After listening to Lin Jiu's words, Lin Kaiyun froze on the spot, and did not say hello immediately. The second master Lin Kaiyun mentioned by Lin Jiu has been heard by some. Before that, he disappeared, but Lin Kaiyun had never heard of it.What kind of daughter does my missing second uncle have?

Lin Kaiyun pressed Lin Jiu's ear and whispered,

"Master, are you really sure? Could it be a mistake?"

Lin Jiu glanced at Lin Kaiyun, and said in a reprimanded tone,

"Don't talk nonsense, is there something wrong with this kind of thing? Are you a fool for being a teacher? And after the second brother disappeared, Xiaoya has been raised by the elders of Maoshan and has been staying in the mountains. Of course you don't know gone."

After listening to Lin Jiu's words, Lin Kaiyun nodded. That's true. Lin Kaiyun has been following Lin Jiu at the foot of the mountain. Except for going back to Maoshan to receive the talisman, he only went there once, and never went back again.

And when he was receiving the talisman, he only met a few elders from Maoshan, and not many others. Lin Kaiyun also affirmed that he had never seen a woman in Maoshan, otherwise he would not have known about it.

Lin Kaiyun continued to ask,

"Master, then why did she come to Renjia Town, and she came with you, and here, why did you take her with her for such a dangerous thing?"

Lin Jiu explained, "Your senior sister Xiaoya has a talent for divination since she was a child, and she has made great achievements in divination. This time, she has also obtained divination. The second senior brother may appear in this direction, and the teacher is here to find you On the way, I happened to meet Xiaoya, and after some communication, Xiaoya felt that your second uncle might be in this tomb, so he came along with him."

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Xiaoya and muttered,

"Really or not? Divination and fortune-telling can be so accurate, and it can even be counted that the second uncle is in this tomb."

At this moment, Xiaoya smiled at Lin Kaiyun, and said slowly,

"Of course divination is not so accurate. I just got it. My father may have disappeared near this Renjia town. When I was looking for it, I happened to meet Uncle Jiu. After hearing him say that there is a tomb, I thought it was possible. It's quite big, so I followed it."

After hearing Xiaoya's words, he obviously heard Lin Kaiyun's muttering, and he even heard Lin Kaiyun's whispered conversation with Lin Jiu before.

Lin Kaiyun would not be surprised to be able to do this. Now that this is the case, Lin Kaiyun simply did not beat around the bush. He walked up to Xiaoya, stretched out his hand, and said hello, "Senior Sister Xiaoya My hearing is good, my name is Lin Kaiyun, nice to meet you."

For Lin Kaiyun's handshake ceremony, Xiaoya felt very surprised. She was puzzled as to why Lin Kaiyun didn't use the Maoshan line of worship, but she still stretched out her hand and touched Lin Kaiyun's fingers, just like Lin Kaiyun. Said, "Hello, Junior Brother Lin."

Lin Kaiyun looked at Xiaoya, showing a meaningful smile,

"Senior Sister Xiaoya, I don't know. Believe it or not, I always feel familiar after seeing you, as if I saw you in a dream. By the way, it seemed that it was not you in the dream, but a fairy named What is the Nine Heavens Xuannv or something, anyway, it is very interesting."

Xiaoya froze for a moment, raised her brows slightly, but then she probably realized something, and she immediately regained her composure. She smiled and said to Lin Kaiyun, "Junior Brother Lin, you really know how to joke, you and I have never seen it before." How can you dream of me in a dream."

Qiu Sheng on the side also echoed,

"That's right, senior brother, even if you want to pick up girls, you shouldn't be in this kind of occasion. When is this?"

"Fuck off!"

Lin Kaiyun glared at Qiusheng unhappily, then you continued to turn your head, looked at Xiaoya and said with a smile, "Really, I don't know why, that dream is so real, it's like a reflection of reality."

This time there was no change in Xiaoya's expression, she watched Lin Kaiyun's mouth curl up, and said in a very calm tone,

"Junior Brother Lin, you are so good at joking. Although I have been staying on the mountain, I understand what Junior Brother Qiu Sheng said just now. I am very sorry. I will not go there until I have investigated whether my father is still alive." It is impossible to consider matters of affection, and we are both disciples of Maoshan."

After Xiaoya finished speaking, she didn't avoid Lin Kaiyun's gaze, and just looked straight at Lin Kaiyun.

