
Li Bold's daughter-in-law looked at Li Bold in surprise, this Li Bold pulls Mr. Zhang's cart every day, does he really know him?However, at this time, I can’t control so much anymore, and it’s worth continuing to write down, "You are still young, why do you seem to be seven or 80 years old, you accompanied me to the street a few days ago, and when you saw it, you said it looked good at the time .You forgot even that."

Li Bold's memory is really not that good, he just saw this hat in the morning, but now he can't remember it at all, so it's possible that he was fooled into such a state, and he didn't even notice it at all.

"I was thinking about you so much, but you came back for no reason and wronged me. Let's live a good life, but why don't you and I just let it go?" Li Bold's daughter-in-law said, crying again, even He also pointed at Li Bold's nose.

Where did Li Bold have experienced such a situation, he put the hat in his hand aside in an instant, and threw the wooden stick aside, instead coaxing his daughter-in-law.

Such Li Bold's daughter-in-law couldn't help but smile a little in her heart, this big fool is really a fool.This matter was prevaricated by Li Bold's daughter-in-law.

at the same time,

Master Zhang has also returned to his house, and the excitement in his heart has not passed.Sitting on the main seat in the hall, he drank tea leisurely.

However, after what happened just now, in addition to being excited, Mr. Zhang also had a little bit of fear.If he was really blocked in the room by that big fool Li Bold just now, then Li Bold might really beat himself to death.Because Master Zhang knew that Li Bold still had some kung fu, and he was still very strong. If he really made a move, he was really not Li Bold's opponent, and he would only be beaten.

Seeing that Mr. Zhang came back, the butler was very discerning. He took a plate of snacks, put it in front of Mr. Zhang, and said respectfully, "Master, didn't you go to Li Bold's house today? Why did you come back so quickly? "

The speaker's surname was Yu, and he was a confidant of Mr. Zhang. He was very naughty. He could tell everything about Mr. Zhang, and the housekeeper knew everything about Mr. Zhang.

"Don't mention it, I'm doing something good. Who would have thought that Li Bold came back suddenly." Master Zhang said, and put the teacup in his hand heavily on the table.

"How could it be, master, didn't we send someone to keep an eye on Li Bold?" Steward Yu looked at Master Zhang suspiciously.

"That's right, I don't know what's going on, then Li Bold went crazy today and ran back suddenly. It seems that he came here on purpose to catch the rape." Master Zhang said, he couldn't think of the situation just now in his mind.

"Then have you been discovered?" Steward Yu asked hurriedly, his eyes full of worry.

"Haha, then you will underestimate me, Master Zhang." Master Zhang couldn't help laughing, and then continued, "I can let that big fool catch the current situation, and when he hears something wrong, he just takes the clothes and Just jumped out of the window and ran."

Speaking of this, Master Zhang couldn't help pausing, touched his head, looked at Steward Yu next to him, and said, "Butler Yu, I left in a hurry just now, and I accidentally left my hat on Li Bold's."

"Master, you don't have to worry. It doesn't matter if your name is engraved on the hat, even if it falls there." Butler Yu replied with a smile.

"I'm not worried about the hat. What I'm worried about is that when Li Bold saw the hat and forced him to question his wife, why not tell all about him? That would be difficult."

As Master Zhang said, the expression on his face became serious.Butler Yu laughed instead, "My lord, I don't think you need to worry so much. I can't guarantee it for other people, but I can guarantee it for this woman. That woman is thinking too much, and Li Bold must be fooling her." No problem."

"But I always feel that it's a little unsafe." Master Zhang said, but he also tightened up.It is also possible that Mr. Zhang has done something wrong, and he is very guilty.It was very exciting to fool around with Li Bold's daughter-in-law, but just now, it was also a reminder to myself that if things go wrong, wouldn't my reputation in Zhangshi Town be ruined?

"Master, do you mean?" Butler Yu has served Master Zhang by his side for many years, and he knows Master Zhang's temper well. Now that he hears Master Zhang's words, he knows that Master Zhang is worried about something.So speaking, he gestured on his neck, and then continued,

"Then let's deal with Li Bold directly, so as not to cause trouble in the future."

"You still understand me. Haha." Mr. Zhang smiled. What he didn't say was said by housekeeper Yu. There is such a person who understands his mind by his side, and he really lacks a lot of tongue.

Amidst the laughter, Master Zhang suddenly remembered something again, took a sip of tea and said, "Butler Yu, that Li Bold has great strength, and he still has some kung fu, so it's not that easy to deal with. If you make a move, then you can't take it casually Find someone."

Steward Yu thought about it for a moment, and couldn't help but have a very safe candidate in his mind. He respectfully said to Master Zhang, "Master, I have a good candidate here. I met not long ago. He is a Taoist priest from Maoshan."

"Maoshan? Taoist priests? Taoism?" Master Zhang repeated Yu Butler's words, and he couldn't help asking, "Is this reliable?"

"Yes, it's Maoshan Technique." Yu Butler said with certainty.

"Then let him try it out. What's his name?" Master Zhang asked.

