Facing Lin Kaiyun's attack, the ghost queen took two steps back very calmly, and then mobilized the moonlight to absorb Lin Kaiyun's energy from the Baguazhang.

Lin Kaiyun shouted angrily,

"Damn it, this attack has no effect!"

Lin Jiu also noticed that the ghost queen seemed to be mobilizing the moonlight, but in fact it was just running gossip.

Therefore, in order to decipher the ghost queen mother's energy-absorbing move, the moonlight gossip must be destroyed.

Lin Jiu shouted at Lin Kaiyun,

"Kaiyun, we must deal with the gossip about Moonlight first."

After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu took out the compass from the cloth bag, read it carefully and said, "Kaiyun, the gossip illuminated by the moonlight has changed. You must find the position of the pincer palace and change the direction to destroy it."

"Okay, tell me where the location is, and I will operate it."

Although the attack had little effect, Lin Kaiyun didn't stop, his hands were still pointing at the ghost, and the queen mother punched and kicked.

At this time, Xiaoya who was standing behind Lin Jiu said with certainty,

"Junior Brother Lin, the location of the Qian Palace is at the foot of the Ghost Dowager."

Lin Jiu also took the compass and compared it carefully, making sure that what Xiaoya said was correct, and said quickly,

"That's right, Kaiyun, Xiaoya is right."

Lin Kaiyun muttered to himself after hearing the words,

"Just under the feet of this ghost, right? Then I can only find a way to let this ghost get out of the way."

I saw Lin Kaiyun punching his chest violently.

"Bloodthirsty corpse, explode!"

This powerful fist caused Lin Kaiyun's heart to temporarily stop, but then it started beating crazily as if an engine had been installed.

In fact, the breath of the dragon vein nourished Lin Kaiyun's internal organs, including the heart, which also made Lin Kaiyun feel less uncomfortable when he opened the bloodthirsty corpse heart.

Lin Kaiyun's adrenaline soared at this time, and the blood and spiritual power in his body were running rapidly. His body was sweating non-stop, but the sweat was evaporated immediately.

This situation caused Lin Kaiyun to seem to be surrounded by immortal energy, full of momentum.

"Come on! I have to trouble you to move this ghost thing, otherwise I won't be able to destroy it."

Lin Kaiyun smiled, squeezed his fists and walked towards the ghost queen mother.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun approaching aggressively, the ghost queen mother did not have any intention of retreating, but instead made a questioning voice,

"Interesting, you smell like a Pangu zombie, aren't you human?"

"Ha ha!"

Lin Kaiyun didn't argue, but sneered, ran quickly, and ran towards the ghost mother like a hill.

Anyway, as long as the ghost queen mother changes her position, and then take the opportunity to destroy the front position of the gossip formation, it will be fine.

But this time, Lin Kaiyun didn't use any energy, and relied purely on his body's instinctive power to attack, so even if the ghost mother condensed again, the moonlight couldn't absorb his energy.

The Ghost Empress seemed to have also noticed that, instead of gathering the moonlight in front of her as before, she controlled the black flames wriggling on the ground, overwhelmingly pressing towards Lin Kaiyun.

"Fenghou Qimen, cover the changes of Zhoutian, turn martial arts into king!"

"Kun character, wind rope."

Lin Kaiyun was running, his feet stepped on the ground fiercely, and the Fenghou Qimen was activated in an instant.

Suddenly, several strong winds suddenly appeared in front of Lin Kaiyun, like a rope, Lin Kaiyun grabbed it in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyun slammed the wind rope, turning it into countless wind blades, directly piercing through the black flames and slashing towards the ghost queen mother.

Chapter 373 I underestimate you, human

The wind blade ignored the blocking of the black flame, and with a very strong pressure, everything it touched was cut in half.

Black flames also ignited around the ghost queen mother, continuously churning and spreading outwards, forming a very special magnetic field, which collided with the wind blade that Lin Kaiyun hit, making a metal-like friction sound.

This fierce collision produced countless small sparks, which fell to the ground.

When each wind blade cuts down, it will spark a long series of sparks, it can be said that it is a spark with lightning all the way.

But the effect is not that great, at least for now the ghost queen has been standing still.

At the same time, Lin Kaiyun was still facing the envelope of black flames. Just as he was trying to figure out how to get rid of the black flames, Lin Jiu's voice sounded directly behind him,

"Kaiyun, step aside."

After Lin Kaiyun heard the voice, he immediately took a step sideways. Although Lin Jiu didn't say what he was going to do, Lin Kaiyun knew in his heart that his master probably wanted to make a move.

"The sky and the earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law, the bright sun and the moon protect me, the ghosts and ghosts in all directions are all dust, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and the five elements open the sky."

The moment Lin Kaiyun stepped aside, Lin Jiu bit his own finger and drew a rune on his forehead.

Every time Lin Jiu drew a stroke, he recited a spell. After all the paintings were completed, Lin Jiu's forehead seemed to be covered with runes.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jiu put his hands on the left and right sides of his head, and stood up facing the black flame.

Suddenly, Lin Jiu's eyebrows shot out an incomparably bright golden light.

The golden light swirled in the air, split into five beams, intertwined with each other like a pentagram, and shot into the black flame.

And the pentagram is constantly devouring in the black flame, but the speed is not so fast, but the black flame is still gradually weakening in a trend visible to the naked eye.

And at this time, Yue Qiluo found that the gossip of the moonlight shining on the ground was getting more and more complete, and it might be completed soon.

Yue Qiluo knew that she couldn't do anything if she didn't do it, so she looked at Lin Jiu who was casting a spell, and asked,

"Master Lin Jiu, I don't know if you have anything related to the five elements on your body. If you have, please lend me some. I want to arrange a formation, which should be able to play a role."


Lin Jiu didn't expect that Yue Qiluo would ask him for these kinds of things, so she nodded, and then shouted at Qiusheng, "Qiusheng, find all the things related to the five elements in the bag."

"Okay, Master."

Qiu Sheng nodded, and immediately squatted down and turned over the cloth bag. His actions were very active, but after a few minutes, Qiu Sheng immediately looked at Lin Jiu with a mournful face, and asked,

"Master, I took a lot of things in this bag, which ones are related to the five elements?"

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