Hesitation is the most hurtful thing, so Lin Jiu told A Xing and Xiaoyue directly.

Xiaoyue nodded and said,

"Okay, Senior Brother Nine Uncle Lin, will you come to see us in the future?"

At this time, Lin Kaiyun interrupted and said,

"Of course, we will come back to see you whenever we are free!"

"That's good!"

Xiaoyue nodded in satisfaction, picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started eating happily.

After eating again, several people had a good chat in the yard, and then returned to their room.

After the replay, Lin Kaiyun saw his master, Lin Jiu seemed to be in a bad mood, so he went straight to Lin Jiu's room.

After seeing Lin Kaiyun coming in, Lin Jiu frowned and asked,

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong with you brat?"

Lin Kaiyun sat on the chair and said with a smile,

"What can I do? Didn't I come to chat with you because the master is not in a good mood?"

Lin Jiu raised his eyebrows and shouted,

"What's wrong with me? You must have misread it. Go back to sleep!"

Lin Kaiyun picked up the kettle himself, poured a glass of water, and asked with a smile,

"Master, are you feeling a little uncomfortable because you haven't completed the task assigned to you by Aunt Cane?"

Lin Jiu waved his hand directly,

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!"

Lin Kaiyun didn't have any intention of stopping, and continued to say with a smile,

"Master, you don't have to deny that I'm your apprentice, and I'm not an outsider. If you want me to say that Aunt Zhi is so nice, although she has a hot temper, she has a very kind heart. Besides, she treats you wholeheartedly, and I see you The elderly also care about her very much.”

"If you want me to talk about master, you might as well just form a Taoist couple with Aunt Cane. Since we can support each other and promote our cultivation, maybe you can add a junior brother to me!"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Lin Jiu glared at him and shouted irritably,

"Okay, okay, don't meddle in the affairs of you bastard, and go to bed quickly."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Lin Kaiyun to react, Lin Jiu pushed him out directly.

After the second day, Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun arrived at the same place as A Xing and Xiaoyue, and then set off on the road.

Of course, Mo Ya and his bone guard were also accompanying him.

Lin Jiu already knew that the person in the black robe covered tightly was a white skeleton, but because he trusted Lin Kaiyun, he didn't say much, and he didn't care too much.

After leaving Jiuquan Town, Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun did not return to Renjia Town, but went directly to the inner gate of Maoshan.

The inner gate of Maoshan Mountain is also in a deep mountain, and this deep mountain is only [-] kilometers away from Jiuquan Town.

For Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu, these [-] kilometers are a day's journey.

This deep mountain is called Sanmao Mountain, with an altitude of 2000 meters, and it is very steep, which is not conducive to climbing. There is only a slender trail leading directly to the Taoist temple on the mountain.

Of course, this Taoist temple is just a cover. In other words, this Taoist temple is nothing more than ordinary disciples from the outer sect of Maoshan, and its main function is to serve the disciples of the inner sect of Maoshan.

But this time it was slightly different, because when Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu arrived, they saw a shed at the foot of the mountain.

There was no such thing in the past, presumably because of the Maoshan Neimen Grand Competition, so they are here to receive them.

While still approaching, an old Taoist was coming out of the shed.

This old Taoist, wearing a gray Taoist robe,

Holding a dust whisk in his hand, he looks like a fairy.

Looking at this old Taoist, Lin Kaiyun narrowed his eyes slightly and looked carefully.

This old Taoist exudes strong spiritual power fluctuations, and his cultivation base should be stronger than his master Lin Jiu.

At this time, Lin Jiu also stepped forward, cupped his hands, and bowed,

"Yes, uncle!"

When Lin Kaiyun saw this, he didn't need to introduce him, he just saluted and greeted him directly,

"Goodbye, Uncle Grand Master!!!"

The old Taoist looked at it with his head slightly lowered. After Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun behind him took a look, he directly shook the whisk on his hands, and an invisible force directly supported the two of them.

Lin Kaiyun became more and more determined at this time. This old Taoist priest is definitely very powerful, and he is very fortunate that he had asked Mo Ya and her guards to temporarily settle in other places.

Otherwise, the old Taoist priest would definitely see through the reality of Mo Ya and the bone guards.

Just when Lin Kaiyun secretly looked at the old Taoist priest in his heart, the old Taoist priest looked at him directly, and said slowly,

"Boy, come to me."

Lin Kaiyun was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, walked directly in front of the old Taoist priest, cupped his hands,

"Uncle Grand Master, my name is Lin Kaiyun!"

The old Taoist nodded, and instead of responding to Lin Kaiyun, he looked at Lin Jiu and asked,

"Xiao Jiu, is this your big apprentice?"

Lin Jiu nodded and replied directly,

"Uncle Hui, it is my great apprentice Lin Kaiyun, this time I brought him here to participate in the inner sect competition."

The old Taoist raised his hand, touched Lin Kaiyun's shoulder, and said to himself,

"He has a strong body, aptitude, and talent, but unfortunately, his mind is not calm enough."

Although Lin Jiu tried his best not to express his emotions, he did not escape the old Taoist's eyes.

"Your aptitude is also excellent, but it's a pity that your temperament is not enough. If you can have a normal heart, then your future achievements will definitely not stop there. However, you don't need to worry too much now."

"Thank you for your teaching, Grand Master Uncle, I will definitely keep it in mind."

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