Axiu directly took Lin Kaiyun's hand and ran away,

"Okay, then let's go quickly. I heard from people in the village that they seem to be going to the bamboo forest over there."

And Axiu only dragged Lin Kaiyun for two steps, before being overtaken by Lin Kaiyun, dragging Axiu on the way.

There is no way, if you rely on Axiu to drag you along, the speed is ridiculously slow, and it can be slightly faster than slow walking, but Lin Kaiyun is afraid that he will go slowly, and Kuang Guohua will be bitten by the zombie ancestor general.

In fact, it doesn't matter to Lin Kaiyun that Guohua was not bitten, but the problem is here. If Kuang Guohua is bitten by the zombie ancestor general, it means that all the plans Lin Kaiyun had calculated before will be in vain.

Lin Kaiyun's previous plan was to guess through the stalemate plot that the ancestor of the zombie general should be recuperating in a cave, which is near Hongxi Village.

It just so happened that a villager from Hongxi Village broke into this cave by mistake and became friends with the zombie's ancestor, General Chen.

As for why the ancestor general of the zombie had Kuang Guohua and Kazuo Yamamoto, it was all because the ancestor general of the zombie misunderstood that these two people would hurt the villager friend he just made, so he bit them both angrily.

And now Lin Kaiyun learned from Axiu's words that it was most likely when Kuang Guohua was bitten by the ancestor of the zombie.

If this is the case, then it means that the trail of the ancestor general of the zombie may disappear again.

They have already rushed here with untold hardships, Lin Kaiyun doesn't want his mission to be wasted like this, so Lin Kaiyun can't wait to fly over directly now.

"Cousin, take the left, the path on the left."

Facing a fork in the road, Axiu hurriedly shouted, although she didn't know why, Lin Kaiyun seemed to be more anxious than him, but it would be better if she could find Kuang Guohua earlier.

After Lin Kaiyun heard Axiu's words, he immediately walked in the direction of his finger, which happened to be the upstream of the creek where he washed his face before, and the path Axiu pointed to was equivalent to going all the way up the river.

And this just happened to make the memory in Lin Kaiyun's mind react, he vaguely remembered, it seemed that in the zombie contract, the ancestor general of the zombie bit Kuang Guohua and Kazuo Yamamoto in the fighting in the small river.

Thinking of this, the pace of Lin Kaiyun's feet immediately increased a bit, almost pulling Axiu unilaterally.

After running for more than ten minutes, Lin Kaiyun found a faint red color floating in the small river.

Lin Kaiyun had a bad premonition in his heart,

"It's broken, it won't be too late in such a hurry, right?"

And Lin Kaiyun did not tell Axiu that he found some bloody signs in the river. After all, now Lin Kaiyun also regards this stiff contract, a woman with a rough fate and a kind heart as his younger sister. He doesn't want Axiu to worry about it. .

After running another 1000 meters, even Lin Kaiyun was a little out of breath because it was a slow upward road.

Because Axiu was dragged by Lin Kaiyun the whole time, she was not particularly tired, but when he saw the sweat on Lin Kaiyun's temples, he still said very distressed,

"Cousin, should we rest for a while!"

Although Axiu was very concerned about Kuang Guohua, Lin Kaiyun, his cousin, was also the only family member in his heart, and Axiu was also very distressed.

"It's okay, we should be there soon."

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, and did not stop, but continued to run forward. Of course, he did not mean to perfunctory Axiu, but felt that he really wanted to find Kuang Guohua, because Lin Kaiyun could smell the obvious smell of blood , is flowing down the river.

Sure enough, no more than 10 minutes after Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, a figure appeared in front of them.

This figure was lying on his back on the river bank, and the noon sun was shining on his body. Under the sunlight, the river water was mixed with blood, flashing different colors of light, which made people feel a little pretty for a while.

After Lin Kaiyun saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel contemptuous.

Is this picture a proper protagonist scene?That's right, Kuang Guohua is indeed the protagonist in the contract, but in Lin Kaiyun's heart, except for himself, everyone else should be a supporting role. Even if there is a buff for the protagonist, Lin Kaiyun has to remove his buff layer by layer .

"Cousin, it's Brother Kuang, why is he injured?"

Axiu recognized at a glance that the bloody man lying on the side of the river was Kuang Guohua, so Axiu let go of Lin Kaiyun's hand and ran over impatiently.

"Brother Kuang, how are you? Are you okay? Why did you bleed so much?"

Axiu ran to Kuang Guohua's side, raised Kuang Guohua's head, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

And Kuang Guohua, who was in a coma, was also awakened by the sound. He opened his eyes in a daze, and saw Axiu's anxious face in an instant.

Kuang Guohua grabbed Axiu's arm and said with some slurred words,

"Axiu, ahem, I'm fine, ahem, hurry up and save Fusheng."

Every time Kuang Guohua uttered a few words, a stream of blood overflowed from his mouth, and he coughed non-stop.

When Axiu saw Kuang Guohua vomiting blood, she felt even more distressed. She hurriedly wiped the blood from Kuang Guohua's mouth, and cried out crying,

"Brother Kuang, how are you? Don't talk anymore."

At this moment, Lin Kaiyun stood on the shore and said calmly,

"Axiu, don't worry, this friend of yours suffered internal injuries, but his life is not in serious danger, and you don't have to cry anymore, it's just as unlucky as crying."

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, before Axiu could respond, Kuang Guohua struggled to sit up, looked at Lin Kaiyun and asked suspiciously,

"Axiu, this is???"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Ah Xiu felt a lot more at ease. Since Lin Kaiyun said that Kuang Guohua would not hurt his life, then he definitely would not.

So Axiu supported Kuang Guohua's shoulder and introduced,

"Brother Kuang, this is my cousin, Lin Kaiyun, the son of my cousin, I only found out today."

Kuang Guohua nodded, and then looked at Lin Kaiyun curiously. He was very strange. After all, he had never heard of Axiu and Axiu's father before, and Lin Kaiyun's age seemed to be similar to him, but his expression and eyes had The maturity and insight beyond the youth.

At the same time, Lin Kaiyun's attire looked very weird in Kuang Guohua. He was wearing a very neat cyan Chinese tunic suit, but he was wearing some belts with Taoist symbols on his back, and there was a belt on his waist that I don't know what material it was made of, but it looked very strange. Fancy belts.

In Kuang Guohua's opinion, this outfit can be described as strange, coupled with Kuang Guohua's cautious character, he has always doubted Lin Kaiyun in his heart.

Of course, Kuang Guohua won't say anything at this time, so let's inquire from the side when we are alone with Axiu in the future!


Kuang Guohua struggled to stand up, cupped his hands and greeted Lin Kaiyun, but just after he said a word, he hesitated, and turned his head to look at Axiu.

Of course Axiu knew what Kuang Guohua meant, so she lowered her head coyly,

"My cousin's name is Lin Kaiyun, you should be called Brother Lin!"

Although Axiu and Kuang Guohua have always been in love with each other, they grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and they also have feelings for each other, but this era takes affection very seriously, and they can't be too ambiguous before they are officially married , the same can not be too intimate to call each other's relatives.

For example, now Kuang Guohua subconsciously blurted out his cousin, but he still reacted in time. The same Axiu did not want Kuang Guohua to be called cousin Lin Kaiyun like herself.

So Kuang Guohua didn't feel anything was wrong, and after nodding to Axiu, he introduced himself to Lin Kaiyun, "Brother Lin, my name is Kuang Guohua, you can call me Guohua."

"Guohua, what a good name."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, then fell silent.

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