David, who was still very excited at first, was obviously taken aback after hearing this, and asked hesitantly, "Inherit your position?"

Mayor Liu nodded, looked at his son David, and said meaningfully,

"That's right, you've seen my body. I feel very tired after walking for a while now, so I want to pass on the position of mayor to you, but don't we all pay attention to republic and democracy now? I can't directly Letting you be the mayor, you can only continue to spend money to buy it, but you can’t let the people in Jiuquan Town object, especially if you are caught, other people are also eyeing the position of the mayor!"

"Dad, I..."

David looked at his obese father, he was at a loss for words, and didn't know what to say.

Mayor Liu waved his hand, warned David again, and said, "Don't say too much, remember, you can't touch the smoke and dirt, and don't leave anything behind!"

"Got it, Dad, then I'll go out first."

David nodded obediently, and then left the room with Mayor Liu's acquiescence.

However, after leaving the room, David's obedient expression disappeared immediately, and instead he smiled evilly, muttering,

"Hmph, if someone finds out, you will leave a clue. If you don't get discovered, you won't leave a clue! That way you can make money, and the position of the mayor will not be a problem. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

Thinking of this, David noticed that the lights in Mayor Liu's room had been turned off, knowing that his father was going to rest, so he quietly left the house.

Chapter 420 Tooth marks are smoking

In the inn in Jiuquan Town, Daoist Fulong lives here alone. Of course, there is also a young man in a suit in the room, which is David.

Daoist Fulong looked at David and asked, "Master Liu, why are you looking for me? Could it be that Mayor Liu doesn't want to cooperate with me anymore? So I asked you to notify me?"

David sat on the chair, looked at the horrified Daoist Fu Long, and said, "Daoist Fu Long, you misunderstood. In fact, I came to tell you good news."

Daoist Fu Long didn't know what the mayor Liu's son was going to do, so he asked tentatively, "Oh? Tell me!"

David felt a little uneasy at this time, mainly because the appearance of the Taoist Fulong was too fierce, so he had to act bravely, raised his voice a few decibels, and said,

"Daoist Fulong, I heard that you have goods of smoke and soil in your hand? I just don't know the quality?"

After hearing David's words, Taoist Fu Long immediately slapped the table and stood up, shouting,

"Mr. Liu, what do you mean? Could it be that Mayor Liu thinks the quality of the smoke and soil I provided is not good? If that's the case, you can say it directly, and there is no need to be so sneaky."

Daoist Fulong was already terrifying, but with his anger, it was even more frightening at this time.

Even if David knew that he had the face of his father, Mayor Liu, this Daoist Fulong would never do anything to him?

However, David's heart was also tense, and he quickly explained,

"No, no, that's not what it means."

David was also very disturbed, he wanted to do this opium business, he wanted to be rich, and he wanted to talk to those in the West, but this kind of business was not a serious business after all, and the people in it were all vicious people.

Daoist Fu Long, in David's heart, looked at his appearance, he was a very vicious person.

Daoist Fu Long stared at David and asked, "Then what do you mean?"

Seeing that Daoist Fulong's tone had eased a lot, David felt relieved, and said slowly, "Daoist Fulong, you also know that Yantu is a better channel for foreigners after all, and me! I know some foreign friends, I wonder if Daoist Fulong is interested in you?"

Daoist Fu Long naturally understood what David said. He looked at David, pointed at himself, and said with a smile, "What do you mean? You want me to buy from your channel?"

David said with a smile, "Daoist Fulong, business! Making money is the most important thing, and in the Yandi business, the key is good goods. As long as the goods are good, you will definitely make money. You do business with my father. It doesn't hinder you and me from doing business, right!"

"Boy, it seems that your father never gave you a word, what is there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people."

After Daoist Fulong finished speaking, he laughed loudly. Under David's suspicious eyes, Daoist Fulong took out a small bag from his pocket, threw it to David confidently, and said,

"Boy, just take a good sniff of your malfunctioning nose!"

David put the small bag of cigarette soil thrown by Taoist Fu Long under his nose, and sniffed it carefully.

In an instant, David's face changed. He was shocked and took out the fragments of soot, and chewed them in his mouth.

David was a little flustered. He looked at Daoist Fulong in surprise, and asked, "Daoist Fulong, where did you get this thing? When I was in Xiyang, I never encountered such a superb It's just such a small piece of smoke, I feel like my whole body is going to float."

Daoist Fu Long didn't answer, but instead smiled and said, "Hahaha, boy, how are you doing? Do you still dare to show off your channel in front of me now?"

David quickly said, "Daoist Fu Long, I really don't know Mount Tai with my eyes. I didn't expect that your smoke and soil are so superb. It's because of my stupid eyes."

In David's heart, although this Taoist Fulong is not good-looking, but to have such a top-quality smoke and soil, there must be a powerful expert behind him, and he can curry favor if he can.

Daoist Fu Long waved his hand at this time, and said directly, "Okay, since there is nothing else, you can leave!"

Hearing that Daoist Fulong didn't want to talk to him at all, David said quickly, "Daoist Fulong, can you give me some of the goods too? Your smoke and soil are the best of the best, even those foreigners , I guess I love it too, can you give me some? I can find you another buyer for you. "

Daoist Fu Long looked at David and said with a smile, "You also want to cooperate with me?"

After David heard this, he said excitedly, "Yes, Daoist Fulong, that's exactly what I mean. As long as I get some samples, those foreigners will definitely be interested. At that time, how much do you want? , as much money as you want, Ocean Gold, everything you need.”

Daoist Fu Long shook his head, and directly refused, "Master Liu, my smoked soil is the exclusive secret recipe of my master, so I don't cooperate with people I don't trust."

David was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "Daoist Fulong, Mayor Liu is my father, and we belong to our own people, isn't that enough distrust?"

Daoist Fu Long shook his head and said, "No, my sect has rules!"

David continued to persuade, "Daoist Fulong, you have such top-quality smoke and soil, the reason why you have not circulated it must be for this reason, business! Just pay attention to making money, why are there so many rules?"

Daoist Fu Long's attitude was very resolute, he shook his head and refused, "No, my sect has rules, this smoke soil is my sect's unique recipe, you can only cooperate with trusted people."

David was a little anxious when he heard that Fulong Taoist chief Chai Mi did not enter, and continued,

"Daoist Fulong, how can you be considered a trustworthy person? Is it not enough to have the relationship with my father, Mayor Liu?"

Daoist Fu Long shook his head, "Not enough!"

David looked at the top-quality smoky soil in his hand. He was confident that he could sell it to those foreigners, and he could make a lot of money by then.

So, of course, David was unwilling to give up this opportunity that was right in front of him, so he quickly asked, "Daoist Fulong, how can you be considered someone you trust?"

Daoist Fu Long took out a pill, held it in his hand, and said slowly, "My master has a kind of pill, which is not poison, but it has special effects. As long as you take it, once you have the idea of ​​betrayal, I will You'll know right away."

David looked at the pill in Fu Long's hand, of course he was unwilling to swallow it, and hesitated, "This..."

Daoist Fu Long smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, it's fine if you don't want to. If you go out now, just pretend nothing happened."

After finishing speaking, Daoist Fu Long put away the pills, and then made a gesture of seeing off the guests.

David suddenly thought of his father, Mayor Liu, who was cooperating with this Daoist Fulong?Will I also take this pill?

David asked, "Wait, Daoist Fulong, did my father also take this pill?"

Daoist Fu Long nodded and said, "Of course, this is the rule of my teacher, and we all treat everyone equally."

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