He is ready now, just waiting for that Western Zombie Godfather Jack to rush over, if.The godfather of the western zombie Jack ran away, which made Lin Kaiyun feel a little difficult to deal with.

Roar! ! !

The Western Zombie Jack Godfather was extremely fast, and he rushed to Lin Kaiyun in an instant, his claws stretched out from the cloak, and directly grabbed Lin Kaiyun's face.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the blood-stained paw and the ferocious smirk on the face of the Western Zombie Jack Godfather, he didn't dare to bear it, and directly backed away to avoid the attack.

Lin Kaiyun didn't need to think about it to know that this claw must have a very strong wet poison. If he is scratched by this claw, the consequences will be very serious.

However, that Western Zombie Jack Godfather had already rushed into the formation, Lin Kaiyun lifted his hands violently, the golden light under his feet flashed, like a few huge chains, and instantly climbed onto the Western Zombie Jack Godfather.

Bound by the golden chains, the Western Zombie Jack Godfather's body was twisted and he couldn't move for the time being.

In order to be able to control the godfather of the Western Zombie Jack, Lin Kaiyun also used all his strength, gritted his teeth and pushed the mana in his body to the extreme, only then could he restrain the Godfather of the Western Zombie Jack.

"Father Tao, it's now." Lin Kaiyun turned his head and shouted.

Without the slightest hesitation, Father Tao quickly grasped the cross with both hands, and delivered a meal to the Western Zombie Godfather Jack.

The familiar white light once again shrouded the Godfather of the Western Zombie Jack, and the power of this holy light made the Godfather of the Western Zombie Jack howl in pain. His two claws kept tearing, and the black and red cloak danced along with it, like It was a giant bat that was trapped.

Lin Kaiyun gritted his teeth, and has been stabilizing the formation he set up. The phantoms of the four phantom beasts above his head have already got into the iron chains, tightly restraining the godfather of the Western Zombie Jack, unable to move, but even One way or another Zombie Jack the Godfather doesn't seem to be seriously injured.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

Lin Kaiyun struggled to free one hand, and released strips of electric current, like vines, beating the Western Zombie Jack Godfather.

Although this scene looked a little funny, Lin Kaiyun didn't care about that, as long as he could vent his anger at this time.

And that Western Zombie Jack Godfather himself is very proud. Even when his attack was resisted before, he felt a little humiliated in his heart. At this time, he was controlled in a panic and beaten with a cane, which made the Western Zombie Jack Godfather's mentality explode. .

The Western Zombie Jack Godfather roared and turned into bats continuously, trying to escape the bondage through changes in his body structure.

But this time it was not so easy, no matter how many bats the body of Godfather Jack the Western Zombie turned into, Lin Kaiyun manipulated the formation to create the same number of chains, grabbing these bats tightly, and then using lightning to attack them one by one. Get rid of these bats.

There is no other way, the godfather of Western Zombie Jack can only transform back into his own self, but if he wants to escape, the most dependent method is still to decompose into bats.

So under the binding of Lin Kaiyun's golden chains, such a picture appeared, the Western Zombie Jack Godfather, who was restricted by the formation, kept turning into bats, and kept changing back to his real body, just like this. Repeatedly.

Although the Western Zombie Godfather Jack did not escape the control of the formation, after going through several changes, Lin Kaiyun became more and more difficult to control, his forehead and back were already drenched with sweat.

At the same time, the formation was shaking violently, and the magic power that built the formation was also slowly dissipating. The Western Zombie Godfather Jack obviously felt it. At this time, the formation was a little unstable, so he struggled even more frantically.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun didn't dare to control the formation with one hand at this time, so he could only disperse the lightning in his hands, and controlled the formation with both hands desperately, and then stabilized the formation again.

And that Father Dupont, who was wearing glasses, also showed his sharp claws at this time, desperately attacking the formation, trying to rescue the Western Zombie Godfather Jack who was trapped inside.

