Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, his eyes narrowed, and a cold light shot out.

Seeing this scene, Daoist Fu Long felt ashamed,

"How is it possible? Bastard, go to hell!"

He couldn't accept this method, and instantly rushed towards Lin Kaiyun.

He was going to blew himself up and let Lin Kaiyun be buried with him.

"Go away!"

Seeing Daoist Fulong flying towards him, Lin Kaiyun yelled loudly, kicked his feet, jumped up in the air, swung his right arm, and a huge golden thunderbolt fell from the sky, smashing towards Daoist Fulong's head with a bang.

At the same time, Daoist Fulong's body also exploded.

The huge power caused the stone wall space to shake.


The ground cracked instantly, Lin Kaiyun was affected by the explosion, his body was out of control, and he fell directly.

Those floating will-o'-the-wisps also followed Lin Kaiyun and fell down.

Because of the illumination of the will-o'-the-wisp, Lin Kaiyun could see everything around him clearly.

He seems to have fallen into some passage, which has man-made traces, and some walls still have nicks.

He is now in a huge tomb, oval in shape.

In the depths of the dungeon, there are two coffins, and a bone lies in one of the coffins.

In the other coffin, however, lay a woman, who did not rot. She closed her eyes and lay peacefully in the coffin.

"Could it be which tomb is this? It's not right! Whose tomb would have so many will-o'-the-wisps?"

"It's also very similar to the will-o'-the-wisps in the underworld, it's unreasonable!"

Looking at the situation in the dungeon, Lin Kaiyun was very puzzled.

He approached the coffin, ready to take a look, but suddenly, he felt a gust of wind blowing, and his body trembled.

Afterwards, Lin Kaiyun felt the hairs on his body stand on end.

Because that cloudy wind actually came from the coffin.

And the white bone in the coffin had two red glows in its eyes, like a pair of rubies, very dazzling.

These two red lights, like two beams of red lights, illuminated the entire tomb.

And in these two red glows, there is a strong power of death.

"Is it a corpse? Interesting"

Lin Kaiyun was very strange.

However, he didn't feel fear, because this white bone couldn't do anything to him.

Lin Kaiyun walked up to the bone, and he was going to see where the bone came from.

He stretched out his hand, ready to lift the coffin lid, but he found that his hand could not touch the coffin lid at all. He wanted to lift the coffin lid, but found that his hand was blocked by a strong energy.

"Anyway, try first and see if you can get it off?"

Thinking of this, the energy in Lin Kaiyun's body continuously gathered together, and then gathered towards Lin Kaiyun's right fist, and then gathered in Lin Kaiyun's hand, forming a huge lightning force.

Lin Kaiyun swung his right fist fiercely.

A powerful thunderbolt blasted towards the coffin lid.


With a bang, the lid of the coffin burst open, but the bones inside were unscathed.

The bone was motionless, like a sculpture.

Seeing this scene, Lin Kaiyun frowned, this bone is wrong!

He clearly felt just now that on this white bone, there is a strong power of death, and it is also emitting light.

Lin Kaiyun didn't dare to be careless, he stabbed the bone with the Seven Star Longyuan Sword,

But there is no response.

"Am I wrong? Is this white bone really dead?"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head suspiciously.

He shifted his target to another coffin.

The woman in the coffin was covered with a piece of red cloth, but through the exposed hands and feet, it can be known.

The person in this coffin did not rot.

For Lin Kaiyun, who has seen everything, it is not surprising that the corpse does not rot.

And just when Lin Kaiyun turned around, the skeleton grabbed Lin Kaiyun's wrist and held it tightly.


Feeling the icy cold feeling from his wrist, Lin Kaiyun frowned.

He swung his left palm violently, and swung the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword in his hand, slashing towards the bone.


The blade slashed at Bone's body.

But it didn't break the bone.

This white bone is as hard as iron.

However, Lin Kaiyun was not polite, and directly threw out a few pieces of talisman paper, pasted them on the bone, and then clapped his palms fiercely.


This white bone burned instantly.

However, the white bones were still not damaged in any way, and they even sat up directly and grabbed Lin Kaiyun.

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