The reason why she said this was to deliberately change the topic, and also characterized Lin Kaiyun's words about dreaming as Lin Kaiyun was interesting to him.

Sure enough, after Xiaoya finished speaking, Lin Jiu also mistakenly thought that his big apprentice Lin Kaiyun was molesting Xiaoya, so he reprimanded angrily, "Kaiyun, stop messing around, hurry up and talk to Xiaoya!" Senior sister apologizes."

After Lin Kaiyun heard Lin Jiu's words, he shrugged and apologized to Xiaoya, "Senior Sister Xiaoya, I'm very sorry, maybe I made a mistake."

"It's okay." Xiaoya also smiled openly at Lin Kaiyun.

At this moment, Lin Jiu pulled Lin Kaiyun to his side, looked at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously and asked, "Kaiyun, what's the matter with you today? Why are you so out of shape? You are not like this usually, is there something wrong with you?" Is there any difficulty? Or is there something else?"

Sure enough, the master knew the apprentice better than him. Although Lin Kaiyun made it very clear, Lin Jiu didn't believe that Lin Kaiyun would do this, thinking that there must be some other reason.

Lin Kaiyun said,

"No, master is fine. I really had a dream before, and what I said was the truth. The fairy in it really looks like Senior Sister Xiaoya."

Lin Jiu naturally believed what Lin Kaiyun said, nodded, and reminded Lin Kaiyun,

"It might just be a coincidence. After all, there are many similarities to this person, but you are not allowed to talk about this matter with Xiaoya in the future. How can a man tell a girl that he dreamed of her? It's really inappropriate."

Lin Kaiyun nodded in response, "Okay, master, I understand."

"Okay, let's not take this as an example."

Lin Jiu waved his hand casually, indicating that this matter is over, then he looked at the positions of Yue Qiluo, Chen Yulou and the others, and asked, "Kaiyun, I just wanted to remind you that you must not be in this underground place." If you use explosives, it will be bad if it causes a collapse, but fortunately, you are lucky, have you blown out the hole? Or what?"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and said,

"I don't know either. I was going to check just now. Didn't you come down now? I don't have time to do other things and quickly come to pick you up."

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun yelled at Chen Yulou, "Brother Chen Yulou, how are you doing? Did the explosives explode?"

Chen Yulou replied,

"Brother Lin, the dynamite blasted a crack, and there is a space below. Although I can't see it clearly, it should be able to rush down."

Lin Kaiyun immediately said to Lin Jiu,

"Master, let's go over and have a look! This seems to have yielded results."

Lin Jiu nodded, and then walked towards the place where the dynamite had been blasted with his hands behind his back, while Lin Kaiyun and the others raised their legs and followed.

When approaching, Lin Kaiyun directly introduced to Chen Yulou and others.

"This is my master Lin Jiu."

Chen Yulou cupped his hands and said hello to Lin Jiu, "Master Lin, okay, Chen Yulou is in Xiaxialing."

"One of the four sects of tomb robbery, long admired."

Lin Jiu also nodded in response, although in his heart he was very shameless about the tomb robbery business, even a little disgusted, but hitting people does not slap people in the face, this Chen Yulou's attitude can be regarded as respectful, Lin Jiu can't save his face and ignore it .

After Chen Yulou's introduction, Laowai Lu also came in front of Lin Jiu, bowed his waist like a servant, and said,

"Master Lin, I'm Luo Laowai, you can call me Xiao Luo, and you can tell me if you have anything to do."

Lin Jiu also nodded in the same way. In fact, he had seen Luo Laowai and knew that he was a warlord who had just arrived in the town. My big apprentice is so respectful.

You must know that even a monk like him is a little afraid of guns and ammunition.

Of course, it was actually because Lin Jiu didn't know how to attack ordinary people, nor would he want to kill, so he was always passive when facing the man with the gun.

And Lin Kaiyun would not have that sense of restraint, so even if the guns and ammunition threatened Lin Kaiyun, he was not too worried, anyway, there were ways to deal with it.

Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai have already finished their introductions, and the rest of their subordinates are not qualified to introduce themselves. As for the masters of Yue Qiluo and Lin Kaiyun, Lin Jiu met in Yizhuang. Although they haven't spoken to each other, there is no need to introduce them separately. .

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