Lin Jiu asked suddenly, "Kaiyun, did you notice just now that this Taoist priest should have nothing to do with the disappearance of Ah Xing and Xiaoyue's master."

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said, "I saw it too. This guy is called Fulong Daoist. When he heard that A Xing and Xiaoyue's master disappeared, he was very shocked. And when he left, I also noticed that He seemed a little annoyed."

Lin Jiu nodded and said, "Well, that may have nothing to do with this person, and I also let A Xing and Xiaoyue identify him. They don't know this person, and they say they have never seen him before."

Lin Kaiyun reminded, "Master, do you want to follow him? Regardless of whether it has anything to do with this person, but he has come to the door, maybe there are some clues, maybe!"

"Okay, but you don't want to go, Kaiyun. After all, you just fought with him, and he will be very defensive. Why don't you let A Xing go. A Xing is also familiar with the town. Take a stroll and see He can go wherever."

Lin Jiu nodded. The original clue to investigate the disappearance of Daoist Wu Liu has been broken. Now Daoist Fulong is the only entry point. Of course he doesn't want to miss it, so he shouted at Ah Xing's room,

"Ah Xing, don't peek, come out!"

After hearing Lin Jiu's shout, Ah Xing came out with a smile, scratched his head, and said with a smirk, "Hey, Uncle Jiu, so you know it all!"

Lin Jiu was not annoyed, and looked at A Xing and said, "Then you heard what we said, now you follow that hideous-looking Taoist just now, be more natural, and treat it as a stroll in the town."

"Don't worry! Uncle Jiu, I know how to do it, and I promise I won't be found out."

Ah Xing promised very confidently, and then trotted out of the room.

As for the left Taoist Fulong, as Lin Jiu judged, he kept watching behind him, watching vigilantly to see if anyone was following him.

After a long time, Daoist Fulong saw that Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu were neither following nor chasing after him, and felt relieved a lot, so he turned his mind to the disappearance of Daoist Wu Liu.

"How did it disappear? Could it be that this guy Wu Liu found out? He shouldn't! It's impossible for him to find out, but why is it such a coincidence? Just when he was about to mature, that guy Wu Liu disappeared?"

Daoist Fulong's heart was very heavy. The disappearance of Daoist Wu Liu caught him off guard.

The reason why he came early this time was not because of lack of money, as Mayor Liu said.

It was because his purpose was to find Ah Xing and Xiaoyue's master, Daoist Wu Liu.

"No, this can't be an accident. That guy Wu Liu will definitely not find out. Since he is missing, something has probably happened. Maybe someone has already set his sights on Jiuquan Town. I must hurry up."

Daoist Fulong clenched his fists and changed his route. Instead of going back to the inn, he walked towards Mayor Liu's house.

Because Daoist Fu Long was always worried about this matter, he didn't notice Ah Xing at all. After all, who would pay attention to an ordinary person who can't be found in the crowd!

"How did this person get to the mayor's house? Should I go back and report now? Are you still checking?"

Ah Xing hid in a corner, watching the Taoist Fulong walk into Mayor Liu's house, and made a decision in his heart.

"Don't report yet, I'm waiting to see if this guy has changed after he came out of Mayor Liu's house, maybe he can discover some big secrets!"


After Daoist Fulong entered Mayor Liu's house, he didn't hide at all, nor did he intend to hide anything. He directly grabbed a servant and asked,

"Where is Mayor Liu of your family? Is he in the room?"

The servant looked Daoist Fu Long up and down, and felt that he didn't look like a good person, so he asked in a bad tone, "Who are you?"

"What do I ask you? Is Mayor Liu in the room?"

Daoist Fu Long was very impatient at this time, he didn't have time to talk nonsense with this servant, so he directly twisted the servant's arm with his palm.

Amidst the servant's roar, Daoist Fu Long said expressionlessly, "Now, take me to find Mayor Liu!"

The servant was sweating from the pain, but he didn't intend to be obedient. Instead, he yelled desperately, "Ah!! Come on! Someone is attacking!"

It's not that this servant has a strong backbone or is very loyal to Mayor Liu, but mainly because in this servant's mind, this is the mayor's house in Jiuquan Town, and the security guards are directly equipped with guns, and even when necessary, Anyone from the security team of Jiuquan Town can come to support.

Therefore, even though this servant was injured, instead of being afraid, he was very angry.

"Damn thing, ignorant of current affairs!"

Daoist Fu Long's murderous intent was evident, he grabbed the servant's neck suddenly, and broke the servant's neck with a forceful force.

The servant fell down like a puddle of mud.

However, the cry before death alarmed the security guards in Mayor Liu's house, and they all rushed over with guns.


"You are so brave, you dare to break into the mayor's mansion, arrest me!"

The group of security guards with guns were all furious after seeing the dead servant, and pointed their guns at Daoist Fulong, as if they were sure that Daoist Fulong would not dare to move around under the threat of the gun. He even went forward with the rope, trying to tie up Daoist Fulong.


I saw that Taoist Fulong looked at the security guards with guns, without the slightest fear, he opened his mouth wide, the veins on his neck popped up, and let out a long roar at these people.

The sound was like countless blades of grass rubbing against each other, very sharp.

After the group of security guards heard the voice, everyone froze in place, their eyes flushed.

Daoist Fulong said, "Take me to find Mayor Liu!"


The group of security guards seemed to be possessed by a demon. At this moment, they threw the guns in their hands on the ground in a daze, and led the way for Taoist Fu Long in a daze.

After passing through the courtyard and the long corridor, the security guards stopped at the kitchen of the inner house, raised their hands in unison, and pointed into the kitchen.

Daoist Fu Long glanced at the kitchen, opened the door and walked in, only to see that Mayor Liu was supervising the chef's cooking with his hands behind his back, perhaps even instructing the chef on how to put seasonings.

Because of the sound of the frying pan and the fact that he had been directing the chef, Mayor Liu did not hear the shouts from outside.

After seeing Daoist Fulong push the door in, Mayor Liu was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression turned from surprise to slightly angry. He waved his hands and shouted, "Daoist Fulong? Why are you here again? And you didn't say hello, are you Did you break in? Or do you have something urgent?"

Mayor Liu was very angry. This Daoist Fulong came without saying hello. However, after all, he has been a partner for many years.

Daoist Fu Long smiled and said, "Of course there is something urgent!"

Mayor Liu frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

Daoist Fu Long did not answer directly, but glanced at the cooking dishes, and said with a smile,

"Why don't you finish your meal first, I'm talking to you!"

After hearing this, Mayor Liu frowned, because the words were illogical, and had nothing to do with this moment. If there was anything to do with it, it would be that they were in the kitchen now .

"Daoist Fulong, what do you mean? Do you think I'm easy to talk? So, deliberately teasing me?"

Mayor Liu's expression was very displeased at this time, he felt that this Taoist Fulong was playing with him.

Daoist Fu Long smiled, "Since you don't want to eat the last meal of your life, then I won't force you!"

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