After listening to Lin Kaiyun's words, Kuang Guohua suddenly looked up at Lin Kaiyun, and shouted as if swearing,

"No, I don't want to suck human blood."

After shouting, Kuang Guohua didn't care about anything else, decisively pinched the rabbit in his hand to death, brought it to his mouth and bit it with his toothy mouth.

Although Kuang Guohua was determined to suck the rabbit's blood, he couldn't do it alive, so he had to kill the rabbit first.

Goo-dong, goo-dong!

Kuang Guohua closed his eyes and took two big gulps as if drinking water, then raised his head in pain and drank it into his body.

Although Kuang Guohua's body instinctively did not want to suck the rabbit's blood, but when the blood entered the body from the throat, Kuang Guohua felt as if he had eaten or inhaled energy, and the urge to suck blood was also reduced. A few points.

After slowing down for a while, Kuang Guohua nodded to Lin Kaiyun and said,

"Brother Lin, it is really useful."

"Okay, you probably can't get enough of this! Since it's useful, go grab it yourself!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he simply found a thick tree and leaned against it leisurely. Anyway, he didn't need to use his hands, and Kuang Guohua could handle the task of catching wild animals by himself.

After Kuang Guohua nodded, he didn't care about He Fusheng, and rushed directly into the woods, like a tiger that was not full and wanted to go down the mountain to hunt.

After half an hour, Kuang Guohua still did not come back. Lin Kaiyun knew that Kuang Guohua must have sucked blood while hunting.

But at this time, He Fusheng was already starving, his mind was full of wanting to suck blood, He Fusheng had already regretted it, let alone a rabbit now, even if a mouse was sent to his mouth, he would rely on his instinct Sucked the blood of the mouse.

However, even if He Fusheng couldn't control his physical desires, he didn't dare to hit Lin Kaiyun. Although he was young, it didn't mean he was stupid. , that is courting death.

Just like that, He Fusheng saw Kuang Guohua walking out of the woods after a few minutes of incomparable suffering, with a deer on his shoulders at the same time.

Kuang Guohua threw the deer directly in front of He Fusheng, and said,

"Here, this deer has been killed by me, but the blood in its body has not yet coagulated."

This time, He Fusheng didn't show any pretense, nor did he pick any faults. He rushed forward instinctively and sucked it up desperately.

Kuang Guohua didn't care about He Wusheng and stood aside directly, silent.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun walked to Kuang Guohua's side, patted him on the shoulder and said, "This is the end of the matter, so don't think too much about it. It's much better than sucking humans and turning into a monster."

As soon as Lin Kaiyun saw Kuang Guohua's mental state, he knew that he must have sucked enough blood.

After Kuang Guohua heard Lin Kaiyun's words, his two green pupils exuded a feeling of sadness. He looked at his hands stained with animal blood, and said in a low voice,

"Of course I won't suck human blood. In that case, I would really become a monster. At least now I can deceive myself and keep telling myself that I am just suffering from a strange disease."

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said,

"That's right, you just got a strange disease, but you made a very wise decision, you should be glad."

Kuang Guohua looked at Lin Kaiyun and asked tentatively,

"Brother Lin, you are trying to say that if I have the idea of ​​sucking human blood and donating blood, you will kill me directly, right?"

Lin Kaiyun didn't hide anything, and nodded affirmatively,

"That's right!"

Although Kuang Guohua is Axiu's best friend, Lin Kaiyun really regards Axiu as his younger sister in his heart.

But if Kuang Guohua really sucked human blood and turned into a zombie that hurt people's lives, then Lin Kaiyun didn't care if Axiu would be sad, and would definitely kill Kuang Guohua immediately.

Kuang Guohua was obviously not surprised by Lin Kaiyun's answer, he shook his head and said mockingly,

"Actually, when I knew I was going to become a zombie, I thought about committing suicide, but I didn't dare, and I couldn't bear it either."

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Kuang Guohua and asked curiously.

"Reluctant? Is it because of Axiu? Or because of my own life?"

Kuang Guohua didn't hesitate, and blurted out, "All of them."

At this time, He Fusheng also finished sucking the blood of the deer. He wiped his mouth, stood up and walked in front of Kuang Guohua, and asked with an ugly face, "Brother Kuang, although I am not hungry now, I really don't want to It sucks blood again, and this deer is so pitiful, I killed him."

After He Fusheng finished speaking, he burst into tears, and the tears fell down, looking very sad.

Before He Fusheng, it was because his body had reached the limit and he couldn't control it anymore, his head was full of blood, but after the inhalation, the desire in his body disappeared, He Fusheng immediately regretted it, and when he got up, he was very guilt.

When Kuang Guohua saw He Fusheng's pained look, he sighed.

"Oh, I don't want to either! I hope to find another way in the future!"

Kuang Guohua would not be as indecisive as the kid He Fusheng. In fact, he always hunted in the mountains. After all, this was the only source of meat for their village.

However, relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, relying on the sea to eat the sea, people in Hongxi Village have been hunting for generations, but they also have their own rules, that is, each family can only hunt one per month.

Although almost none of the people in Hongxi Village have read books and have little culture, they also understand the principle of the long flow of water. If they don't control it and vigorously beat all the wild animals on the nearby mountains to extinction, then they really No meat source at all.

But Kuang Guohua knew that he had killed a wild boar, a deer and three rabbits that night alone.

You must know that if this frequency is followed, then I am afraid that there will not be many wild beasts left on the mountains around Hongxi Village in a short time.

Moreover, Kuang Guohua didn't dare to take the meat of the wild animals they had eaten into the village. God knows, if other people ate the meat, they would become like them.

Lin Kaiyun felt that whether it was Kuang Guohua or He Fusheng, they were still kind-hearted. Although they turned into zombies due to accidents, their personality and quality did not seem to be affected.

Lin Kaiyun also gave them a high look at this, and seeing Kuang Guohua and He Fusheng so depressed, Lin Kaiyun comforted me,

"Maybe there will be a way, as long as you keep looking for it."

Kuang Guohua nodded, bowed his hands to Lin Kaiyun, and said very sincerely,

"I hope, Brother Lin, but thank you anyway, if you weren't here, maybe we would drink human blood when we lose consciousness."

In fact, Lin Kaiyun knew that if Kuang Guohua and He Fusheng sucked human blood without realizing it, then they might be out of control.

Don't look at Kuang Guohua and He Fusheng's bodies now, they both have a strong desire to suck blood at a certain time, just like people who are hungry and want to eat.

But the blood of this animal can still satisfy them, the premise is that they must never drink human blood, as long as they start this way, they can't go back.

"It's okay, that's what I should do, because when you lost consciousness, Axiu and I were the only ones in the yard. I can't let you suck the blood of the two of us, can I?"

Lin Kaiyun spread his hands, made a joke, and then continued, "Since you are all full, let's go back, otherwise Axiu will be in a hurry."

Just when Lin Kaiyun was about to lift his legs to leave, he suddenly found that Kuang Guohua and He Fusheng had changed, so he shouted,

"Wait, the fangs of the two of you seem to be shrinking slowly, and the pupils of your eyes are also normal."

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