"That man's name is Zhao Quan. He has a nickname, the God of Gamblers. Although everyone calls him the God of Gamblers, it's not because of how good he is at gambling, but because he never gambles and enjoys himself. He loses more and wins less. He asked me to borrow money yesterday, so he must have lost another bet. As long as we give us enough money, he will do anything."

Master Zhang was very happy when he heard these words, as long as it can be solved with money, it is not difficult.Master Zhang directly reached out and patted Steward Yu on the shoulder, and ordered, "House Steward Yu, just go ahead and do it. As long as this matter is done well, Master, I will reward you a lot."

Steward Yu was also very happy when he heard the reward, bowed deeply to Master Zhang and said, "Master, just please, I will arrange this matter for you."

After the housekeeper finished speaking, he withdrew.

On the other hand, Lin Kaiyun has also arrived at Yizhuang.Lin Kaiyun directly pushed the door open, and saw spider webs hanging everywhere on the eaves of the Yizhuang, and the yard was also overgrown with weeds.And the coffins here are nothing more than six or seven coffins placed here and there. There are even a lot of broken tree branches lying across the yard and falling on top of the coffins. They are so messy.

Seeing this scene, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but shook his head. This Yizhuang is simply incomparable with the Yizhuang in Renjia Town. The people in Zhangshi Town really don't respect the dead.

Therefore, Lin Kaiyun looked into the yard, but there was really no place to set foot.Sighing deeply, I threw a spell into the yard, and saw the spell land on a relatively flat place in my yard.

Lin Kaiyun clasped his palms together and said silently, "Hurry up like a law, get up."

As soon as Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he saw the charm hanging in mid-air burning.As the talisman was reduced to ashes, a small tornado revolved around the talisman at high speed, taking away the weeds on the ground.

At this time, Lin Kaiyun slowly walked into Yizhuang, calculated with his fingers, the time was almost up, and then manipulated the formation to hide himself.

When Lin Kaiyun thought of Li Bold's appearance, he was cheated on by others, and he was still helping others count the money, he was really stupid.I don't want to meet him, and I can help Li Bold by hiding myself in the dark.

The conversation was divided into two parts, Steward Yu took a large bag of silver and knocked on the door of Zhao Quan's house.

"Who is it?" Zhao Quan lost all his money before he gambled to his heart's content today, and his mood really fell to the bottom. When he came back from the gambling house, he heard someone call the door, which was called impatience.

"Brother, it's me, Housekeeper Yu from the Zhang family." Butler Yu reported his family name.

"Here we come." Zhao Quan jumped to the ground when he heard someone coming, and he opened the door with his shoes, and said to the butler with a smile, "Brother Yu, why are you so busy today, come to see me?"

"Of course it's a good thing to find you." As Steward Yu said, he lifted the heavy money bag in his hand high and dangled it twice in front of Zhao Quan's eyes.Of course, Steward Yu naturally pocketed part of the money Master Zhang gave, and then gave the rest to Zhao Quan.Butler Yu naturally wouldn't go too far, and the remaining money was naturally enough for Zhao Quan to do things for him.

When Zhao Quan saw Steward Yu's heavy money bag, his eyes lit up instantly.He directly pulled Steward Yu and walked into the room, "Brother, what's the matter, I'm looking for my brother, hurry up and invite me inside the room."

Zhao Quan took Steward Yu directly, sat down in the living room, and gave Steward Yu a bowl of water.For this person who wants to send money to himself, he still needs to take good care of it.

Chapter 490 The Bet

Butler Yu was not polite at this time either, he just sat on the chair, picked up the water and took a big gulp.

Zhao Quan also sat aside, and hurriedly asked Steward Yu why he was here.Butler Yu told Zhao Quan his request and the matter of killing Li Bold.

Zhao Quan frowned when he heard Steward Yu's words, "As a Maoshan Taoist priest, I absolutely cannot do such a thing that harms nature and disregards human life."

"It's not such an unreasonable thing, this time you take action, it is to solve the urgent need of others, and it is a great thing to help."

As Steward Yu spoke, he picked up the heavy money bag in his hand again, shook it twice, and pushed it in front of Zhao Quan, "Brother Zhao, if you really helped my master Zhang this time, it's just With a little kindness from Mr. Zhang, he will give a large amount of silver when things are done."

Before the housekeeper came here, he knew that Zhao Quan had lost a large sum of money in the gambling shop, and now was the time to frown.

Zhao Quan looked at the money in front of him, and felt a little relieved. This is what the housekeeper said. I also made this move to help others, to help others, and this is also a good thing.

Thinking about it, Zhao Quan reached out to pick up the money bag and put it in his arms, fearing that the housekeeper would take it away again.Zhao Quan smiled and said to Butler Yu,

"Then I will help you with this, brother."

"That's right, brother, can I still harm you?" After Yu Butler finished speaking, he pulled Zhao Quan's hand over, and the two began to plan.

By the way, Li is bold.I just carried my daughter-in-law at home and scolded me severely, feeling very depressed.In his mind, he was even more skeptical that the suffering had not been grasped with real evidence, coupled with the words of everyone, reminding Li boldly over and over again.This made Li Bolder, who was stupid, very aggrieved.


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