After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he directly took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword,

Aiming at the monster in mid-air, the arm slightly raised,

The blade of the sword suddenly emitted bursts of white light, as if it was illuminated at night,

With Lin Kaiyun shouting angrily:


The white sword glow soared into the sky, approaching the monster.


The white light hit the body of one of the ghost kings, and there was a rumbling explosion sound, but it didn't hurt it. Instead, it was bitten by it, and then turned around and rushed down, extremely fast!

"How could this guy be so powerful that he can resist my attack?" Lin Kaiyun said in surprise.

"This is the strength of the ghost king."

"What?" Lin Kaiyun asked.

"It's the ghosts who died in your hands. Their power is attached to it. Although it has not materialized, it already has some materiality, and it has the characteristics of the ghost king, which can absorb the yin energy between heaven and earth, making it My own speed has become faster. And I also have a special ability, which can suck the soul of the enemy, make them disappear forever, and become a living dead."

"It's just a beast!" Lin Kaiyun said, raised his right hand high, and shouted loudly, "Back!"

Chapter 456 Break Your Wings, I'll Spare Your Life

Following Lin Kaiyun's yell, the Seven Star Longyuan Sword twirled at high speed in the ghost king's big mouth without telling the cold light.

Ghost King Shashi took a big step back, jumped into the air with his big wings, let out a howl, bared his fangs, and stared at Lin Kaiyun closely. The ghost king's stomach kept shrinking, as if he was accumulating strength, ready to give Lin Kaiyun the most violent attack. one strike.

Between several cycles of the ghost king, his figure appeared in front of Lin Kaiyun in a flash, and his huge wings slapped Lin Kaiyun's head fiercely with the vigor of a storm.


In the cold light, a seven-star Longyuan sword about three feet long and one foot wide emerged out of thin air and danced slowly under Lin Kaiyun's control.

The Seven Star Longyuan Sword slashes left and right, the power of the sword is shocking.

"Wow--!" Ghost King roared, black smoke billowed from his body, his feet stomped on the ground, and his body suddenly rose several feet.

Lin Kaiyun's complexion changed slightly. He really didn't expect the ghost king to be able to do this to such an extent, but he was not afraid. Instead, he became more and more courageous as he fought. past.

"Bang bang bang...!"

The ghost king's fists and feet kept bombarding Lin Kaiyun's body. Seeing the fierceness of the ghost king coming, Lin Kaiyun didn't want to fight. The spell burned on his fingertips and turned into a black iron armor to wrap Lin Kaiyun's entire body, but he still took a few steps back continuously. On top of the treetops, a shocked expression appeared on his face.


The ghost king saw that he had rushed to nothing, and became more and more angry. He opened his bloody mouth and looked up to the sky and howled.

Lin Kaiyun took out three copper coins, clasped his hands together, and said,

"Patriarch of the Sanqing, hurry like a law!"

The three copper coins were spinning on the palm, and a burst of golden light shot out from the copper coins, covering the ghost king inside.


The ghost king let out a miserable scream.

Lin Kaiyun sneered, although the ghost king is strong, he still has weaknesses, and he cannot attack with brute force.

The seven-star Longyuan Sword swung faster and faster.


A thunderbolt fell, just hitting the top of the ghost king's head.


The ghost king screamed, his body shook, and his head suddenly moved to the left,

Although he escaped Lin Kaiyun's critical attack, his long ears were cut off abruptly by the Seven Star Longyuan Sword.


Another thunder fell.


The ghost king screamed again.

The power of the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword, coupled with Lin Kaiyun's spell blessing, made the crisis even more terrifying.

Lin Kaiyun's eyes froze, and the Seven Star Longyuan Sword suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, Lin Kaiyun's figure had already appeared behind the Ghost King,

Lin Kaiyun held up the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and an extremely fast vortex appeared in the sky instantly.

Countless electric snakes surged out of the vortex, hovering in the air, forming an electric blade knife with a size of five feet, and slashed fiercely at the ghost king's neck.

Feeling the killing intent coming from behind, the Ghost King hastily turned his head to avoid the fatal wound on his neck. At the same time, he reached into his chest with a claw, grabbed a black bead, and threw it towards Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun hurriedly dodged,


A black bead slipped off Lin Kaiyun's arm and was nailed to the ground.

After the ghost king threw the beads, he stepped on the ground with both feet, and with the help of the elasticity of the ground, he rushed towards Lin Kaiyun. With his hands outstretched, his two sharp claws drew afterimages in the air, and grabbed Lin Kaiyun fiercely. .

Lin Kaiyun turned his wrist slightly, a cold light flashed, and a sword overflowing with cold light appeared in his hand. Lin Kaiyun held the sword horizontally in front of his body, resisting the attack of the ghost king. At the same time, the Seven Star Longyuan Sword also appeared in the air again,

One sword after another, Lin Kaiyun swung extremely quickly, but whenever Lin Kaiyun's sword collided with the ghost king's sharp claws, the ghost king would retreat some distance.

Seeing the ghost king approaching, Lin Kaiyun was about to use the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword to chop off again,


Teacher Su Mei stood on the roof of the building, with open arms controlling countless vines and flew towards Lin Kaiyun,

"Bang bang bang bang...!"

Lin Kaiyun hurriedly jumped back, avoiding the attack of countless vines, he couldn't help but secretly cursed Su Mei

"I really shouldn't have kept you until now. Before, I thought that you would retain a sliver of sanity and have room for maneuver. Now it seems that it is useless!" Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly.

Lin Kaiyun threw out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and then drew a circle with his claws on his chest, crossed his hands, and drew a strange pattern on his chest.

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