"Okay, I can help you enter Xiaoyue's dreamland!"

Mo Ya nodded, took out a few things, and said,

"You hold this thing. If you encounter danger in the dream, just crush it and you can return."

Lin Kaiyun took what Mo Ya handed over.

This is a jade pendant.An oval jade pendant that looks like a pendant.

The tentacles are very cold, it feels like holding ice.

Lin Kaiyun nodded, "Okay, I understand, hurry up and enter the dreamland!"


Mo Ya snorted softly, and then began to perform the secret technique.

She closed her eyes and uttered a spell,

Then, her black eyes actually lit up with a blue light, and her face became even more beautiful against the background of this blue light.

Then, strands of light blue light radiated from Mo Ya's body,

It spread out in all directions, turned into a cloud of mist in the air, and spun in mid-air

With the movement of the mist, the mist gradually condensed together and turned into a huge blue water bubble.

In the blisters, there were bursts of snoring sounds.

As that blue blister got bigger and bigger.


A sound of snoring resounded through the air.

And at this moment, Xiaoyue and that figure also appeared in the blister.

Maya said,

"This is Xiaoyue's current dream, you relax, go straight in!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and directly reached out to touch the blister, a white light flashed, and the blister disappeared.

Lin Kaiyun appeared on a plain after a burst of dizziness.

On the plain, there are many small birds, but these birds are not big, about the size of a palm, and each bird's eyes are full of fear.

And right here, Lin Kaiyun saw Xiaoyue beside him, he asked quickly,

"Xiaoyue, do you know who I am?"

Satsuki shook her head,

"Who are you and how do I know?"

Lin Kaiyun sighed,

"Xiaoyue, I'm Lin Kaiyun!"

When Xiaoyue heard this, she immediately called out,

"Lin Kaiyun? Brother Lin?"

"Yes, it's me, you finally remembered."

Lin Kaiyun nodded and said.

Satsuki showed surprise, then was puzzled,

"Brother Lin, why are you here?"

"No, where is this place? Why can't I remember?"

"Uh, my head hurts, what should I do? Where is this? Who am I?"

Xiaoyue suddenly covered her head in pain.

"Xiaoyue, calm down, don't think about anything first!"

Lin Kaiyun supported Xiaoyue and sighed.

This is Xiaoyue's dream, and he only came in from the spirit body, without any energy, and unable to perform any Taoism, so there is no way to heal Xiaoyue.

After listening to Lin Kaiyun's words, Xiaoyue slowly calmed down, and then slowly sat on the grass and closed her eyes.

After about a cup of tea, Lin Kaiyun was relieved to see Xiaoyue's face returned to normal.

"Xiao Yue, are you awake now?

Lin Kaiyun said patiently,

"You are dreaming right now that you have a vampire's soul in your body."

"You don't believe anything, you know it, that's a bad guy, trying to kill you!"


After Xiaoyue heard Lin Kaiyun's words, she was instantly confused.

"Vampire? What?"

"By the way, where is my sister!"

"Why can't I see her?"

"No, he should be my sister!"

At this time, the plain changed again.

It changed back to before, in that small village, in the courtyard of a room, there was a person who looked similar to Xiaoyue sitting.

Lin Kaiyun frowned, no need to ask, this is what the vampire became.

The man waved at Xiaoyue,

"Xiaoyue, come, come to my sister, let's catch ants and play together!"

When Xiaoyue saw this person, a smile appeared on her face, and she wanted to run over after hearing the call.

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