The ghost king's voice came from mid-air, "If you abolish your martial arts now, I will spare your life."

Lin Kaiyun originally thought that the ghost king could not speak, but he did not expect the ghost king to evolve so well.

However, in the fight just now, although he didn't have a clear upper hand, the ghost king didn't get the slightest benefit either.

Now that he offered to ask Lin Kaiyun to back down, the Ghost King must have been injured.

Then Lin Kaiyun has no reason to back down.

"Ghost King, if you say that, why don't you break your own wings and come down to kowtow to Grandpa Lin, and I will definitely let you live, Grandpa Lin, what do you think?"

"You are courting death!" Hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, the ghost king yelled, a huge energy ball condensed on the ghost king's chest,

It hit Lin Kaiyun fiercely.

Feeling the power of the energy ball, Lin Kaiyun hastily used his standing method to avoid the attack of the energy ball.

The energy ball hit the ground, leaving a large pit on the ground several feet wide and nearly a thousand feet deep. In the middle of the big pit, it was scorched black and billowing with thick smoke.

Lin Kaiyun wiped the sweat off his cheeks with lingering fear, thinking that this guy is really an out-and-out monster,

But Lin Kaiyun guessed right, the Ghost King was indeed low on energy,

Since the ghost king is not capable enough, it is time for Lin Kaiyun to replenish his energy and strength,

Lin Kaiyun hastily took out a pill from his backpack, swallowed it,

Immediately, using spiritual power, slowly transported the power of that elixir into the body.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Lin Kaiyun used his spiritual power to adjust his breathing.

Suddenly, Lin Kaiyun felt a change in the spiritual power in his body.

Lin Kaiyun hastily opened his eyes,

I saw that in Lin Kaiyun's eyes, there were colorful rays of light, and Lin Kaiyun felt that the power in his body was pouring out endlessly.


Lin Kaiyun drew the sword with his left hand, and manipulated the thunder and lightning with his right hand,

Suddenly, he swiped toward the sky.


A huge purple lightning flew into the air under the control of Lin Kaiyun.


The huge purple lightning collided with the green mist flying in the sky.





Under the bombardment of the purple lightning manipulated by Lin Kaiyun, a series of explosions kept ringing in the sky.


In a series of explosions, the purple lightning struck the green mist condensed by the ghost king, and the black night sky was involuntarily illuminated.


Violent fluctuations of the purple lightning exploded, shattering the green mist formed by the Ghost King,

Lin Kaiyun sensed his own strength, felt the energy in his body, Lin Kaiyun was very excited,

"Ha ha!"

Lin Kaiyun looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "The energy contained in this elixir really cannot be underestimated. This will be my regular elixir in the future. Get more."


The ghost king's roar sounded again, and I saw that countless green mist condensed from the ghost king's palms and flew towards Lin Kaiyun.

"whoosh whoosh..."

Lin Kaiyun hastily cast his body skills and quickly escaped from the attack range of these green mist.

Lin Kaiyun threw a blood-colored talisman back, and every time he changed a position, he set a blood-colored talisman, and a huge aura quickly swept out, with extraordinary power.

After a few respites, the land of enchantment has been completed,

Lin Kaiyun suddenly turned his head, stood in front of the ghost king and said,

"You're finished!"

Chapter 457 What's the hurry, I haven't eaten breakfast yet!

Lin Kaiyun didn't give the ghost king a chance to react, several spells suddenly appeared from the nodes, and went straight to the ghost king,

The ghost king turned pale with fright, and quickly jumped to the sides, dodging Lin Kaiyun's first round of attack, but the ghost king who was already injured was just holding on.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyun's second wave of attacks also flew out.

The ghost king didn't dare to neglect, and quickly dodged.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

Bloody charms pierced through the Ghost King's side,

Lin Kaiyun refused to give up, and took out more than a dozen blood-colored charms, and kept bombarding the ghost king.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One after another, the spells kept bombarding the ghost king's body.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Lin Kaiyun crazily attacked the ghost king, and shouted loudly,

"Ghost King, don't you surrender yet?"

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