"Well, Master Lin, you eat first. We'll set off when we're ready in a while."

When Deputy Captain Chen heard this, he hurriedly agreed.


Lin Kaiyun's stomach suddenly growled.

"What's the hurry, I haven't had breakfast yet."

Lin Kaiyun patted his stomach as he spoke, it wasn't that Lin Kaiyun was willing to be a master, it was really the battle with the Ghost King last night that consumed too much of Lin Kaiyun's physical strength,

After coming back last night, he worked hard until the rooster crowed today before he lay down to rest, and according to Vice Captain Chen's description last night, whether it was what Lin Kaiyun guessed or not, he had to be prepared.

"Please, please, I have ordered someone to prepare it." After Vice Captain Chen finished speaking, he directly made a gesture of please.

"Oh." Lin Kaiyun responded and walked directly to the teahouse

Chapter 458 Two Female Ghosts

While eating breakfast, Lin Kaiyun heard what Liang De had said to him.

Ah Xing and Xiaoyue's masters have never been here.

In other words, it is possible that Ah Xing and Xiaoyue's masters disappeared or were killed before they arrived in this county.

Lin Kaiyun now knows that the armored man who blocked him from entering the county before should be the armored iron ball, or the subordinate of the ghost king egg inside.

"Could it be that Ah Xing and Xiaoyue's master was killed by the armor man?"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, he didn't think so.

If he was really killed, the man in armor probably wouldn't have disposed of the corpse.

And Lin Kaiyun did not find the body of Master A Xing Xiaoyue, so it can be ruled out.

"Forget it, after dealing with this sneaky thing, let's go back to Jiuquan Town!"

After eating, Lin Kaiyun followed Vice Captain Chen.

On a hillside, an ancient mansion came into Lin Kaiyun's eyes,

In front of the gate, stood two rows of guards dressed in black. These people were tall and straight, standing there like stone sculptures, a coercion emanated from them.

This can't be blamed on Vice Captain Chen, since it was rumored that his mother would come out to suck animal blood and human blood at night, Vice Captain Chen could only let the whole house be guarded.

They hired someone to take care of the old lady during the day, and they all evacuated at night. Of course, no one was willing to come, but there must be a brave man under the reward, so there is the current situation.

"Master Lin, this is our home here, Master Lin, please come in."

Deputy Captain Chen brought Lin Kaiyun to the front of the house, and made a gesture of invitation, motioning Lin Kaiyun to go in.

The strong man who guards, which also opens the gate of the house,

Let Lin Kaiyun go in.

This is a typical courtyard building style, outside the courtyard, there are walls and fences.

The house in the courtyard is two stories high, and there is a big tree in the courtyard, which is a jujube tree.Jujube trees are more than three meters high and about two hundred centimeters thick.The tree is full of red fruits.

There are many small paths in the courtyard. Lin Kaiyun walked along these paths. An old lady was sitting at the door holding a needle and thread.

Seeing that Vice Captain Chen and others had returned, the old lady smiled and said to Vice Captain Chen,

"Chen Er, why are you back?"

Although the old lady didn't remember what she did at night, the number of people around her gradually decreased, and the way she looked at her was not like before. When the old lady asked, no one told her the reason.

Now that the old lady saw her son, she couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly put down the needle and thread in her hand,

He walked quickly to his son, took his arm, looked left and right: "Oh, why are you so thin, have you suffered a lot in the past few years?"

Vice Captain Chen looked at his mother with a smile on his face, and said, "Mother, don't worry, I'm fine, I'm doing fine now."

Deputy Captain Chen patted his clothes with his hands while talking, then pointed to Lin Kaiyun and said,

"Mother, this is the doctor I hired for you. I heard that you are not feeling well recently, so I can rest assured if I ask him to show you."

The old lady herself knew something about it. Every morning when she woke up, she felt very tired and could see bruises on her body from time to time.

I thought it was just getting older, but I didn't expect it to get worse every day.

After Vice Captain Chen finished his introduction, he said to Lin Kaiyun,

"Master Lin, show me."

"Come on, let's go in and talk." After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he walked directly into the hall.

The servants who came back with Vice Captain Chen all knew about the situation of the old lady. Although it was daytime, they were still very scared in their hearts.

I had the courage to walk through the gate, but I was a little scared when I entered the house and was so close to the old lady.

"What are you thinking, come in quickly, why is it so deserted, hurry up and find someone to boil water and make tea!" Deputy Captain Chen couldn't help being very annoyed when he saw this situation.

"Come in, it's okay." Lin Kaiyun looked around for a week, and then sat down directly on the chair on the left.

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun had said this, everyone knew that there was nothing to do, so they boldly did their own thing.

Deputy Captain Chen helped the old lady to sit on the chair. The old lady looked at Lin Kaiyun and thought to herself, "This young man will not exceed thirty, what kind of doctor, maybe he came here to cheat for food and drink again."

Someone who claimed to be a doctor came here before, Vice Captain Chen gave a large sum of money, and then disappeared the next day.

The old lady naturally felt that the people who came here were cheating money, and ran away after taking the money.

The old lady also persuaded Vice Captain Chen that there is no need to find these quacks for her, but today, Vice Captain Chen brought Lin Kaiyun again.

"Chen Er, I told you that my mother is fine, so don't look at it, you let him go quickly." The old lady said, and winked at Vice Captain Chen.

"Mother, let Master Lin take a look. Master Lin is the most famous doctor in the neighborhood." Deputy Captain Chen said with certainty.

"Don't look at it, Vice Captain Chen, I'll prescribe the medicine in a while, and you'll be decocted as soon as possible, just pay the old lady." As soon as Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he walked out of the hall and was at the door.

"Okay." Vice Captain Chen quickly agreed, and said to the servant who brought him aside, "What are you doing here, why don't you hurry up and prepare your pen and ink!"

"Yes, Captain, I'll go right away." Yang Xiaoba heard this order, and immediately responded to the servant first. Yang Xiaoba didn't want to take this place with him. Waiyi was being entangled in something unclean, so what should he do?It's better to grab the medicine, decoct the medicine and do some chores.

Yang Xiaoba followed Lin Kaiyun, and said respectfully,

"Master Lin, go this way, and the little one will take you to the side."

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