"Okay, are you sure?"

Lin Kaiyun nodded and asked.

Yue Qiluo said with certainty, "Yes, as long as you let me get close, I should be able to destroy this thing!"

"Since you have said so, then I can't refuse, leave this black light to me!"

After speaking, Lin Kaiyun directly took out the Eight Diagrams mirror from the storage belt, he put the Eight Diagrams mirror in his hand, lit a talisman paper, and smoked it on the mirror surface.

Let the smoke from the talisman paper blacken the mirror surface of the Eight Diagrams Mirror, and then Lin Kaiyun threw the Eight Diagrams Mirror into the air, bit the tip of his tongue, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Immediately, the surface of the gossip mirror shone with a layer of red blood. Lin Kaiyun raised his finger and shouted, "Hurry up like a law, go!"

The gossip mirror suddenly expanded several times, like a shield, blocking the black light in the strafing.

Afterwards, Lin Kaiyun flicked his raised fingers left and right to remotely control the gossip mirror, and he would block wherever the black light hit.

Lin Kaiyun shouted,

"Yue Qiluo, come closer, I can block this black light, and I can't drive you away!"

Yue Qiluo nodded, as if she was stepping on a skateboard, she rushed towards the weird eyes.

And those weird eyes, as if they sensed Yue Qiluo's approach, turned their slits and shot at Yue Qiluo.

However, the gossip mirror manipulated by Lin Kaiyun immediately followed up and firmly blocked the black light, preventing him from attacking Yue Qiluo.

Regardless of whether the eyes are strafing or bursting, they are all blocked by the gossip mirror.

And at this moment, the weird eyeball originally had only one slit, but at this moment it shook and split into two.

Immediately, an extra black light shot out towards Yue Qiluo.

Yue Qiluo turned over to avoid the black light, and shouted at Lin Kaiyun, "Lin Kaiyun, are you still reliable? Is this how you cover me?"

Lin Kaiyun said with a wry smile,

"You can't blame me for this, he suddenly had two eyes, but I only have one mirror!"

Yue Qiluo reacted quickly and dodged the attack of the black light, glanced at the hole in the ground shot out by the black light, and shouted at Lin Kaiyun, "Then can you do it?"

"You asked me about this kung fu, maybe I can get close!"

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Yue Qiluo, then took out a small stack of white paper bamboo strips, and folded out several shields with one hand like a flower.

"Paper sticking is tangible! The aura is self-contained!"

Lin Kaiyun held a brush in his mouth, and painted cinnabar on the shields respectively.

With a buzzing sound, the shield seemed to resonate.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyun threw the shield out, controlled the gossip mirror with one hand, and controlled the shield with the other, chasing after the shot black light to block it.

Lin Kaiyun smiled at Yue Qiluo, and said proudly,

"How about it? Don't say there are only two black lights, I can stop him even if he strikes again!"

Yue Qiluo cast Lin Kaiyun a speechless glance, didn't bother to respond, and rushed under the weird eyeball again.

And Lin Kaiyun also stared at the weird eyeball very vigilantly, and he was not sure if this eyeball would split into other eye slits?

At the same time, Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai took a group of subordinates, and they were relieved at this moment.

After all, the black light is now attacking Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo, at least it won't hurt them by mistake.

Luo Lao wiped the liquid mixed with blood and sweat on his cheeks crookedly, and asked suspiciously,

"Boss, this thing is so fucking evil. Do you think this is a human tomb? It doesn't look like a mechanism that humans can make!"

Chen Yulou shook his head, sighed, and said slowly, "This is definitely not an institution, and this tomb should not belong to humans either!"

Laowai Luo vomited, spit and said unhappily,

"His grandma's, isn't this a human tomb, can there still be gold, silver and jewelry?"

Chen Yulou glanced at the backs of Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo, his pupils constricted, and he said meaningfully,

"I don't know if there are gold, silver and jewelry, but if this is really not a human tomb, there may be something more valuable!"

Luo Laowai obviously didn't understand what Chen Yulou meant, and looked at Chen Yulou with a puzzled face and asked,

"What valuable things, is there anything more valuable than gold, silver and jewelry these days?"

Chen Yulou turned his head to look at Luo Laowai, and said solemnly,

"If this is really not a human tomb, then the things he buried with him are obviously more valuable, for example, it can make us like Brother Lin and Miss Yue!"

Luo Lao was stunned for a moment, then swallowed his saliva, and asked, "Take your head, really, can I be as good as Uncle Lin?"

Chen Yulou shook his head and said with a smile,

"It's impossible to reach the sky in one step, but maybe there is an opportunity in this tomb, let us also step on the road of immortality and longevity!"

"Cultivation? Longevity?"

Luo Laowai muttered, feeling the blood in his body was boiling, he clenched his fists and said,

"Grandma's, I don't care about Changsheng, as long as I have one-fifth of Uncle Lin's, no, as long as I have one-tenth, I am willing too! Do you want anything by then? Any woman who wants to grab what she wants !"

And Hua Maguai, who had been protecting Chen Yulou from the side, asked curiously, "Is there really such a thing?"

Following Hua Maguai's words, the other Xiling brothers also looked at Chen Yulou expectantly.

Chen Yulou nodded, and expressed his thoughts,

"I think it's 70.00% possible! After all, the owner of this tomb usually puts things related to himself or that he likes to be proud of. Now it seems that this tomb is probably not from ordinary humans, so the burial objects are definitely not It is an ordinary jewel, and it is very likely that it is some kind of kung fu elixir, or it is a chance recorded in an ancient book!"

After hearing Chen Yulou's words, there was an inexplicable ray of light in everyone's eyes.

Although they are still in the moment of life and death, and there are many corpses of brothers who died tragically beside them.

But precisely because of this, after witnessing such an exaggerated ability, no one would not yearn for it.

This is even more so in Chen Yulou's heart. He is very proud of himself. He became the leader of Xiling at a very young age. The tombs have obtained innumerable treasures, and he has supported many of the warlord eyesight of Luo Laowai's size. It can even be said that in this era of warlord melee, if Chen Yulou is thoughtful, he will definitely be able to do it easily. Pull up a team.

But after seeing the exaggerated abilities of Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo, Chen Yulou already had an idea in his heart.Chen Yulou wants to take a gamble, even though the tomb is very dangerous, beyond his common sense, but as long as he can really get out alive, then his future life will definitely be extraordinary.

Chen Yulou told everyone,

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