When the old ancestor Luohou saw his attack being blocked by Lin Kaiyun, he was even more angry. At the same time, he also saw that Lin Jiu and Yue Yue were also preparing some moves, obviously wanting to fight together he.

"Damn humans, don't let you see the real power, you will never know that you are just ants."

Patriarch Luohou stretched out his palm, and the black flames burning all over his body became more intense, and his aura rose for a while, giving him the feeling of a demonic flame.

"The feet of this deity can step out of the flames of war. The path that this deity walks will surely burn everything. The hands of this deity are full of power to destroy the world. There is nothing in this world that this deity cannot grasp. Humble ants, remember The name of this deity comes from the lord of demons in the eternal world, Rahu."

Patriarch Luohu looked at his hands, and kept chanting like a devout believer.

However, the voice is not loud, just like an ordinary speaking voice, but it seems to be speaking against your ears, everyone's ears have this voice.

And what surprised Lin Kaiyun the most was the Seven Star Longyuan Sword he held in his hand, the Big Dipper twinkling on it actually dimmed, as if the energy had been dissipated for a moment.

The same was true for Lin Jiu and Yue Qiluo, who were just about to attack. The moves they had prepared were also scattered, as if they were being suppressed invisible.

Lin Kaiyun looked at Patriarch Luo Hou solemnly, and said in shock,

"Isn't it, is it so awesome? Just chanting the lines of Secondary School [-] can suppress all our strength."

Lin Jiu looked at Lin Kaiyun worriedly and said,

"Kaiyun, don't get so close, first find a way to understand the characteristics of this ancestor Luohou, otherwise you may suffer a disadvantage if you rush blindly."

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said,

"Don't worry, master, I know in my heart that I will never take any risks."

Lin Kaiyun knew this well, but if he didn't take the initiative, how could he collect as much information as possible about Patriarch Luohou?

However, Lin Kaiyun was also very cautious. Hearing what his master Lin Jiu said, he did not rashly choose to attack, but prepared to defend vigilantly.

However, what surprised Lin Kaiyun was that the ancestor Luohou didn't seem to intend to continue attacking, but instead folded his hands in front of his chest.

Between the hands of Patriarch Luohou, there was a little bit of light shining, Lin Kaiyun clearly felt that the little bit of light shining was the energy of the moon.

And the energy of this moonlight gathered more and more in the hands of Patriarch Luohu, and continuously gathered in the center to form an ellipse.

"Is this bullshit patriarch Luohu trying to gather a moon in his hand? I did not make a mistake when I went there!"

The more Lin Kaiyun thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and he kicked his feet and rushed directly to the position of the ancestor Luohou.

Originally, Lin Kaiyun also wanted to listen to his master Lin Jiu's words, don't rush to attack and be more on the safe side, but when he saw that the ancestor Luo Hou seemed to be condensing a small moon, Lin Kaiyun immediately made a judgment in his heart, that is the current Luo Hou Ancestor Hou, basically spent all his energy on condensing this small moon, so his defense would definitely be much weaker.

So Lin Kaiyun is going to take a gamble. If the bet is right, then now is the best opportunity to attack.

As for Lin Kaiyun, who was rushing forward, he immediately knew that he had made the right bet. The ancestor Luohou saw him rushing over, but there was no other way except to release the black flames to block it.

As for the black flame, it is now ineffective against Lin Kaiyun. His whole body was instantly covered with green scales, and he rushed over directly bearing the burning of the black flame.

In an instant, Lin Kaiyun rushed to the side of Patriarch Luohou.

"Still making a small moon here, who do you think you are? A Saiyan?"

Hanging in the air, Lin Kaiyun yelled, and punched Luohou Patriarch in the face.

But Patriarch Luohou only felt a huge force that didn't look like a human hit his face, and his body was out of control, and he flew upside down and fell to the ground.

And the moon that had been condensed into the size of an egg also collapsed directly.

"Damn, I didn't expect you, a human being, to be really courageous."

Patriarch Luohou struggled to stand up and rubbed his face that was still aching.

It can be said that Patriarch Luohou himself was careless. He used a very intimidating move before, and just said a few words to dissipate everyone's strength.

And because of this, Patriarch Luohou felt that these humans must have been terrified. Even if they didn't run away directly, they would definitely not dare to attack again, and the middle-aged man with a beard said His words also confirmed the thoughts of the ancestor Luohou.

But the ancestor Luohou didn't expect that this person named Lin Kaiyun would be so courageous that he would rush over without hesitation.

The ancestor Luohou was not very angry this time, but said very flatly,

"Since you prevent me from building the moon, I have no choice but to kill you first, and then complete my plan."

However, at the same time as he was speaking, a scorching black flame ignited on the body of the ancestor Luohu. This black flame seemed to be very irritable, jumping non-stop.

"Human beings, remember the appearance of this deity, and also remember the name of this deity. When you turn into ghosts, you will be afraid of this deity day and night and cry non-stop."

This patriarch Luohou stretched out his arm imposingly as if he was being sentenced to death.

As for Luohu, the black flame rolling all over the ancestor's body went upward along the arm of the ancestor Luohu, and turned into a pitch-black saber on the palm of his hand.

Patriarch Luohou held the pitch-black saber and straightened it upright.

Immediately, there was a buzzing sound from the saber, and a black cloud-like air wave radiated from it, rushing directly upwards, like a line between the sky and the earth, dividing the space into two halves.

"My name is Luohou, Xingxingjue."

Patriarch Luohou looked at Lin Kaiyun, and with a wave of his hand, a black line appeared in the sky. The black saber expanded countless times in an instant, and chopped down towards Lin Kaiyun.

For a moment, it was as if the air had been cut open, and Lin Kaiyun even felt that his breathing was affected.

As for the horror of this saber, it is self-evident, no matter how confident Lin Kaiyun is, he will not be so stupid as to take this attack of Luohou Patriarch.

36 Straightforward is the best strategy, Lin Kaiyun didn't even think about it, without any hesitation, he put oil on the soles of his feet, turned around and fled.

At this time, Lin Jiu shouted directly,

"Kering, be careful."

After reminding Lin Kaiyun, Lin Jiu directly pulled out the copper coin sword, wiped it on his fingertips, stained with blood, and threw it out.

The same Yue Qiluo also opened her wrist, and dozens of small paper figurines flew out.

And after Lin Kaiyun saw this scene, he didn't even need to think about it, he knew that he didn't seem to have avoided the attack of the ancestor Luohou.

If this is the case, then Lin Kaiyun can only choose to fight, after all, there may be a chance if he fights, but if his back is attacked by the ancestor of the Luo monkey, he will suffer a big loss 100%.

Lin Kaiyun stepped on a rock, braked suddenly, and turned around smoothly.

After turning around, Lin Kaiyun realized that the black saber of Luo Hou Patriarch had come to him.

The copper money sword controlled by Lin Jiu, and the little paper figurine controlled by Yue Qiluo were all blown away with the saber on their backs, and the attack of Patriarch Luo Hou was not affected at all.

At this critical time, Lin Kaiyun didn't have time to prepare any defensive measures, and directly shouted to the Great Immortal Shen who signed the contract with him,

"Uncle Shen, help me, otherwise, I will really die."

"Hey, can't the old man have a good sleep?"

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