"Now, we can only save our lives."

Chen Yulou then ordered to Hua Maguai, "Hua Maguai, you tell the brothers, be smart, be vigilant at all times, avoid gravel, and be careful of traps that may appear!"

"Yes!" Hua Maguai nodded heavily, and explained according to Chen Yulou's instructions.

On the other side, Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo really did what Luo Laowai said, they had no time to pay attention to them.

Now Lin Kaiyun is wrestling with the golden bowl of the faceless monk.

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun was in a hard fight, Yue Qiluo knew it was time to make a move. She put her hands on her temples, bent her index finger, and muttered softly,

"There is no east, no west, no south, no north, the world is impermanent, burn!"

Immediately, a layer of light red flames burned on Yue Qiluo's body, and at the same time, bloody lines appeared on her cheeks.

Yue Qiluo raised her hand, and countless little paper figurines jumped out behind her, wrapped in the power of blood and blood, and let out a piercing cry.


Suddenly, Yue Qiluo intertwined her hands, and the light red flame on her body burned more intensely.

Afterwards, those little paper figurines collided with each other like moths to a flame, like a furnace, they were destroyed into paper scraps, and then condensed into a huge paper figurine, burning with the same blood power as Yue Qiluo.

Jie Jie!

The gigantic paper figurine gave out an old laugh, as if two pieces of hard paper were rubbing against each other, which made people very uncomfortable.

"Lin Kaiyun, get out of the way!"

Yue Qiluo let out a soft drink, and manipulated the huge paper figurine to run towards the golden bowl.

Lin Kaiyun had already noticed when Yue Qiluo was accumulating energy, so of course there would be no coordination error, so he jumped up and made room for the big paper figurine to rush over.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun, who got out of the way, was not idle, stepped on his toes, and a faint blue gossip circle spun and spread out,

"Cover the changes in the sky, and turn me into a king!"

"Qimen after the wind!"

This square space is not too big, Lin Kaiyun's Qimen behind the wind is enough to cover it all.

"Xun character - wind rope!"

Lin Kaiyun squeezed his hands, and two gusts of wind instantly appeared on both sides of his body, like two ropes, entangled towards the faceless monk's hand holding the golden bowl.

"Tips for carving insects!"

The faceless monk still made repeated sounds, but he did not let go of the golden bowl, but the Arhat behind him slapped Lin Kaiyun out.

Looking at the golden palm that had been patted, Lin Kaiyun showed anger and cursed,

"Left palm, right palm, do you think you are the Tathagata?"

After cursing, Lin Kaiyun quickly took out the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword from his storage belt.

Rubbing his palms together, the Seven Star Longyuan Sword leaped up and spun rapidly.

At the same time, this rotation carried an inexplicable force, and the seven stars on the Seven Star Longyuan Sword were all connected together.

Immediately, a faint thunder sounded from above the Seven Star Longyuan Sword.

Lin Kaiyun raised his hands and shouted loudly,

"The sky and the earth are clear and bright, the seven stars are rampant, sweeping across the world, the sun and the moon are divided!"

In an instant, Qixing flew out from the blade, forming a strange sword glow, like a spoon, and chopped towards Luohan's palm.

The moment the sword light came into contact with the Buddha's palm, the entire space seemed to be divided into two, and the moment the golden light of the Buddha's palm bloomed, it was suppressed by the sword light.

One black and one white, as if separating the dawn, they cut the Buddha's palm into pieces instantly.

"Dry characters - chaotic gold watchman!"

The moment the Buddha's palm was broken, Lin Kaiyun instantly appeared in front of the faceless monk.

Slapped the faceless monk hard!


The faceless monk was about to dodge, but was grabbed by the arm by the huge paper figurine, which made the faceless monk unable to move, and received a solid slap from Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun used all his strength in this slap, and he was hit by the faceless monk and fell over, if it wasn't for the arhat behind him to stop Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun absolutely wants to show him what it means to take advantage of his illness and kill him.

"This faceless monk is like a sculpture, it's so hard, it feels so bad!"

Lin Kaiyun looked at his palm and muttered.

Lin Kaiyun found that since he took down the yellow-eyed zombie last time, he seemed to fall in love with this slap attack method. I have to say, it's really cool, as long as the strength is enough, the damage is enough, and it can also insult the enemy , giving a certain amount of psychological pressure is simply the perfect way to attack.

"If you dare to insult the little monk, you will be suppressed!"

The faceless monk who fell down jumped up with one foot, and threw a golden bowl at Lin Kaiyun.

In the end, Yue Qiluo manipulated the huge paper figurine again, and punched him twice.

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help laughing when he saw the faceless monk looking at one thing and losing another, and was devastated.

"You bald donkey, you can't do anything other than be stubborn!"

Lin Kaiyun's words seemed to have angered the faceless monk, and he directly tore open the neckline of his stance.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun mocked,

"Hehe, bald donkey, do you still want to use beauty tricks? Sorry, I'm not interested in men, especially men with bald heads!"

Chapter 356 The Great Sun Tathagata Curse

Although this Lin Kaiyun was mocking the faceless monk, he knew that the faceless monk would definitely not do this for no reason, and must be using some killer move.

This is called underestimating the enemy tactically and valuing the enemy strategically.

Sure enough, the faceless monk tore off the neckline of his cassock, revealing a string of Buddhist beads on his chest.

The faceless monk reached out and grabbed the Buddhist beads around his neck, and kept making an incomprehensible Sanskrit sound, and the arhat figure behind him also made a similar sound.

In an instant, the faceless monk violently tore off the Buddhist bead on his neck. The Buddhist bead seemed to be suspended in the faceless monk's palm, and then slammed towards Lin Kaiyun with the wave of his palm.

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