest for a while!"

Yue Qiluo nodded, and immediately stopped paying attention to Lin Kaiyun, but put her gaze into the deep pit, and asked, "What's down here? I heard you say it's a tomb?"

Lin Kaiyun propped up his arms, stood up, looked at the bottomless pit, and said, "It's possible!"

Normally, although the fireball sprayed out by the evil spirit dog's head could melt the soil, it would definitely not be able to cause such a large amount of damage.

"Then I'll go down and have a look!"

After Yue Qiluo finished speaking, she couldn't respond to Lin Kaiyun, so she jumped up and down, and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

Lin Kaiyun shrugged, this Yue Qiluo was really impatient, in fact he wanted to explain, just go down and have a look, don't move around.

It's not that Lin Kaiyun was worried that if it was a tomb, there would be traps. After all, the traps in the tomb should not be able to harm Yue Qiluo.

Lin Kaiyun's main concern was that Yue Qiluo's hurried appearance should not destroy the tomb.

"Yue Qiluo, don't move around, if it's a tomb, don't destroy it!"

There is no way, Lin Kaiyun can only shout a reminder now, although he has recovered a little, he is still very weak, or he will go down with Yue Qiluo.

After a while, Yue Qiluo jumped up.

Lin Kaiyun asked, "How is it? What did you find?"

Yue Qiluo shook the dirt stuck to her shoes, and shook her head, "I found nothing. Below, there is a big tree with dirt, and there is nothing left. I followed what you said, nothing moved!"

Lin Kaiyun was silent for a moment, then said,

"Okay! Anyway, there must be something wrong here. After that Luo Laowei calls Chen Yulou over, he will know!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun raised a hand.

"What's wrong?" Yue Qiluo looked at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously.

Lin Kaiyun glared at Lin Kaiyun, and said with a smile, "What's wrong? Help me!"

Yue Qiluo asked puzzledly, "Didn't you already stand up?"

Lin Kaiyun rolled his eyes, confidently said, "Sister, being able to stand up doesn't mean being able to walk and run!"


Although Yue Qiluo expressed some reluctance, she still reached out to hold Lin Kaiyun's arm.

"Sister, please slow down a little!"

Lin Kaiyun staggered, like an old man who had aged ahead of time, he couldn't walk away, and said,

"My whole body is injured, but it was delayed by you just now, so don't act reluctantly!"

"Understood, then I will slow down!"

Yue Qiluo was speechless, but she still slowed down her pace.

With Yue Qiluo's support, Lin Kaiyun stumbled back to Yizhuang.

"Big Brother!"


Qiusheng and Wencai were in the yard, studying the ink fountain line. When they saw Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo came back, they hurriedly greeted each other, but they didn't know Yue Qiluo's name. For a while, they didn't know how to address them.

It was Qiu Sheng who reacted quickly, quickly moved two chairs, handed them in front of the two, and said, "You guys are back? Brother, are you injured? Sit down!"

"Qiu Sheng, you are still sensible!"

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