
Like a broken watermelon, Father Dupont was dealt with by the zombie in black as soon as he met him.

"Alien, I'm going to kill you." The Western Zombie Jack's godfather was extremely angry when he saw his little brother was killed by a black-clothed zombie.


The Western Zombie Jack Godfather roared and rushed towards the black-clothed zombie.


However, the black-clothed zombie is not an ordinary zombie. His speed is very fast, and he dodged the attack of the western zombie Jack Godfather in an instant. At the same time, a violent elbow hit the western zombie Jack Godfather in the stomach,


Godfather Jack, the western zombie, let out a scream, and was repelled by the black-clothed zombie, and his body hit the wall of the church.


The black-clothed zombie followed up instantly, and its claws directly pierced the abdomen of the Western Zombie Jack Godfather.


Godfather Jack, the Western Zombie, let out a scream, excruciating pain. At the same time, he twisted his body desperately, trying to break free from the claws of the black-clothed zombie leader.

Seeing this, the zombie in black sneered, grabbed it with his right hand, and grabbed Godfather Jack's neck with his left hand, and twisted it violently.


There was a crisp bone crack.

Immediately, the black-clothed zombie raised his arm, and directly threw the western zombie, Godfather Jack, into the air.

It seems that the western zombie Jack Godfather is not the opponent of the black zombie, after all, he was seriously injured by Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun before.

Lin Kaiyun stared at the fight between the two zombies in the east and the west, and said, "Master, this western zombie is about to be beaten to death."

Lin Jiu clutched his arm and said with a smile, "Okay! That Western zombie is not afraid of Taoism. We took a lot of effort to injure him, and finally let him run away, but facing the mysterious The black-clothed zombie is not an opponent, and it is a good thing to be beaten half to death."

Lin Kaiyun shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Master, we will face this black-clothed zombie later. He has already been eyeing the people in this church."

Lin Jiu glanced at Lin Kaiyun and asked, "This zombie in black is a local zombie. As long as you are still afraid of Taoism, it's fine. Besides, don't you still have those magical backhands?"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "Master, do you allow me to use it?"

Lin Jiu said affirmatively, "Nonsense, when will this happen, the overall situation is the most important thing."

"Good guy, as long as that zombie in black dares to break into the church, I will let him come and go." Lin Kaiyun smiled, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Godfather Jack, the Western Zombie, was seriously injured. Facing the black-clothed zombie who was attacking again, he hurriedly dodged to the side. Holding the Western Zombie in his hand, he punched the Western Zombie on the head.


With a muffled sound, the Western Zombie Jack Godfather's head exploded, blood spattering everywhere.

Wicked people have their own way. The evil spirit of this church, the Western Zombie Jack Godfather, did not die in the hands of Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, but died under the claws of this black-clothed zombie.

After killing the Western Zombie, the black-clothed zombie shook off the blood on his paws, and turned his head to look at the church. Originally, he was attracted by the people in the church. In the eyes of the black-clothed zombie, these people could provide him with With enough blood, there will always be obstacles in the end.

Now, it's finally healed, all those blocking it are dead, and it can enjoy the blood of the people in the church with peace of mind.

The black-clothed zombie jumped towards the church, while Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun were waiting in full battle.

Ready to shoot anytime.

The black-clothed zombie jumped into the church at once, and scanned the inside of the church. When his eyes fell on Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun,

His eyes lit up with excitement, and then he walked towards Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu,

"You two have good blood..."

The black-clothed zombie also spoke. Of course, his voice was extremely hoarse, as if he was a centenarian who had lost his teeth.

"Master, this black-clothed zombie can also talk." Lin Kaiyun said to his master Lin Jiu, but he wasn't too shocked. Anyway, whether it was the previous Western zombie or this black-clothed zombie, they were all freaks. What did they do? He would not be surprised by such a move.

Lin Jiu was a little shocked, and said slowly, "This zombie in black can control his throat to speak?"

"Contribute your blood!" The black-clothed zombie did not launch an attack, but his chapped face suddenly changed into a grimace.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun's expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "Ah! How could it be like this, master, look, that zombie in black has changed his face."

The black-clothed zombie transformed into a hideous grimace.

A hideous and ugly face, a pair of green eyes, two fangs, long fangs, one looks frightening, and, on his forehead, there is a long tentacle, which The root tentacles looked very thick, reaching two or three meters long, wriggling in the air like a snake, looking very disgusting.

Lin Kaiyun said, "Master, this disgusting thing seems to be his mouthpart, and it should suck blood."

Lin Jiu also showed a puzzled look on his face. Although he had a lot of knowledge, he had never seen such a weird monster.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Lin Jiu's solemn expression, Lin Kaiyun asked quickly.

Lin Jiu looked solemn, and said slowly, "We were wrong, wrong from the beginning, this thing may not be a zombie."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Kaiyun didn't understand.

Lin Jiu looked at the changed zombie, and slowly explained, "This should be a fake ghost. Every Spring Festival, there will be Nian beasts in some places, and the Nian beasts that are scared away by beating gongs and drums will lose some souls." , these souls combine with Yin Qi to form false ghosts over time, but these false ghosts cannot survive alone, they must find parasites, some will parasitize on humans, and some will parasitize on poultry, and this one in front of us should be Parasitic on zombies."

Lin Kaiyun hurriedly asked, "Master, what will happen if it is parasitized on a zombie?"

Lin Jiu said, "You should have heard the allusion of the wolf gangster, right? It is rumored that there is a creature called the gangster. It has no forelimbs in the sky, and it must ride on the wolf's body to walk around. But, do you know why every wolf wants to carry the gangster on its back?" A creature?"

Of course, Lin Kaiyun knew the allusion of the wolf being a traitor, and said, "Because the wolf is extremely smart, he can get a lot of food for this wolf."

Lin Jiu nodded, and said in a heavy tone, "That's right, zombies don't have souls, everything depends on instinct, even if it is a zombie king above level eight, its IQ is not high, but this fake ghost can act as the soul of a zombie. Those who merged into one, more difficult to deal with."

"Master, no matter whether it is difficult or not, we have to deal with it. This zombie has already attacked."

Lin Kaiyun said hastily, facing the tentacles stretched out by the zombie in black, he twisted his body and easily dodged, then stepped on his feet, and a gossip seal that only he could see emerged.

"Bagua 64 palms!"


Eight Diagrams 64 palms, one palm is more powerful than the other, blasting towards the tentacles protruding from the zombie.

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