The more they talked about the two, the more frightened they became. They found out that none of the abilities that Kai Yun had mastered had been taught by Lin Jiu, and there were even many moves, the power and degree of which were very rare.

The four-eyed Daoist paused for a moment, and asked directly,

"Brother, you never asked, where did that kid learn these moves?"

Lin Jiu shook his head, and slowly explained the reason why he didn't ask,

"When you and I were going down the mountain, especially at the stage of the fastest cultivation, we all had our own adventures or secrets, so, no matter why Kaiyun acquired these abilities, as long as they are good, I can't rely on them. Since I am a master, I will forcefully ask you!!!"

The four-eyed priest nodded and said,

"It's true. I also encountered some wonderful encounters at the beginning, which benefited me a lot. Even at a certain stage, my adventures were the bottom of my chest, and I also very repulsive people asking me about this Because of this, when I was with you last time, I didn't ask that kid what was going on with the talisman."

Lin Jiu sighed and said very speechlessly,

"Hey, do you think I can not frown like this? I have nothing to teach now, even the Eight Great Divine Mantras that I got home, Kai Yun's kid's Golden Light Magic Mantra is smoother than mine, and the Meditation Magic Mantra is not as good as it is. It's very weak, but I can master it proficiently. I, as a master, have nothing to teach, and I feel ashamed to say it."

Seeing Lin Jiu like this, Daoist Simu seemed really sad, so he persuaded,

"Senior brother, I think what I think here may be a bit exaggerated. Although as a master, there is nothing to teach apprentices, it is indeed a bit embarrassing, but we as masters are also pursuing this point? As the saying goes, the blue is better than the blue. When an apprentice surpasses us, isn't that what we as masters most want to see!"

Of course Lin Jiu understands what Taoist Simu said, but there are some things that he won't bother about unless he understands them.

Lin Jiu said,

"I understand the truth, but as an outsider, you can't understand my current mood at all. If Kering can surpass me in the future, then I will be very happy, but he is only in his 20s, which makes me a little hard to accept .”

Priest Simu disagreed with Lin Jiu's statement very much, he said directly,

"That's you, you are the type who wants to save face and suffer. If I have such a talented apprentice, I can wake up with a smile in my dreams. Then I can hand over all the corpse business to him, and then I can lie down. If the stinky monk next door bothers me by knocking on the wooden fish again, I will ask my powerful apprentice to clean him up, what a wonderful thing, you still worry about it.”

Lin Jiu cast a glance at the four-eyed Taoist priest, and said unhappily,

"You think it's simple, but the problem is that I didn't teach Kai Yun's exquisite exercises!"

The four-eyed priest was a little surprised when he heard it, and asked quickly,

"How come? Didn't you teach the Golden Light Mantra and Meditation Mantra?"

Lin Jiu shook his head and said with some disappointment,

"The Golden Light Mantra is not, and neither is the Meditation Mantra. The reason is clear to you. Kai Yun has been practicing since he was a teenager, and it has not been more than ten years today. My Maoshan pays the most attention to the foundation, so I have been guiding Kai Yun to consolidate Root, plans to teach Kaiyun all kinds of Maoshan's secret arts and Taoism when he reaches the second level, but since Kaiyun became a horse fairy, his strength has improved too fast, and the most important thing is that he comprehended it himself. It doesn't matter, or the exercises and moves obtained from other places are very powerful, and it can even be said that there is no need for me to teach him the secret and Taoism that I know."

After listening to Lin Jiu's words, Taoist Simu understood why Lin Jiu was so sad.

First of all, Lin Kaiyun's strength has improved rapidly, which makes Lin Jiu feel that there is nothing to teach. This is just one of the aspects, and the most important thing is that Lin Kaiyun's current state, as well as the skills and moves, actually don't need Lin Jiu to teach anymore. He has learned some secret techniques and Taoism.

Because the four-eyed Taoist master knew that these secret techniques and Taoist methods should not be as powerful as Lin Kaiyun's already mastered.

Chapter 399 There is a solution

The oil lamp was lit in Lin Jiu's room. There was a cup of brewed Kung Fu tea beside Lin Jiu and Daoist Simu respectively, but there was no heat floating on it at this time, obviously the tea was already cold.

But Lin Jiu and Taoist Simu didn't chat, they were thinking about different things.

Lin Jiu still felt preoccupied with the things he could not teach. As for Taoist Simu, he was thinking about how to persuade Lin Jiu.