On the other side, Father Tao, who was exercising the power of the Holy Light, looked at the most important personnel of the two churches, Father Jack and Father Dupont, who were admired by everyone in Jiuquan 20 years ago, and they all turned into devils. In the most sacred and important prayer hall of the church, they attacked them, and I was very sad.

Seeing the expression on Father Tao's face, Lin Kaiyun shouted, "Father Tao, stop thinking about those useless things. Now that Godfather Jack, the Western Zombie, has been trapped by me, your white light has no effect. Is there any other way to kill it?"

Father Tao was awakened by Lin Kaiyun's shout, he shook his head at Lin Kaiyun and said,

"Lin Daochang, I have already told you just now, I will only release this white light, there is no other way, but we can try, the cross on the statue may be useful, my son has already gone to get it Yes, hold on a little longer."

Originally, Father Tao’s son wanted to climb up the statue of the Lord to take down the cross, but when he saw a golden flame burning on Father Tao’s body, he didn’t take the cross, but ran back to check on Father Tao’s situation.

After Father Tao's son found out that Father Tao was fine, he went back to get the cross, which wasted a lot of time.

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Father Tao's son who was reaching for the cross not far away, and shouted helplessly,

"Hurry up! I can't hold on anymore!"

Father Tao also shouted to his son,

"Maisang, hurry up and bring that big cross."

Father Tao's son had already touched the cross on the statue with his fingertips, and he was about to get it. After hearing Lin Kaiyun and Father Tao's words, he shouted in response,

"Father, it's coming soon, I'm about to meet him."

"Okay, Maisang, you..."

Father Tao's words came to an abrupt end.

Lin Kaiyun looked at Father Tao strangely, only to see a zombie missionary in a white robe biting Father Tao's injured leg at this moment.

Lin Kaiyun knew very well that Priest Tao had probably been bitten by Xie Chong in the first place, and he had suffered a gunshot wound on his leg, and now he was bitten by this zombie missionary. Bleeding, at this time the damp poison quickly spread throughout the body along the wound.

The moment Father Tao was bitten, his whole body trembled, as if he was shaking, the blood vessels on his neck protruded very clearly, and even the black blood flowing inside could be seen.


Lin Kaiyun roared very heavily. He never expected that there would be a zombie missionary who was not hacked to death by him. The priest was directly bitten.

As for Father Tao's body changed immediately after being bitten, this is not surprising to Lin Kaiyun, because he knows that Father Tao has been bitten before, and it is normal for other damp poisons to mutate so quickly in his body at this time .

But this made Lin Kaiyun even more threatening. Originally, he controlled the formation and was able to trap the western zombie Godfather Jack. , now Lin Kaiyun will face three mutant Western zombies like vampires.

This made it very difficult for him to deal with. Originally, the mutated Western zombies were not afraid of Taoism, but now that there were three of them, he would be unable to deal with it.

"Father, what's the matter with you?"

At this time, Father Tao's son, who had already removed the large cross, also noticed the change in Father Tao. He was terrified, but worried.

Lin Kaiyun looked at Father Tao's son, walking over like Father Tao, and quickly shouted to remind him,

"Father Tao, you have already mutated, don't go any further."

Father Tao's son was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Lin Kaiyun meant.



And at this moment, Father Tao suddenly roared, his eyes turned blood red like a zombie, and bat-like teeth grew from the corners of his mouth.

The mutated priest Tao glanced at his son and ignored him. Instead, he roared and rushed towards the Western Zombie Jack Godfather, just like the mutated Dupont priest, trying to rescue the Western Zombie Jack Godfather.


The golden light around the formation made a violent sound, and the entire formation shook violently, and even the golden chains tied to Godfather Jack, the Western Zombie, loosened a little.

"Damn it, the original formation has been struggling, and now this mutated priest Tao is about to collapse as soon as he hits it."

Lin Kaiyun's heart was very heavy, he clearly felt that the formation he had arranged was about to dissipate, and the golden stone that was the energy core of the formation was also a little dim at this time.


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