"I can refine it, but the skill of refining this magic weapon for the master can only be said to be average. The main reason is that the thunder and lightning aura in it is already very fragile. If there is a mistake, I am afraid that the thunder and lightning aura will be used directly. scattered."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, since he took all the trouble to carry the wooden cross back, he certainly didn't want to let it go to waste.

So asked,

"Okay! Master, then who do you want to refine? According to what you said, there must be someone who knows who can refine this well and preserve the lightning aura inside, right?"

Lin Jiu nodded,

"That's right. One month later, there will be a competition among the disciples of Maoshan's inner sect. I happen to know a friend from Maoshan's inner sect. He should be able to refine this."

After Lin Kaiyun finished listening, he glanced at his master and asked with a smirk,

"Master, is it a man or a woman?"

Lin Jiu glared at Lin Kaiyun and cursed,

"You brat, what are you thinking? You've been drenched in the rain all the way, go take a shower and change your clothes!"

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away, then this wooden cross will be placed with you, Master!"

Lin Kaiyun ran back to the room directly after speaking. After all, it was really uncomfortable to be covered with wet clothes.

And Lin Jiu also returned to his room with the wooden cross. As for Ah Xing and Xiaoyue, they couldn't go out to play because of the rain, so they obediently returned to their room and rested.

After more than an hour, Lin Kaiyun had finished washing and changed into brand new clothes.

At this time, the rain outside had stopped, Lin Kaiyun pushed open the door and came to the yard.

Tonight he will practice in the pavilion in the yard. It has just rained, and the air is very refreshing and clean, which makes people feel refreshed and happy. It is a good time to practice.

Lin Kaiyun sat cross-legged on the stool, circulating the innate qi in his body.

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, knocks on the door suddenly sounded. The sound was not dense, but each sound was loud. It could be felt that the person who knocked on the door was not in a hurry, but he was very impolite, as if he was looking for trouble. .

Lin Kaiyun opened his eyes directly, and looked out of the door with displeasure on his face, and Lin Jiu also came out with his clothes on, his face was also very ugly.

Lin Jiuzong said in a cold tone, in a deep voice,

"Kaiyun, go open the door and take a look. If it's someone who doesn't matter, just send him away."

"I see, Master."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and didn't say much. He could already see that his master was angry. Originally, the residents of Jiuquan Town made Lin Jiu feel very excited because of the church. The impolite knocking on the door was obviously to find fault.

Without a trace of expression, Lin Kaiyun walked out of the gazebo, walked across the yard, came to the gate and opened the latch, and opened the door from the inside with a cold face.

I saw a ferocious middle-aged man standing outside the door at this time, wearing a strange Taoist robe, a leather vest, and a leather bag of an unknown animal hanging on his waist.

"Why did you open the door? Who are you? Why are you here?"

After seeing Lin Kaiyun, this fierce-looking middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted unceremoniously.

Although it is said that people cannot be judged by their faces, Lin Kaiyun knew that this person was not a good person when he saw his appearance. In addition, this person knocked on the door vigorously without manners.

"You knocked on the door? You actually asked who I was? I don't think you drank too much. Could it be that you can't find the location of your home?"

This fierce middle-aged man clenched his fists at this time, but he forcibly suppressed his desire to do something, stared at Lin Kaiyun fiercely, and said in a bad tone,

"You kid, you don't have even hair yet, how dare you talk to me like that? Hurry up and call that guy Wu Liu out, I have something to do with him."

"Who are you? What can you do with Daoist Wu?"

When Lin Kaiyun heard that this person was looking for A Xing and Xiaoyue's master, he immediately had a guess in his heart.

Perhaps because of his random entry, the plot has changed. Ah Xing and Xiaoyue's master is not Lin Jiu, but a Taoist priest named Wu Liu, who has a relationship with Cane Gu.

However, since this hideous-looking weird Taoist priest came to find Ah Xing and Xiaoyue's master, could it be the Taoist Dragon Slayer who pretended to be a zombie to transport poison in the movie?

The fierce middle-aged Taoist continued to speak in a bad tone,

"Boy, I'm already polite enough to you, you must not call that guy Wu Liu out without knowing what is good or bad."

Lin Kaiyun ignored it, but asked directly,

"Are you the Dragon Slayer?"

The fierce middle-aged Taoist priest smiled disdainfully and said,

"Slaying the Dragon? I don't know him. I am Daoist Fulong. I've already revealed my identity to you. Call me quickly."

This person is the fat Mayor Liu of Jiuquan Town and the Daoist Fulong who traded with him.

"Fulong? Shouldn't it be Dragon Slayer? Could this have changed too? But it looks like a person, right?"

Lin Kaiyun frowned and muttered in his heart. In fact, he didn't remember what the dragon slaying Taoist looked like in the movie. After all, he didn't have a photographic memory. Remember everything.

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun ignored Lin Kaiyun and was still looking at him, Daoist Fulong was very angry, took a step across, and was about to break in directly.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun blocked in front of Daoist Fulong directly, without any intention of letting him in.

"Boy, if you don't get out of the way, I won't be polite."

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun was standing in front of him again, Daoist Fulong said something disdainful, and then he continued to walk forward without stopping, and secretly accumulated strength, and slammed into Lin Kaiyun's body fiercely.

And Lin Kaiyun knew that this guy was coming in a bad way, and he had already prepared for it. After bumping into Daoist Fulong with his back on his back, he pushed his shoulder forward hard.

These two forces collided, and both of them took two steps back at the same time.

Lin Kaiyun stared at this fierce-looking Daoist Fulong with concentrated eyes. He did not expect that this guy's strength is really not small.

And that Fulong Daoist also looked at Lin Kaiyun in shock. In fact, he didn't hold back his hands at all just now to teach Lin Kaiyun a lesson, and used all his strength.

Chapter 424 Red Eyes

Lin Kaiyun and this Taoist Fulong met each other's eyes, and they both saw the shock in the other's eyes.

"You kid, although you are the toughest, you still have a bit of ability, no wonder you are so arrogant, but, kid, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. I didn't want to hurt people just now, so I kept my hands!"

Fu Longdao said with a firm mouth, in fact, he could not say that he was desperate just now, but he also used all his strength, but he could not admit that he was weaker than the brat in front of him in terms of strength.

Lin Kaiyun smiled disdainfully, stretched out his hand and flicked it, and said in an almost insulting tone,

"I think it's your stubborn mouth, right? However, I'm too lazy to talk to you, young master, but your strength just now was really not enough. I advise you to use more strength, otherwise I thought it was tickling!!!"

"Damn it, you brat, let's see how I teach you a lesson!"

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