"I can't be mistaken, I raised my hand, and I heard the voice, amen!"

"What should I do? Is it a fraud? Is the almighty Lord blaming us?"

Everyone looked at the missionary's body in astonishment.

At this moment, the body of the dead missionary squirmed.

"Almighty Lord! It's really a fraud."

"How to do?"

Those who were still praying were all taken aback, like chickens whose feathers had been fried, they backed up in unison.

It was still Father Tao who was calm after all. He swallowed and said hastily,

"Don't panic! It may be dizziness. After all, we have been praying all afternoon, and the candles around us keep flickering, so dizziness is also possible!"

Just after Father Tao finished speaking, the missionary's corpse began to move again with great vigor. His stomach bulged up as if he had been blown, and his body also became swollen. Driven by the swelling, the corpse swelled. Twist around.

Everyone seemed to have seen a ghost at this moment.

After all, how could this corpse move?Is this a ghost or what?Still a vicious devil.

Father Tao was also a little scared, but when he thought of the Almighty Lord, Father Tao felt at ease. He crossed his hands and shouted,

"Don't panic, everyone. This is a church, and behind it is the statue of the Almighty Lord. This is the most sacred and safest place. Even vicious devils are not allowed to be presumptuous here."

Sure enough, after hearing Father Tao's words, the missionaries who were somewhat disturbed calmed down a lot at this time, and returned to their positions one after another, praying devoutly in front of the missionary's corpse.

And Father Tao was also very persistent, picked up the small white bottle, and continued to sprinkle holy water on the missionary's corpse.

Father Tao sprinkled and muttered again and again,

"Almighty Lord! Please hear the call of your devout believer, purify this dirty soul?"

The other missionaries also followed Father Tao in muttering,

"Almighty Lord, please purify this dirty soul!!!"

However, it didn't work at all. The missionary's body was still swelling, and his body was still twice as big.

Seeing this scene, Father Tao led all the missionaries and shouted even harder. The voice was so loud that it echoed in the church.

I don't know if this echo has any effect, but it made Father Tao and others a lot more courageous.


At this moment, there was a roaring sound suddenly, the sound was very low, like a breathable window.

At the same time, a stronger cold wind blew in the church, all the candles were extinguished, and all the people felt the cold and shivered unconsciously.

And the corpse of the dead missionary suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hands, and roared again.


Father Tao was so frightened that he dropped the bottle in his hand to the ground, and he backed away in horror.

"The devil, the devil!!!"

Father Tao muttered in fear, even sweat left his forehead.

The dead missionary stood up stiffly with his swollen body, looked at Father Tao, and let out a ghastly growl.

The other missionaries, all frightened to death, prayed desperately,

"The devil, the devil is alive!"

"O Almighty Lord! Save Almighty Lord, will you redeem us?"

The missionary who cheated the corpse didn't pay attention, but rushed towards Father Tao.

Father Tao's son shouted nervously, "Father, be careful!"

Father Tao also backed away in fright, but how could he be as fast as the missionary who turned into a corpse?

In the blink of an eye, the missionary who had turned into a corpse came before Father Tao.

"Devil, this is a holy church, not a place where you can be presumptuous, go to hell!"

Father Tao subconsciously raised the cross on his chest, and put it on the forehead of the dead missionary.


The missionary who turned into a corpse roared instantly, and a lot of white smoke rose from the position where the cross was attached.

"Maisang, hurry up and take out the cross from the statue of the almighty master and stick it on the body of this devil."

Seeing the effect, Father Tao hurriedly yelled at his son.

"Got it, father!"

Father Tao's son, rolling and crawling, ran to the statue of the Lord, bowed to the statue, and muttered,

"Almighty Lord, please save the pious believers and forgive their sins. I will temporarily use the cross in your hand."

After finishing speaking, Father Tao's son climbed up on Father Tao's body rebelliously, and took down the cross from the statue's hand.


Father Tao's son jumped down, clenched the cross in his hand, and stabbed viciously at the missionary who had turned into a corpse.


The missionary who turned into a dead body screamed in pain, his whole body kept shaking, a lot of white smoke came out, and the missionary who turned into a dead body swollen body also kept shrinking.

"Almighty Lord, please forgive and purify this dirty soul, Amen!"

Father Tao continued to hold the cross on his chest, yelling incessantly against the missionary who had turned into a corpse.

The other missionaries also raised the wooden crosses on their bodies, and shouted at the missionaries who had turned into corpses.


The missionary turned into a ball of white powder and scattered on the ground.

Father Tao's son, holding a wooden cross in his hand at this time, looked at the white ash on the ground, he was stunned, and said blankly,

"Father, are you all right?"

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