In the north of China, in an unremarkable old house, a woman in a floral dress lit a few incense sticks to the ranks, bowed, and muttered,

"Bless the ancestors, the stone tablet at home has been lit up, and it's time for me to perform my mission. The ancestors of the Ma family, please help me."

Immediately, the ranking shook violently, and a golden light shot into the center of the broken flower girl's eyebrows.

Two flowers bloomed, one for each branch, and Lin Kaiyun, who was looking for the lower level of the passage in the tomb, checked all the places that could be seen by the eyes, but there were no clues.

At this moment, Yue Qiluo's voice suddenly sounded,

"Lin Kaiyun, there seems to be a mechanism here."

"Where is the organ?" Lin Kaiyun ran towards Yue Qiluo's direction when he heard the words.

And Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai, who were also looking for them, also ran towards Yue Qiluo with their people.

At this time, Yue Qiluo was standing between the two pillars. After seeing Lin Kaiyun coming, she said slowly,

"right here."

Lin Kaiyun looked around suspiciously, but found nothing suspicious. He looked at Yue Qiluo, spread his hands and asked, "Sister, where are you? Why didn't I see anything?"

Yue Qiluo stepped on the bricks under her feet and said, "It's right here!"

Lin Kaiyun squatted down and knocked on the brick that Yue Qiluo was stepping on, but he didn't feel any mechanism.

Lin Kaiyun looked up at Yue Qiluo, with a serious expression, and asked directly,

"Yue Qiluo, you must have read it wrong, right? How can there be any mechanism here?"

Yue Qiluo shook her head and said solemnly,

"Probably not, I can feel the Yin Qi coming from here, it must be the weakest place."

Lin Kaiyun was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and said, "Is there a yin energy coming? The weakest place? Do you mean to blow it up?"

Yue Qiluo nodded, and said very seriously, "That's right, what else can we do? Since we can't find a door, we can only blow up a door."

Lin Kaiyun ignored Yue Qiluo, turned his head and asked Chen Yulou,

"Brother Chen Yulou, if this place is really weak, will it cause landslides or something?"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Chen Yulou turned his head and looked around, then replied,

"Probably not. This underground palace is very large, and the stone walls on both sides are relatively far away. If it is blown up, it should not cause landslides. But if this is a really weak place, I don't know if it will damage the bottom."

Lin Kaiyun was also very decisive, and said directly, "Okay, let's explode."

On the other hand, Luo Laowai patted his chest directly, and assured him very confidently,

"Okay, Mr. Lin, you can go to the side and rest, don't worry if I leave this work to me, Luo Laowai."

After Luo Laowai finished speaking, he directed his subordinates to arrange explosives in an orderly manner.

Soon, Luo Laowai's subordinates tied five or six explosive packets together and placed them on top of the brick Yue Qiluo had mentioned.

Luo Lao ran up to Lin Kaiyun sideways, and asked respectfully,

"Uncle Lin, everything is set up, do you want to blow it up now?"

"Explosion!" Lin Kaiyun nodded and said directly.

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's affirmative order, Luo Laowai shouted to his soldiers, "Brothers, light the fire."

The letter of the dynamite package was quickly ignited, and burned like a dynamite package at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Kaiyun, wait a minute, don't explode."

At this moment, there seemed to be a familiar voice, but then the explosive package exploded.

The booming explosion suppressed all the voices, and Lin Kaiyun, who was standing nearby, could even feel the shaking under his feet.

The fluctuation of the explosive lasted for several minutes before it gradually stopped, because the explosion was from the bottom, so there was no dust, and the air wave was also blocked by Yue Qiluo with a small paper figurine.

"Kai Yun!"

At this moment, another voice came into Lin Kaiyun's ears.

Chapter 368 Why are you here?

The explosion was so loud before, Lin Kaiyun thought he had heard it wrong, but now someone called his name again, it shouldn't be an illusion that it happened twice in a row.

However, Lin Kaiyun looked around and found no other people.

Lin Kaiyun frowned and muttered suspiciously,

"What's going on? Could it be that I've been down here for too long, I'm a little hypoxic, and I'm hallucinating."

Yue Qiluo asked,

"what happened?"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and said,

"It's nothing, I seem to be hallucinating, and I always feel that someone is calling me."

Yue Qiluo said with certainty, "It is true that someone called you!"

When Lin Kaiyun heard Yue Qiluo's words again, he froze for a moment, and said in surprise,

"What? Someone called me, did you hear that?"

Yue Qiluo nodded and said flatly, "Yes, I heard it before the explosion."

Lin Kaiyun hurriedly shouted,

"You heard it, why didn't you tell me?"

Yue Qiluo obviously didn't understand what kind of nerve Lin Kaiyun committed. She looked at Lin Kaiyun with puzzled eyes and said, "Didn't you hear it too? Why do you want me to tell?"

Lin Kaiyun, after hearing Yue Qiluo's words, froze in place, not knowing how to answer for a while.

I have to say that what Yue Qiluo said is indeed somewhat reasonable, Lin Kaiyun nodded and said in embarrassment,

"Uh, okay!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun continued to turn around and search. Apart from him and Yue Qiluo, the people in the underground palace were Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai. he.

Lin Kaiyun had no choice but to.Shouted, "Who is it, is it a human or a ghost?"

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