After hearing Lin Kaiyun's provocative and ordinary words, Patriarch Luo Hou immediately felt that he was losing face, so he directly retorted,

"Human, your comprehension ability is still very shallow. The strength of this deity is not even one-tenth of the peak. If this deity regains all its strength, it will be the real god in your mouth."

After Lin Kaiyun heard the words, he pretended to regret and said,

"Old Ancestor, is it true that your purpose is to restore your own strength? If that's the case, you should have said it earlier. We are very happy to cooperate. If you can really achieve the energy of a god by then, wouldn't it be our first achievement?" Well? And being able to help lives, that’s what we couldn’t be happier about.”

Patriarch Luohou said very inflatedly,

"Ignorant, do you think that this deity is so rare in the name of God? The power of God is not worth mentioning in the eyes of this deity. As long as this deity completes the plan and returns to the eternal kingdom, it will only take a few minutes to restore all strength, and you see this moonlight Is it? As long as the moonlight turns red, this deity can at least recover half of its strength."

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Luohou rarely lowered his head to look at Lin Kaiyun, and continued in a confident tone,

"You human boy, this deity knows that you are deliberately delaying time, but it is useless, but what you said made this deity feel very comfortable in his heart, so when he was dying, this deity didn't mind letting you die I have to rest in peace."

Lin Kaiyun was not surprised that Patriarch Luohou was able to see through part of his thoughts. After all, he had been mocking Patriarch Luohou before, but now he seemed to be a different person. Not only was he very respectful, but he also started filming flattered.

Don't say that the ancestor Luohou didn't believe it, even Lin Kaiyun himself didn't believe it.

However, Lin Kaiyun still got an effective message from his words, that is the eternal kingdom.

Lin Kaiyun felt a little familiar with this word, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

After thinking for a while, Lin Kaiyun finally remembered where he had heard this word.

That's right, it was in the dead contract. If Lin Kaiyun did not remember wrongly at this time, then the eternal kingdom was indeed mentioned in the dead contract, but Lin Kaiyun couldn't remember exactly what it represented, but from the literal meaning, it should be is a different world.

Lin Kaiyun looked at Patriarch Luohou and asked,

"Old Ancestor, since you want us to die in peace, the kid still admires it very much, and I won't hide it anymore. Before I die, I just want to know, is this tomb built by the Ancestor? And those songs Are the special zombies with colored eyes also subordinates of the ancestor? Could it be that your plan, boss, is to rely on these forces to rule the world?"

Now that Patriarch Luo Hou has seen through some of his own thoughts, it is not true for Lin Kaiyun to flatter and pretend to be stupid before continuing, so he followed the thoughts of Patriarch Luo Hou and asked directly, such words Can tell Patriarch Luohu that his judgment is correct and everything is under his control.

In this way, the patriarch Luohou can be further expanded, and the same can be regarded as worshiping the patriarch Luohou again, once again.

Patriarch Luo Hou felt satisfied with Lin Kaiyun's straightforward question,

"You human boy, you are quite honest, and I said before that I don't mind letting you die in peace. Since you asked this question, I don't mind telling you dying people about this deity. Great plan."

In fact, Patriarch Luohou is also very willing to share his plan with others, especially when he has a grasp of the overall situation and whether there is any risk.

After all, what the ancestor Luohu is going to do is very good in his own opinion. If he can't share it with others, and can't see other people's frightened or exaggerated faces, then the ancestor Luohou feels that his task is not worth it after all. perfect, it would be boring.

Ancestor Luohou smiled and told,

"Of course this tomb was not created by the deity. There is no such tradition in our eternal kingdom. Besides, when the deity was at its peak, how could he dig a tomb for himself? But I can answer your question, this tomb It should be the zombie in the coffin inside."

Lin Kaiyun froze for a moment, and asked in surprise,

"Zombies? Are there zombies in the main tomb?"

Ancestor Luohou looked at the surprised expression on Lin Kaiyun's face, and felt very comfortable. He liked to watch these small characters kneel down under his profound knowledge and powerful strength. A single sentence should be a monstrous secret in the eyes of these human beings.

