
The energy on the fist was wrapped in a violent gust of wind, and it exploded directly on the clay figurine like a grenade.

The appearance of this clay figurine is exactly as Qiu Sheng said, it is an ordinary clay figurine, the clay is very thin, facing Lin Kaiyun's attack, it shattered without stopping for a second.

What was broken was only the surface layer of soil outside, which happened to reveal the true face of the clay figurine inside.

After seeing the things in this sculpture, everyone was shocked.

"How could the one in this clay figurine be a zombie?"

Lin Kaiyun froze for a moment, then said with a look of surprise.

The figure exposed inside this clay figurine is a zombie wearing a blue shroud. The sharp claws on the palms and the withered and slightly rotten blue skin are definitely zombies. There is no doubt about it.

It's just that what Lin Kaiyun didn't understand was why the zombie was wrapped in the clay figurine, and what's the point?It seems completely unnecessary!

Lin Jiu also looked solemn, looking at the zombies in the deep pit who showed their true colors, and muttered in a deep voice,

"They are indeed zombies. It seems that the so-called fraudulent corpses and the Sky Crab Bureau may just be for the evolution of these zombies."

Qiu Sheng's expression on the side was very relaxed at this time, without the slightest look of fear. He turned his head to look at Lin Jiu, and asked doubtfully,

"But, master, I think what the elder brother said is right, what's so strange about zombies, why do they breathe a layer of mud outside?"

At this time, Xiaoya, who was silent at the side, suddenly said,

"There is only one possibility, and that is that the people who put these zombies here don't want anyone to find out,"

Lin Kaiyun thought for a while, but he really couldn't figure out the ins and outs, so he simply stopped wasting brain cells, and he said directly,

"Okay, no matter what the reason is, these zombies should not wake up now, and the moonlight above is not fully shining yet, let's kill this danger in the cradle!"

Lin Jiu directly took out the copper coin sword from the bag, and said slowly,

"That's right, no matter whether it is suitable for the purpose, but these zombies are too harmful. We must eliminate them as much as possible. Otherwise, if they escape, they may endanger the safety of the people of Renjia Town."

Just when Lin Jiu took out the talisman and wanted to do it, Yue Qiluo shouted directly, "Wait, let me do it!"

Lin Jiu was stunned for a moment when he heard it. He didn't immediately ask Yue Qiluo what she meant, but instead looked at Lin Kaiyun.

Of course Lin Kaiyun knew what his master Lin Jiu meant, so he turned his head and asked Yue Qiluo, "Why did you do it? Is there something wrong? Or do you have other ideas? You don't have to hide or cover up at all, you can just say it directly. "

After listening to Lin Kaiyun's words, Yue Qiluo really didn't hide anything, and said directly and truthfully, "You know the purpose of my coming here, although the zombies blown out of this deep pit don't look as powerful as the royal zombies before, but in case there is something What about aliens! So I want to try it with my own hands, and anyone who can withstand my attack can be used as a backup."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and after hearing Yue Qiluo's explanation, he immediately reacted.

Yue Qiluo entered this tomb just to find a very satisfying zombie body and to serve as a good container for Zhang Xianzong before his resurrection.

"Okay, then you can do it!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded and didn't stop him anymore, then he looked at his master Lin Jiu and said, "Master, anyway, it's for the purpose of destroying these zombies, so it's the same for him to do it."

Lin Jiu nodded, put away the copper coin sword, and said nothing more.

Seeing that no one had any doubts, and no one was obstructing her, Yue Qiluo took a few steps forward slowly and stood on the edge of the pit.

Note, Yue Qiluo slowly raised her hand, and the little paper figurines flew out from his wrist, carrying red energy, and landed on the bodies of all the zombies densely, of course, those who hadn't revealed yet There are also several small paper figurines on the charming statue of the real face.

"There is no east and no west, no south and no north, the fire burns and burns everything."

Yue Qiluo kept muttering, and at the same time, her body also exuded huge energy, and the clothes and hair on her body also fluttered slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Qiluo turned her arms around and clenched her palms upwards, and yelled, "Burn!"

In an instant, the little paper figurines that landed on the unawakened zombies and the unbroken clay figurines immediately burned, and violent flames gushed out, filling the entire pit within a few breaths up.

It was like a sea of ​​hell, burning everything it touched.


The flame devoured the zombies in the deep pit, making a sound like burning plastic, and at the same time, a lot of silver came out.

The white smoke floated straight upwards, but when it reached midair, it seemed to be suppressed by something and could no longer go upwards.

Soon the thing blocking the white smoke was revealed, a layer of red energy.

I saw Yue Qiluo clenched her arm and swung it downward fiercely, the red energy also descended like a mountain pressing down on the top, suppressing all the tumbling flames.

The tumbling flame, which had been burning to the extreme, exploded violently after being squeezed.

Immediately, the sound of explosions kept coming, as if thunder was exploding in the ears, it was deafening.

And immediately after this violent explosion also caused a violent air wave, forming a violent wind with heat.

However, this air wave was very strange, it didn't affect Lin Kaiyun and the others on the periphery, but just kept spinning inside the deep pit like a tornado.

Ten minutes later, the air wave mixed with white smoke gradually dissipated.

Everyone could also clearly see the situation in the deep pit at this time. All visible places had turned into a piece of scorched earth, and the dozens of zombies were all scorched at this time, and it seemed that they had been completely wiped out.

It can also be seen that Yue Qiluo's fire was very powerful, but in the deep pit, there are still a few clay figurine sculptures, except for being burned a little black, they have not changed or broken , did not fall.

Yue Qiluo withdrew her raised arm and looked curiously at the clay figurine that was still standing in the deep pit, very puzzled.

"Interesting, the remaining ones may not be zombies, but it's strange that they can hold my flame."

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and said, "No, I can feel that the breath inside this clay figure should still be a zombie, but it may be a special zombie."

"Special zombie?" Yue Qiluo turned her head to look at Lin Kaiyun, and when he heard the word special zombie, he immediately became interested.

At this time, Lin Jiu understood the meaning of Lin Kaiyun's words, and asked quickly,

"Kerin, you mean that there might be a zombie with colored eyes in this charm?"

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said, "That's my guess, I think it's very possible."

After hearing the conversation between Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu, Qiusheng interjected, "Master, are you talking about the zombies on the mountain last time?"

At this time, Xiaoya on the side also frowned, and muttered in a low voice,

"Zombies with colored eyes?"

Lin Kaiyun noticed Xiaoya's appearance. Although he was a little worried, he didn't seem surprised.

Lin Kaiyun ignored Qiu Sheng and walked directly in front of Xiaoya, and asked with a smile,

"Senior Sister Xiaoya, you don't seem too surprised. Have you seen that kind of zombie with colored eyes before?"

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