With a wave of the black banner in his hand, he shot towards Lin Kaiyun, with a hideous look hanging from the corner of his mouth.

When the black banner flicked, the wind howled suddenly, and the strong wind blew up, forming countless winds around the black banner, rolling towards Lin Kaiyun.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun didn't panic, and with a flick of his wrist, he took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword from his storage belt.

The Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand flew out.


The seven-star Longyuan sword pierced through the gang wind and landed on the black banner. The black banner trembled a few times and then stopped.

"Hmph! Kid, do you think this is over? The last time I was in Jiuquan Town, otherwise I would have killed you long ago for fear of affecting the plan."

Daoist Fu Long raised the black flag upwards,

Hit towards Lin Kaiyun again.

This time, in the attack of Fulong Daoist Priest, there was some evil power hidden.

The black banner exudes a gloomy meaning, and even those evil forces become more and more intense.

These evil forces are all condensed from countless resentful souls, and these resentful souls are all composed of dark forces, which are extremely sinister.

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help frowning when he saw this vicious power.

This guy actually viciously refined the black flag with his soul.

But Lin Kaiyun didn't hesitate at all, and the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword in his hand suddenly slashed at those evil forces.


Lin Kaiyun shouted angrily.

A huge force of thunder and lightning chopped down towards the black banner.

When the black flag was chopped, the sinister aura emanating from the black flag suddenly decreased a lot and became negligible.

But Lin Kaiyun still didn't stop, and slashed the Seven Star Longyuan Sword again.


Boom boom~

This time the attack was very powerful, with thunder and lightning continuously slashing at the black flag.

This blow actually scorched the surface of the black flag, and wisps of blue smoke emitted.

However, the black banner was not damaged and recovered immediately.

"Hahahaha, boy, let me tell you! My black flag is a treasure."

Daoist Fu Long watched Lin Kaiyun's attack, laughed loudly, and then continued to wave the black flag in his hand.

Immediately, a burst of howling ghosts and wolves came from the black flag, filling this space with endless ghostly aura.

The ghostly aura became more and more serious, and finally wrapped Lin Kaiyun, and wrapped Lin Kaiyun so tightly that it was impossible to peek through the black mist to see what was going on inside.

Lin Kaiyun didn't expect that the black banner of Fulong Daoist would have such power.

Presumably the black mist that attacked him just now was something like this.

However, Lin Kaiyun did not panic, but stared at the black mist.

The black mist quickly enveloped Lin Kaiyun!

I saw, in this black mist, an extremely huge monster was rushing towards him.

The monster had a mouth as long as one meter, and its fangs were extremely sharp.

Moreover, that monster was very big, much taller than Lin Kaiyun.

The monster's blood-red eyes were fixed on Lin Kaiyun.

It looks extremely weird!

Lin Kaiyun frowned, and quickly made an inference,

"It seems that this black banner has its own space? Is this pulling me into another space?"


The monster roared, opened its mouth wide, and rushed towards Lin Kaiyun.

"It seems that this monster must be dealt with before we can get out of this black mist space."

Lin Kaiyun's figure flickered, and he dodged in an instant.

With a flick of the wrist, the Seven Star Longyuan Sword slashed down, and immediately, a huge sword light slashed towards the monster.


The sword light slashed at the monster's neck fiercely.

With a puff, blood splattered everywhere.

The monster was cut, but it didn't show the slightest sign of flinching.

It roared and rushed towards Lin Kaiyun.

But Lin Kaiyun sneered,


On Lin Kaiyun's face, there was a cold killing intent.


Lin Kaiyun waved the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword continuously, striking the monster continuously with lightning bolts.

The monster's defense is extremely powerful.

But whenever the lightning strikes it, it will make a miserable cry.

Apparently, this monster suffered from being struck by the power of lightning.

Not long after, the monster fell to the ground.

As the monster fell, the black mist gradually disappeared.

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