However, it was not so easy for Mr. Luo's soldiers with explosives to walk in front of those dragon statues. After all, these densely packed bugs were stalking these people.

Seeing this, Chen Yulou hurriedly shouted,

"Luo Shuai, ask people to take off their clothes, pour fuel alcohol on the clothes, make a fire ball and throw it into the worm group."

Luo Laowai didn't even think about it after listening, so he told his soldiers,

"Quick, quick, do what the boss says."

Soon a few people took off the cotton clothes according to Chen Yulou's request, sprinkled gunpowder and oil on them, and directly set them on fire.

Sure enough, the flame burst out suddenly. The intensity and height of the flame was far stronger than that of the torch. Several people held a horn and threw the burning clothes into the pile of bugs.

The group of bugs seemed to be avoiding disaster, all of them were far away from the flame.

And Chen Yulou directed the people to walk and throw them all the way, making a path with flames, so that these people came to the vicinity of the dragon statue without any danger.

At this time, Hua Maguai suddenly shouted,

"It's not good, I have to turn my head, the group of bugs seem to have gone to the statue."

Looking in the direction of Huamaguai's finger, the group of bugs seemed to be organized, and they abandoned them and surrounded the dragon statue.

"No, these bugs may want to protect those dragon-shaped statues."

Chen Yulou's face was solemn, and he immediately realized what was going on, so he quickly shouted to his subordinates, "Take out the grenade and everyone shoots to attract the group of bugs."

After hearing Chen Yulou's order, Hua Maguai directly led people to throw grenades at the bugs and shoot them, but the effect was not obvious. Even though the bugs were killed, they did not charge over like Chen Yulou.

Seeing this, Hua Maguai asked anxiously,

"What should I do? Keep your head up, these bugs seem to ignore us."

Surrounded by Chen Yulou, he saw some dead bodies, so he said slowly,

"Go and get the bodies of those brothers who have not been gnawed into bones, and throw them into the worm pile."

Hua Maguai understood what Chen Yulou meant in an instant. He wanted to use these corpses to attract insects, but when he thought that these dead brothers could not leave a whole body, Hua Maguai felt very awkward.

But Hua Maguai also knew that the overall situation was the most important thing, so he nodded heavily,


Chapter 365 Destruction

Hua Maguai took some brothers who were off the mountain, suppressing the grief in his heart, and threw the bodies of the dead brothers into the worm pile.

Sure enough, as Chen Yulou expected, although this group of bugs has a certain degree of organization, I'm afraid it's just an instinctive desire to protect the dragon-shaped statue. So now when they are attracted by flesh and blood food, they have already Ignoring those dragon-shaped statues, they started gnawing around the half-remained corpse.

Chen Yulou saw that the corpse that was thrown in quickly turned into bones visible to the naked eye, and hurriedly urged Luo Laowai's subordinates,

"Hurry up, hurry up, these worms are eating very fast, you have to rush over quickly."

Under Chen Yulou's yelling, the group of soldiers carried explosives and quickly ran under the dragon statue under the cover of Xiling people.

Roar! ! !

And the black dragon, who had been trying to get rid of Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo's entanglement in mid-air, saw a human approaching the dragon-shaped statue, and roared angrily.

Lin Kaiyun stepped on the paper controlled by Yue Qiluo, leisurely stood in front of the black dragon, and said mockingly,

"Stop yelling, you won't be able to rush through with the two of us blocking you."

When Lin Kaiyun knew that this black dragon was not a real entity, but the spirit of a dragon vein, and that the damage had no effect on the black dragon, Lin Kaiyun simply didn't want to kill the black dragon.

Anyway, as long as the black dragon is stopped and Chen Yulou, Luo Laowai and others blow up the dragon-shaped statues, even if the black dragon is not directly eliminated, it will definitely not be able to share the damage.

Since it is not a desperate fight, it is enough to stop the black dragon, Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo are more handy, relying on their various methods, it is difficult for the black dragon to get rid of it for a while.


It didn't take long for Lin Kaiyun to hear a huge explosion sound from below, and the remaining dragon-shaped statues fell down without any accident under the explosion.

However, the soldiers under Luo Laowai are just bandits wearing official uniforms and holding guns. They have not undergone much training, so when arranging the explosives, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes, which led to the remaining few dragons. The statue was not completely blown down.

At this time, the group of bugs seemed to be stimulated by something, and for a while they gave up the food they were gnawing on, and rushed towards the dragon-shaped statue desperately.

Those who were in charge of blowing up the dragon-shaped statue were trembling with fright when they saw the densely packed insects, and even the timid ones ran away directly.

Seeing this, Chen Yulou hurriedly yelled at the person in the dragon statue,

"Don't run away. Hurry up and rearrange the explosives now, blow up the remaining two dragon statues that haven't been found, and those bugs will naturally disappear."

In fact, Chen Yulou didn't know whether those disgusting bugs would disappear after blowing up the dragon statue, but he could only say this, and if he said this, he would give hope to those who didn't know it. And don't let them be afraid.

Those who stood next to the dragon-shaped statue and arranged such things, after hearing Chen Yulou's words, really felt a lot more at ease. Although they were still trembling and flustered, the explosives were still arranged in the center.

Not only the disgusting bugs in the ground, but also the black dragon in the mid-air seemed to go crazy at this moment, desperately trying to break through Lin Kaiyun's block.

The black dragon's claws waved continuously, expanding the mist under him, trying to hide his body.

However, although Lin Kaiyun could no longer see the appearance of the black dragon in his career, he was keenly aware that there was an extremely hot energy gathering in the mist.

"You said you guys are hiding, Hey Boy's charged fireball is going to attack me, do you think I'm a fool?"

Lin Kaiyun was amused by the behavior of the black dragon, he shook his head, held the Seven Star Dragon Sword, and rushed towards the direction indicated by the heat.

Sure enough, when Lin Kaiyun rushed into the mist, a fireball hit him head-on.

And Lin Kaiyun was already prepared, and jumped down, holding the little paper figurine in his hand, so that he would not fall, and also avoided the attack of the fireball by this action.

Although the fireball has been sprayed out by the black dragon, there is still some heat left on the black dragon's body, which Lin Kaiyun keenly captured.

"Tiantianlu, open!"

Lin Kaiyun immediately cast Tongtian Road, holding the Jue in his hand, and a dozen light blue talismans floated behind him.

Lin Kaiyun waved his finger, and these light blue charms flew towards the direction of the finger.


These light blue talismans exploded where Lin Kaiyun needed them, and the power and sound of the explosion dispersed the surrounding fog a lot.

The same Lin Kaiyun also found the trace of the black dragon.

At this moment, Yue Qiluo, who was controlling the little paper figurine, was also paying attention to the position of the black dragon. At the moment when the black dragon was blown out by Lin Kaiyun, she put one hand on her forehead, and the bloody lines on her cheeks flickered.

"There is no east and no west, no south and no north, ghosts lock yin and yang, cross the river, lock the rebirth, lock the past."

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