Besides, in the heart of Patriarch Luohu, saying this can hit these humans, let them know that even if their strength is only a little bit at the peak, they are not something they can deal with, and let this group of humans know what despair is.

At this time, because Lin Kaiyun was not suppressed by the ancestor Luohu, his whole body seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden, and he was extremely relaxed. He moved his wrists and legs, and watched the ancestor Luo Huo being attacked by the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. It was very embarrassing to fight, and said with a smile,

"Zuzuzu, you have been beaten into such a bear, and you are still stubborn? I now suspect that not only your strength is only one-tenth of what you used to be, but your intelligence is also the same!"

Indeed, as Lin Kaiyun said, Patriarch Luohou was not having a good time at this time. Patriarch Luohou couldn't dodge the attack of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Even though Patriarch Luohou smashed the water column with the sword in his hand, the water column recovered immediately, and the golden blade, falling meteorites and fireballs kept hitting, and the thorny vines also emitted While being extremely poisonous, it also kept beating Patriarch Luohou.

That scene seemed to be executed, very tragic.

If possible, Lin Kaiyun now very much hopes to take out a mirror to let Patriarch Luo Hou see for himself what kind of state he is in now.

It is estimated that he has been arrogant all the time. Seeing his current embarrassment, the patriarch Luohou might commit suicide directly, because he is really ashamed and can't live anymore.

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's mocking words, Patriarch Luohou immediately refuted,

"Ignorance, this attack is just a plaything for boredom in the eyes of this sect. As long as the deity's strength recovers a little bit, it can be broken at will."

Strength is recovering some?

Lin Kaiyun looked at Patriarch Luohou suspiciously, and found something different. Patriarch Luohou seemed to be dealing with it more and more easily with the change of time, and the same speed seemed to be getting faster.

"What's going on here? Could it be that Patriarch Luohu is really recovering his strength?"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help thinking in his heart, and then under Lin Kaiyun's careful observation, he finally discovered the clue, there was always a light red spot of light coming and going next to the ancestor Luohou.

"Is it the moon?"

Lin Kaiyun suddenly raised his head, looking at the moonlight shining down.

Sure enough, before the moonlight shone into the hall, it formed an unfinished gossip array, but at this moment, it is no longer a beam of moonlight, but a piece of light spot.

Feeling that this big event might be bad, Lin Kaiyun hurriedly shouted to his master Lian Niu,

"Master, do you still have a backup? This ancestor Luohu seems to be recovering his strength through the moon, and now it seems that this ancestor Luohu is getting more and more comfortable in your five elements here."

Lin Kaiyun is indeed a little impatient now. Although he has not been suppressed by this Luohou patriarch, other people cannot break into the five-element formation that his master Lin Jiu used.

If you force your way in, you will also be attacked by the gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Therefore, even if Lin Kaiyun found this Luohou Patriarch and regained his strength through the moon, he did not choose to force it.

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Lin Jiu was not surprised, and said slowly to Lin Kaiyun,

"Kayun, you step back and come to my side."

After hearing the words of his master Lin Jiu, Lin Kaiyun knew it in his heart. It seemed that this was not Lin Jiu's full strength, and his master had a backhand.

So Lin Kaiyun didn't say anything, and retreated to Lin Jiu's side directly according to Lin Jiu's request.

And Lin Jiu, after seeing Lin Kaiyun retreat, took out a five-element compass from the bag and put it on the ground, and then inserted his five fingers into the compass.

"All living beings go, all the five elements are allowed, and the five elements are burial array."

Lin Jiu gave a loud shout.

The same Lin Kaiyun found out that the compass under Lin Jiu's hands started to turn, and Lin Jiu's arms slowly twisted, and slowly turned with the compass.


Lin Kaiyun called softly.

Lin Kaiyun had seen this method before on Daoist Qianhe, and knew that it required Lin Jiu to use his own blood to drive the compass to run.

Chapter 377

Lin Kaiyun clenched his fists, looking at his master Lin Jiu's current appearance, his heart was full of distress.

Regarding this method of casting spells, Lin Kaiyun has seen it on Daoist Qianhe before. The whole palm is inserted into the compass and cannot be taken out again. Similarly, with the rotation of the compass, the blood in the body will continue to flow into the compass.

It’s okay if it’s just blood, but the most terrifying thing is that the whole arm and palm have to rotate with the compass, so the longer the spell is cast, the whole arm will become very twisted like a twist, and in the worst case, it will even directly Torn apart.

At this time, Lin Jiu was already sweating on his forehead, and he shouted loudly, desperately urging the compass.

Immediately, the attack of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth rushed towards Patriarch Luohou, and each time the attack speed became faster and stronger, the power became stronger and stronger, and there was even a blend and cooperation between each attribute, everywhere. Full of strangulation.

Originally due to the increase in strength, the backward ancestors who could deal with it calmly are now in crisis again, and the attacks of these five attributes are no longer separate attacks as before, but the attributes are fused together.

This kind of attribute fusion strangulation made it impossible for Patriarch Luohou to block it effectively.

In just a few breaths, many scars were left on the body of the ancestor of the Luo monkey.

"Impossible, how could you humble human beings hurt this deity."

Patriarch Luohou roared ferociously, the black flames in his body poured out like a flood, and the same huge energy gathered around Patriarch Luohu.

In the blink of an eye, a terrifying phantom appeared behind Patriarch Luohou, and this phantom became more and more real, with black flames burning on its body.

At the same time, Luo Hou's ancestor Shen Ying also disappeared.

Immediately, the phantom opened its eyes, and there were many ripples on its chest that were constantly rotating, exuding a strange energy.

"Human beings, you have seen the true face of the deity, you can die without regret."

Apparently, this phantom burning with monstrous black flames was the real body of Patriarch Luohou.

But Lin Jiu didn't pay attention to what kind of changes happened to the ancestor of the Luo monkey. He gritted his teeth and continued to push the compass to rotate. At this time, the compass had rotated nearly [-] degrees, and Lin Jiu's entire arm was shaking. Already crossed over.

"Yu Tian Yu Di Jade Longan, Heroes, gods and demons fell into hell, shaking the universe for thousands of miles, falling blood sees the blue sky, fighting in ancient times, the power of the soul breaks the sky, today this deity will use this ants human being to open the first stage of the deity's great plan step."

After the ancestor Luohu finished speaking, the ripples on his chest began to rotate irregularly.

Immediately afterwards, the backward ancestor pulled out an enlarged version of the black saber from his body like a robot Gundam, and slashed towards Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun.

"Kaiyun, hold my shoulder."

Lin Jiu didn't look back, and yelled at Lin Kaiyun.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun knew what Lin Jiu meant, but at this moment, when he was indecisive and indecisive, he directly pressed Lin Jiu's shoulder without any consideration.

After being held down by Lin Kaiyun, Lin Jiu completely disregarded the degree of twisting of his arms, and spun the real estate even harder.

There is no way, the real estate is now close to ninety degrees, if you turn it any further, your whole arm will be twisted, and no matter how much perseverance and determination Lin Jiu has, it is inevitable that his body will move uncontrollably at this time, and Once the body moves, the points under the feet will be messed up, and the entire formation will dissipate accordingly.

And the best way is to have a person hold their body.

Lin Jiu kept twisting the compass, and his entire arm had been completely turned over, the degree had exceeded 130 degrees. At this time, the blood vessels on Lin Jiu's arm had burst out, and even the outline of the bone was clearly visible, as if at any time. There is a risk of being broken.

But Lin Jiu didn't have time to think about this at this time, he just kept asking the compass to apply energy to the formation.

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