"Uncle Ninth Master, I think what we need to do most now is to ask someone to investigate the hiding location and approximate strength of this zombie ancestor general, so that as long as we know the basics and can kill with one blow, we can go directly to eliminate it."

Chapter 379 Immediate Mission

And Lin Kaiyun, who was standing aside, had a bad premonition in his heart after hearing Xiaoya's words.

What does it mean to ask a person to investigate?

If these words were spoken to others, then Lin Kaiyun did not suffer from persecution paranoia and put everything on himself.

But Xiaoya is talking to Lin Jiu now, so send someone to investigate, who else but him?

At this moment in this case, Xiaoya turned her head to look at Lin Kaiyun, nodded and smiled, and said, "Uncle Jiu, I think Junior Brother Kaiyun is the most suitable."

"Why am I the most suitable?" Lin Kaiyun spread his hands and asked.

Xiaoya smiled and said in a very positive tone,

"Because your strength is sufficient, the strength of the ancestor general of the zombie is naturally needless to say, ordinary people will not be able to investigate his traces at all, but Junior Brother Kaiyun is strong enough and careful, and I believe you open source With strength and ability, even if the ancestor of the zombies really found out, there must be a way to escape."

After listening to Xiaoya's words, Lin Jiu nodded, patted Lin Kaiyun's shoulder and said,

"That's right, Kaiyun, since you and Xiaoya both have the same meaning, and think it's not appropriate to trouble the ancestor of the zombie generals now, then do as Xiaoya said! Kaiyun, go and investigate the ancestor of the zombie Jiang Chen If you can deduce his approximate strength, that would be the best."

The flesh on Lin Kaiyun's face twitched, for no other reason, of course he didn't want to go.

First of all, this zombie master general is very powerful, and Lin Kaiyun has seen Zombie Yue and he knows that this zombie ancestor general himself belongs to Pangu zombie, and he also obtained the god body of Pangu zombie after the last system evolution.

If he went to investigate the generals of the ancestor of the zombie, and the ancestor of the zombie discovered the secret of his body, even if he had countless means, he might not be able to escape.

So from Lin Kaiyun's point of view, there is no difference between investigating this zombie ancestor general and sending him to death.

So Lin Kaiyun showed embarrassment, and said directly to Lin Jiu,

"Master, actually, I think this matter should be discussed in the long run. After all, the ancestor of the zombie general is really powerful. Just now, with a random push, Yue Qiluo and my senior sister Xiaoya were directly beaten into a coma. Injured, and even if I am not bad, if I am discovered, it may not be so easy to escape."

And Lin Jiu nodded after listening to Lin Kaiyun's words. The other Lin Jiu didn't care, but the danger was indeed quite high, and Lin Jiu was still unwilling to put Lin Kaiyun in a dangerous situation.

Lin Jiu then said to Xiaoya,

"Xiaoya, what Kaiyun said is also reasonable. The danger of this zombie ancestor general cannot be ignored, so go to investigate the matter of the zombie ancestor general, it is better to think long-term! It is really not possible. After my injury is healed, I will Go there yourself."

"OK then!"

Xiaoya didn't say anything after listening, just nodded and smiled at Lin Kaiyun.

And Lin Kaiyun also smiled back at himself, Senior Sister Xiaoya who came out.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun had already criticized Xiaoya many times in his heart at this time.

As for Lin Jiu saying that he would go there in person when he recovered from his injury, Lin Kaiyun was not worried at all. In Lin Kaiyun's opinion, his master Lin Jiu's injury would take a month to heal.

And this month should have a lot of time to change Lin Jiu's mind, or even think of other ways.


At this moment, a system notification sounded in Lin Kaiyun's mind.

"Ding, the system has detected a randomly generated task, may the host accept it?"

Lin Kaiyun responded to the system in his mind,

"Tell me about the task first, and the host will decide whether to accept it or not!"

Soon, the system sound rang again,

"Ding, a creature similar to the host's body was detected, the ancestor of the zombie general, now the system releases a task, sign in next to the ancestor of the zombie, and get a random reward!"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help complaining after hearing the so-called task assigned by the system,

"Sign in next to the ancestor of the zombie, isn't that the same as asking me to touch the tiger's ass? And what do you mean by signing in?"

"Ding, the standard for signing in is to stay next to Jiang Chen in the zombie restaurant for 5 minutes."

Lin Kaiyun didn't feel any surprise about the standard mentioned by the system,

"Come on, stay by the zombie's ancestor general for 5 minutes? Then, wouldn't I be delivering a buffet to this zombie's ancestor general? Don't say 5 minutes, even 1 minute is enough for him to kill me."

Soon the system repeated itself again.

"Ding, may the host accept the sign-in task?"

"Of course not. Doesn't this belong to whoever picks up whoever dies?"

Lin Kaiyun hardly hesitated, and was about to refuse directly, but at this moment, Lin Kaiyun suddenly thought of something, so he quickly stopped the system,

"Wait until you let me think about it."

Logically speaking, staying next to the ancestor of the zombie general to sign in for 5 minutes is no different from dying, and Ying Kaiyun actually thinks so.

However, Lin Kaiyun habitually thought about how to complete this task just now, and the way to complete the task really made Lin Kaiyun think of it.

That is, he remembered that the ancestor of the zombies in Zombie, the general minister, had been sleeping in the cave before biting the protagonist Kuang Guohua.

And if Lin Kaiyun remembers correctly, the ancestor of the zombie general was really not aggressive, and he even made friends with one of the villagers.

And it was precisely to protect this village friend, the ancestor of the zombies, that he bit the protagonist, Kuang Guohua.

Since the ancestor of the zombie can become friends with one of the villagers, it is entirely possible for Lin Kaiyun to stay beside the ancestor of the zombie for 5 minutes if he operates properly.

And if it's too dangerous to be friends with that zombie master general, then Lin Kaiyun can take advantage of his foresight to be friends with that villager.

At that time, as long as he followed the villager, the ancestor of the zombies would probably not hurt him because of the face of the villagers.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Kaiyun felt that the task of signing in was not impossible, and even the chance of completing it was not small!

In this case, there is no reason for Lin Kaiyun not to accept the missions and rewards that came to him for nothing!

So, Lin Kaiyun quickly said in his mind,

"System, I accept this task."

"Ding, the host has successfully intercepted the task of signing in with the zombie ancestor general. The task lasts for 30 days, and now there are 29 days and 23 hours left."

Perhaps the sound of success sounded in Lin Kaiyun's mind, and Lin Kaiyun also withdrew from the system.

At this time, Lin Jiu pointed directly at the hole pierced by the zombie ancestor general and said,

"Then let's go out through the hole above now, and then go to investigate the candidates for the ancestor of the zombies and make a long-term plan."

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