"And I feel that my speed seems to be faster. I am also more sensitive to blood. On living people, I can smell the smell of blood, and there is an urge to suck blood in my body."

Chapter 384 You Have to Use Physical Moves

After Kuang Guohua finished talking about his situation, he remained silent and looked at Lin Kaiyun with a complicated expression, afraid that Lin Kaiyun would shake his head or have an answer that he could not accept.

He Fusheng, who was still crying just before this time, wiped the tears on his face and said,

"Sister Axiu, Brother Lin, I also feel this way, similar to Brother Miner's, and I can smell the blood on the two of you, and I really want to bite you."

Lin Kaiyun didn't respond after listening. Instead, he hugged his shoulders, sat on a chair, stared at the ground obliquely in front of him, and remained silent.

And Kuang Guohua waited anxiously, like ants on a hot pot, restless, but he didn't dare to urge Lin Kaiyun.

As for He Fusheng who was standing beside Kuang Guohua, his eyes were a little dazed at this moment, his entire eyeballs became cloudy, and he was staring at Axiu's neck firmly.

Axiu also noticed this abnormal change in He Fusheng. Even though he usually liked this child very much, at this time Axiu couldn't help but feel a little scared in her heart, and subconsciously hid behind Lin Kaiyun.

Axiu put her nervous little hand on Lin Kaiyun's shoulder, and asked very anxiously,

"Cousin, what should we do? Look at that child He Fusheng's eyes, as if he is going to turn into a zombie at any moment."

After Axiu finished speaking, she nervously grabbed Lin Kaiyun's clothes with both hands.

Lin Kaiyun patted Axiu's tightly clenched little hands, and said with certainty,

"Don't panic, I'm here! Even if they really turn into zombies, don't be afraid!"

Perhaps feeling Lin Kaiyun's self-confidence exuding from the inside out, Axiu's hands that were tightly clenched away from her clothes also gradually separated.

Lin Kaiyun turned to look at Kuang Guohua, and continued to ask,

"Apart from this, do you have any other changes?"

Kuang Guohua shook his head, then paused with his ears sideways, and then said slowly,

"Probably not anymore, but it seems that my hearing is becoming more and more acute. I can even hear Uncle Aqiang and his family's quarrel."

Uncle Aqiang's house is at least 30 meters away from Axiu's house, and there are several families in between. Coupled with the barriers of walls and houses, even people with extremely keen hearing cannot hear the quarrel in the house.

Therefore, Kuang Guohua very consciously listed this change as a sign of becoming a zombie.

At this moment, He Fusheng, who had not been crying, suddenly made a strange sound.

This voice naturally attracted Lin Kaiyun's attention.

I saw He Fusheng standing beside Kuang Guohua with his hands hanging down. His eyes, which were cloudy before, changed again. The two pupils emitted a little green light, as if they might change color at any time. He Fusheng's two ears also became pointed, like a bat. Lin Kaiyun also noticed that there were two sharp teeth on both sides of He Fusheng's mouth, which gradually protruded from his lips.

Axiu, who was hiding behind Lin Kaiyun, became even more frightened after seeing He Fusheng's appearance, and quickly said,

"Cousin, has He Fusheng's child turned into a zombie again now? What should we do? How about we run away first!"

At this moment, after He Fusheng heard Axiu's voice, he shook his head mechanically, opened his mouth and made a very rough voice, "Sister Axiu, I'm so hungry, please make me something to eat! "

After finishing speaking, He Fusheng moved his feet and walked towards Axiu slowly, his arms were hanging in the air and kept shaking up and down, as if he was grabbing something.

At this moment, He Fusheng's two pupils turned completely light green, and the fangs on his lips became longer and longer.

Kuang Guohua didn't have any changes in his body at this time, and his pupils and teeth were normal.

After Kuang Guohua saw He Fusheng walking towards Axiu, he reached out and grabbed He Fusheng's shoulder, and scolded,

"He Fusheng, why are you going?"

Being caught by Kuang Guohua, He Fusheng didn't turn his head back. With a light shake of his shoulder, he flicked Kuang Guohua's hand away.

Kuang Guohua looked at his hand in surprise, he felt that his hand was a little numb now, just now he only felt a lot of force coming out of He Fusheng's shoulder, shaking his hand away violently.

You must know that Kuang Guohua has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he is the security captain of Hongxi Village. It cannot be said how strong his martial arts are, but there are few opponents in ten miles and eight villages.

As for Kuang Guohua's ability to have such exquisite martial arts, strength must be a great foundation as well.

Let alone a child like He Fusheng, even a young adult, it is difficult to break free when he grabs his shoulders.

But it happened that He Fusheng easily shook his hand away, and He Fusheng's current state was obviously a precursor to becoming a zombie.

And when Kuang Guohua wanted to catch He Fusheng again, He Fusheng had already walked several meters, muttering in his mouth, he continued to walk towards Axiu,

"I'm very hungry!"

"I'm very hungry!"

Axiu, who was hiding behind Lin Kaiyun, was terrified by He Fusheng's appearance, and said in a trembling voice,

"Cousin, what should I do? He Fusheng seems to have turned into a zombie. Look at his teeth, and he seems to be trying to suck my blood."

Lin Kaiyun did not respond to Axiu, but took out a corpse suppressing talisman from his bosom, and stuck it directly on He Fusheng's forehead.

"The universe is boundless, the emperor of heaven borrowed the law, order!!!"

Lin Kaiyun touched the prisoner with his thumb, and the cinnabar painted traces on the talisman shone red.

However, this spell, which was supposed to be the most effective against zombies, didn't seem to have any effect at this time, because He Fusheng was still walking forward slowly.

A great force suddenly appeared from the forehead, and it pressed against Lin Kaiyun's thumb, and even bent Lin Kaiyun's elbow a little.

Seeing that He Fusheng had such great power, Lin Kaiyun was amazed,

"As expected of a second-generation zombie, it's really interesting that this little brat has such great power."

And the reason why Kuang Guohua didn't go forward to chase He Fusheng was because he had some small thoughts in his heart.

Because Kuang Guohua thought, there shouldn't be any danger for Axiu hiding behind Lin Kaiyun. After all, Lin Kaiyun is Axiu's cousin, so it is impossible to leave him alone.

In the same way, Kuang Guohua felt that now was the right time to witness whether Lin Kaiyun, Axiu's cousin, had any strength.

If Lin Kaiyun, Axiu's cousin, couldn't subdue He Fusheng, who hadn't completely turned into a zombie, then Kuang Guohua wouldn't pin his hope of survival on Lin Kaiyun.

However, when Lin Kaiyun took out the talisman and stuck it on He Fusheng's forehead very chicly and confidently, Kuang Guohua couldn't help clenched his fists, he was very excited.

Because the Taoist priest Kuang Guohua met before could also use spells, but there were a lot of things to prepare, and it was very tiring to use, which seemed very difficult.

And this Lin Kaiyun seemed very freehand. Of course, Kuang Guohua was not so blind that he thought Lin Kaiyun was a liar.

Because now Kuang Guohua knew that his senses were very keen, and he clearly felt that the charm that Li Yun had pasted on He Fusheng's forehead contained some inexplicable energy, and this energy annoyed him very much.

Just when Kuang Guohua thought that Lin Kaiyun had easily subdued He Fusheng, he suddenly realized that this was not the case.

Because Kuang Guohua also noticed that the child He Fusheng didn't seem to be affected at all, and he used his head like a cow, and even bent Lin Kaiyun's elbow.

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