Lin Kaiyun roasted these internal organs with flames, and after a while, the smell of meat filled the air and floated in the air.


There were loud sounds from Lin Kaiyun's stomach.

Feeling the protest from his stomach, Lin Kaiyun also sped up his movements, grilled the rest of the meat, and began to enjoy it.

"Although I didn't eat it! But it tastes good."

Lin Kaiyun was feeling emotional while eating the barbecue.

At this moment, suddenly, a tiger roar resounded from not far away.

Lin Kaiyun was stunned for a moment, then raised his head, only to see a huge wild wolf rushing towards him on the mountain in the distance.

This wild wolf is more than ten meters long. Its mane is like steel needles. It is extremely sharp. Its eyes are blood red and its fangs are cold. the taste of.

It opened its bloody mouth wide, as if it was preparing to swallow Lin Kaiyun in one gulp.

"Is this a wolf?"

Lin Kaiyun's expression changed slightly.

"It seems that the wild boar I roasted attracted you?"

Lin Kaiyun looked at the delicious food in his hand, and guessed the reason why the wild wolf appeared.

"Don't worry, wait until I finish eating."

Lin Kaiyun turned his head and yelled at the wild wolf, then lowered his head and started eating.


A roar sounded, and this huge wild wolf rushed over suddenly, and directly grabbed Lin Kaiyun's shoulder with one paw.

"court death!"

Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, his figure flickered, and he avoided it directly.

However, this wild wolf's attack was in hot pursuit, and he relentlessly attacked and killed him again.

"Hmph, you want to sneak attack me? Dreaming!"

Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, waved his fist directly, and punched it.

The wild wolf was extremely flexible, its body drew a strange arc in the air, and easily dodged it.

Lin Kaiyun's figure fell to the ground, and after seeing this scene, his eyebrows frowned, not daring to be careless.

Because the speed displayed by the wild wolf was beyond his expectation.


Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, then his legs bent slightly, and his body jumped forward in an instant, rushing directly towards the wild wolf.

An afterimage was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, Lin Kaiyun had already come to the side of the wild wolf, and kicked his right foot fiercely. This time, he kicked the wolf to the ground directly.

Lin Kaiyun stood firm, looked down at the wild wolf, snorted coldly, and said:

"Bastard, you dare to sneak attack!!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he raised his left hand, ready to punch it down.


However, at this time, an angry roar sounded in Lin Kaiyun's ears, and then, there was a loud noise, Lin Kaiyun felt that he was blown away by a terrifying force and hit a big tree directly. Then fell hard to the ground again.



Lin Kaiyun sat down on the ground, feeling the severe pain, and couldn't help letting out a scream. His butt was about to explode, and he grinned in pain.

"My god! It hurts...."

"What a strange beast, this roar has such a powerful force."

Lin Kaiyun looked up at the wild wolf, and found that there were strange patterns flashing on its body, which seemed to be some kind of mark of Taoism.

"I said, why is it so powerful! So it's the content of the trial!"

Lin Kaiyun stood up, twisted his arms, and hooked his fingers at the wild wolf, "Come on!"


The wild wolf roared again, and then rushed towards Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, and rushed towards the wolf again.


The wild wolf roared again, and slashed its paw towards Lin Kaiyun's head.

"court death!"

There was a cold murderous intent in Lin Kaiyun's eyes, he clenched his right fist, and then faced the wild wolf's paw.

With a bang, they collided together, making the sound of gold and iron, and the wild wolf was immediately shaken back.


Lin Kaiyun was surprised.

The power of this wild wolf is even stronger than he imagined.

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Since you want to fight me so much, then I will satisfy you and let me send you back to the west!"

Lin Kaiyun's eyes burst out with a ray of light, and he swung his arm violently, and the gossip seal emerged.

"Bagua empty palm!"

Immediately, the palm grabbed at the wolf.


A sharp gust of wind rang out, the fur on the wolf's body was torn apart, and blood sprayed out.

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