If it's just that there is nothing to teach, then Daoist Daoist is still a little confident that he can persuade Lin Jiu, but the problem now is not that there is nothing to teach, but the adventure and merit that this kid Lin Kaiyun got. Both the law and the ability are very strong.

This created a very embarrassing situation, that is, even if Lin Jiu taught Lin Kaiyun some Maoshan secret and Taoist skills, compared with what Lin Kaiyun himself knew, it seemed very weak. This is a very embarrassing thing. It's simply unacceptable that what a master teaches is weak.

This kind of thing would be very embarrassing even if it was placed on the body of the four-eyed Taoist priest, so now the four-eyed Taoist priest can also feel Lin Jiu's thoughts.

"How should I persuade you? I really can't figure it out. Why is my luck so bad today? First, I met that annoying poker guy, but Lin Jiu couldn't think about it because of these things. Why did all these annoying things come together?"

Daoist Simu shook his head, he really couldn't think of anything to persuade Lin Jiu not to think about it.

The main reason is that Daoist Simu has brought himself into Lin Jiu's position now. Even if he is an optimist, he probably won't be any better than Lin Jiu. After all, they are all masters with apprentices. Difficult.

Feeling that the atmosphere in the room was too depressed, Lin Jiu said,

"Oh, it's all right. Four eyes, I came to you to complain. You don't have to take it too seriously. Seeing your tangled expression now, it seems to be more uncomfortable than mine!"

After hearing Lin Jiu's words, the Taoist priest with four eyes rolled his eyes and glanced at him, already complaining in his heart.

"You guy, if it weren't for you, why would I be so worried?"

Of course I would think so in my heart, but Taoist Simu would not say so, he smiled at Lin Jiu and said,

"Brother, time and fate! In fact, what kind of apprentice we accept is also our destiny. Some things are unclear, so don't think too much about it."

Lin Jiu nodded, picked up the cold Kung Fu tea on the table, took a sip nonchalantly, and said slowly,

"I know in my heart that when I vomit bitterness to you, I don't feel so uncomfortable, it's much better, and that's why I immediately signed up for Kai Yun after I heard Tu Ke said that there was a large-scale disciple competition. The reason is that this is one of the few masters I can do for him. This is the first disciple competition held by the Maoshan Gate after the closure of the mountain, but it can be seen from the No.1 reward that Maoshan The old guys in Shanneimen who are not dead should be taken very seriously, and this is also a very rare opportunity for Kering to practice."

The four-eyed Taoist also nodded, and was about to go along with Lin Jiu, when suddenly something came to mind, so he quickly stepped forward and grabbed Lin Jiu's arm.

Lin Jiu was suddenly pulled by the four-eyed priest, and the kung fu tea in his hand was almost spilled. He looked at the four-eyed priest suspiciously and asked,

"What's the matter? This tea is cold. If you want to drink, I'll make you another cup. As for rushing up to grab it?"

After hearing Lin Jiu's words, the four-eyed Taoist gave him an unhappy look, and said speechlessly,

"Can't you think of me a little bit? Still grabbing your Kung Fu tea, what's so good about it? Is it worth grabbing?"

Lin Jiu still looked at Taoist Priest Four Eyes inexplicably, and said,

"Then since you're not trying to grab the tea in my hand, why are you jumping over in such a hurry? I won't compete with you in my current state, so don't think about dragging me to compete."

The four-eyed priest looked at Lin Jiu speechlessly, and said quickly,

"What is this and what? Don't make random guesses, can you listen to me?"

"Okay!" Lin Jiu nodded, but did not speak.

Seeing that Lin Jiu finally stopped speculating about his intentions, Taoist Master Simu said directly,

"Brother, aren't you worried because you have nothing to teach Kaiyun's children, and the secretary and Taoism you need to teach are weak compared to the skills that Kaiyun has mastered?"

Lin Jiu nodded, and said with a dark face, "Yes, but do you want to repeat it?"

The four-eyed priest didn't care, he waved his hands and said with a smile,

"It's all trivial, so don't worry about it, I've figured out a way to solve your problem!"

"Really?" Lin Jiu looked at Daoist Simu suspiciously. It wasn't that he didn't want to believe Daoist Simu, but that Daoist Simu was not a delicate person at all, and sometimes he was more sensitive than him. His temper is much hotter.

Besides, Lin Jiu also knew very well that Taoist Simu didn't even deal with his neighbor Master Yixiu well, so Lin Jiu was skeptical that he could solve his worries now.

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