At this time, Lin Kaiyun's surprised expression made Patriarch Luohou feel very comfortable and continued,

"That's right, isn't the kind of living dead you call zombies? And there are also colored eyes, so the people in this pit should be his subordinates."

After hearing this, Lin Kaiyun was really surprised, not pretending, because according to the words of the old ancestor Luohou, the zombie in the main tomb seemed to be alive.

Of course, zombies will not die until they are attacked or destroyed by Taoism, but what Lin Kaiyun is thinking now is, will the zombies in the spotlight wake up at any time?

And there is another piece of information that makes Lin Kaiyun feel very important, that is, this ancestor Luohou is very likely to be a guy who occupies the magpie's nest, and it is also very likely that he is a little afraid of the zombies in the master's tomb, otherwise he would not Stay in the side hall.

Of course, there may be other reasons, for example, the ancestor Luohu cooperated with the zombies there, or maybe they reached a certain tacit understanding.

Since he couldn't figure it out now, Lin Kaiyun also felt that he shouldn't put all his thoughts on it at this time, so he continued to ask,

"Old Ancestor, what kind of plan or purpose are you trying to accomplish? Why did you run into someone's tomb? It's dark and damp here, so uncomfortable."

Patriarch Luohou said,

"Of course the deity is very dissatisfied with this environment, but the deity needs Yin Qi, which is extremely huge, to be able to repair itself. The same deity's plan also needs a lot of Yin Qi to complete."

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Luohu raised the black saber in his hand again, and similarly, a large number of pulses emerged.

In an instant, Lin Kaiyun and the others felt that their pressure was even greater, and Lin Kaiyun couldn't help supporting the sword on one knee to prevent himself from falling to the ground.

Lin Kaiyun knew that the ancestor Luohou was obviously playing with ants, teasing them, but he still gritted his teeth and asked,

"Ancestor, do you want to create a large number of ghost soldiers and ghosts to rule the world? But there should be no need for this. According to what you said, as long as you recover half of your strength, I am afraid that no one in our world can stop you .”

Patriarch Luohou continued to answer Lin Kaiyun's question,

"Human boy, your structure is too small. What can you rule in this human world? You know, even the power of gods is not in your eyes, so how can you put your world in your eyes? However, the deity’s purpose is exactly the opposite, which is to destroy this world.”

"Destroyed the world?"

After hearing this sentence, not only Lin Kaiyun, but also Lin Jiu and Yue Qiluo looked at the Luohou elders with the same doubts and surprises.

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help complaining in his heart, if this line is in a world of high martial arts, it would be more suitable for the villains in it?

But Lin Kaiyun knew that what he traveled through was just a zombie world of Lin Jiu, at most there was some integration, and the line of destroying the world would be quite inconsistent here, making people feel uncomfortable.

The same is true for Lin Jiu and Yue Qiluo, neither of them panicked or flustered, because they also felt that what the ancestor Luohou said was very untrue.

However, Patriarch Luohou didn't know the thoughts of these people, he only knew that their expressions were exaggerated and surprised, which made him very satisfied.

Patriarch Luohu laughed loudly,

"Hahaha, that's right! You human beings should show such a shocked expression for every word of this deity."

Lin Kaiyun looked at Patriarch Luohou very strangely, and asked suspiciously,

"Are you really going to destroy the world? Are you sure you're not joking or teasing us?"

Chapter 376 Master, is there any backup?

Lin Kaiyun looked at Patriarch Luohou suspiciously, even though the sweat on his forehead had started to drip onto the ground, it could be seen that he was under great pressure from Patriarch Luohou.

However, Lin Kaiyun still pressed the Seven Star Longyuan Sword firmly, and supported himself to stand up with all his strength, his eyes were full of doubts.

Even though Lin Kaiyun knew that if he asked this, he might offend the ancestor Luohou, but he still asked without hesitation.

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Kaiyun's question and seeing Lin Kaiyun's expression, Patriarch Luo Hou had disbelief.

This kind of suspicion made Patriarch Luohu extremely angry, and all the satisfaction he had just gained disappeared with it.

"You human kid, how dare you question the words of this deity? Don't you believe that this deity has the ability to destroy the world? You short-sighted boy, as long as this deity regains its strength and creates a red moon, the deity of this world will raise your hand and raise your feet." It can be easily destroyed."

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